
Magic Eight Ball
Character Sheet:




Current Location:

What were they doing before the power went out:


Name: Oliver King

Age: 32

Gender: Male

Current Location: Texas

What were they doing before the power went out: He was just getting back from a tour in the military, he was a Gunnery Sergeant and was tasked as a marksman, now today, he hasn't touched a rifle in quite awhile. Nor is he looking for combat. Even though the power outtage was a tragedy in most cases, it was a blessing for him, since it kept him away from the battlefield that kept calling him back after suffering from PTSD, the reason why he was suffering was because his high confirmed kill count haunted him, and it still does.




Personality: A ruthless bastard whenever he is needed to be, calm and well centered in combat. A calm and clever person as well which makes him a quite fine leader whenever needed. He is also laid back and keeps to himself most of the time.
Maikeru said:
Name: Oliver King
Age: 32

Gender: Male

Current Location: Texas

What were they doing before the power went out: He was just getting back from a tour in the military, he was a Gunnery Sergeant and was tasked as a marksman, now today, he hasn't touched a rifle in quite awhile. Nor is he looking for combat. Even though the power outtage was a tragedy in most cases, it was a blessing for him, since it kept him away from the battlefield that kept calling him back after suffering from PTSD, the reason why he was suffering was because his high confirmed kill count haunted him, and it still does.




Personality: A ruthless bastard whenever he is needed to be, calm and well centered in combat. A calm and clever person as well which makes him a quite fine leader whenever needed. He is also laid back and keeps to himself most of the time.
Accepted !


Chris Smith





Current Location:

Indiana,Federal States of America

What were they doing before the power went out:

He was a millionaire owning a computer company before the power-went out he had a wife,kids,pets,cars,houses,and everything a man could ever ask for it was all taken away when the power went on and the Federal States of America rose to power, they executed his wife and kids and seized all of his property believing he was a threat to their power,when that happened, he joined a Rebel Cell, hoping to get revenge on the Federal States by restoring the US and bringing back democracy and freedom to North America




He is very nerdy and easily scared, but he knows he joined the Rebels for a cause and tries to do his part always,he is easily angered when thinking about the FSA when they took his family even though he knew he was not going to do anything to them so he is a very vengeful person but backs down when a gun is pointed at him.

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