I would just like to let everyone making characters know that the game is starting on the first of January 2020, so you can get your age and date of birth correct.
For a second there, I thought you were trying to make a joke that we would be starting the roleplay in eight years.
Name: John Lark

Gender: Male

Age and Date of Birth: 31, born on June 6th, 1989.

Height and Weight: 6'1", 180 lbs.

Appearance: Politely put, John looks archetypal. With well-trimmed, swept-back brown hair, olive eyes and very slightly pale skin, he seems like a respectable member of the community. What he hides under his starchy white shirt sleeve is a stylized quote tattooed on his upper arm: "Whoever will be free must make himself free." From the looks of it, you could reasonably assume that he works out regularly. He probably could beat up a few people if he wanted. John does not smile easily.

Profession: Chemical engineer

Education: Master of Science

Talent: As a chemical engineer working for the defense industry, John is more acquainted with explosives than others. Combined with his history as an anarchist activist in college, John might provide a bit of volatility for the team.

Motivation: "Whoever will be free must make himself free."


Growing up, John was as troublesome as a boy should be. He broke a bone twice and got carried off to the emergency room one time. His fish allergy sometimes caused him grief, but he and his parents learned to deal with it. In school, he excelled in science and mathematics, allowing him to take advanced classes compared to his peers. It seemed pretty set that he will become a scientist of some sort in the future. John, though, always put down "painter" as his future career though.

John's life started to veer off course when he became attached to one of the Larks' family friends. Ms. Lee saw John as a particularly precocious child. During their many conversations, the issue of social liberty and justice came up often. She was amused that the boy was actually able to understand what has been and is going on in the real world. To satisfy his curiosity, she bought him many books by respected thinkers and philosophers. One of them was The Ego and Its Own. This book impressed John deeply. Though, perhaps he misread the book or read it just the right way -- the idea of the state as the enemy began to affect the foundation of his own life philosophy.

After high school, John enrolled into a university a few ranks below the Ivy League schools. There, he met people who affirmed his budding anarchist beliefs. Soon they became the center of his social life, often discussing issues of the state power and individual freedom. All well and good. Compared to his peers, though, John became more and more... revolutionary, as his ideas developed within his mind. He often showed up in anti-establishmentarian rallies and, at one time, actually organized one. The Larks disliked this development, but being as loving as they are, they accepted him as he was.

That all changed, though, when he graduated. Jobs were harder to find than he previously thought. For a few years, he depended on his parents while working part time jobs. He didn't like the arrangement, but couldn't find anyone to blame but himself. By the time he applied to a middling graduate school to continue his academic career, he became a far tamer person.

After acquiring his master's degree and employment in a defense company, John's life has been pretty standard. He would go to work at 9, come home at 17 and celebrate payday once every month. He started to read more, though fiction and self-improvement books replaced most of his reading commitment. John was getting used to this being adult thing...

When he began to realize what had come to creep on his life and world, he picked up Max Stirner again. He remembered what he used to believe in ten years ago.

Since then, he has been angry.
eszett said:
...eszett's character...
Sorry I didn't respond sooner, I think this could be an interesting character. I'm just watching out for the possibility of having to many violently minded characters, which was not my original idea. But one or two we'll do just fine. Do you want me to give you pointers now or would you prefer I wait until you have posted it in the roleplays forum?

Also I can't even remember why I had education as a item in the character sheet, do you think I should remove it?
I suppose the Education section would indicate the level of academic achievement the characters have (or have not, as the choice may be) made. In game terms, it would indicate how 'visible' they could be to the big corporations. Masters and PhD holders would have had to submit theses and dissertations which would likely have been published, their educational histories can be traced, their professional affiliations can be monitored and the thrust of their core beliefs can be ascertained from the way they have conducted their research and written whatever papers they have authored.

I'm imagining Mark Stirling's certainly published a few papers, co-authored and assisted on other works while studying, as well as during his freelancing work.

Captain Hesperus
Name: Ryrsson Contagg

Concept: Fringe Specialist – A modern-day frontiersman or woodsman.

Gender: Male

Age: 35

Height and Weight:
6' 3', 229 pounds.

A stout gentleman, Ryrsson is a true blooded German, with powerful arms, thick legs, and the square, blunt face that suggests he spends his weekends in Lederhosen, downing stein after stein of beer between bites of blood sausage. A generally nice enough looking guy, he's been looking more tired than usual lately. He has a large scar along his cheek, along with two more down his arm and across his chest, which mark the spot of his brief love affair with a large automatic hacksaw, whom he soon left for his true love, his personal saw. This, plus his giant appearance and powerful ways, make him a force to be reckoned with.


“Production Technician,” and occasional positions of management, for Magnus, Incorporated – A large raw materials production company based in New York.


Bachelor's degree in Industrial Engineering. Lots of work experience. Hundreds of odd seminars. Seven federal accreditation programs.


Ryrsson is one of the nation's most talented engineers – However, his talents lie not in typical fields such as automotive or computer, but in fringe roles suited to his profession. As an officially designated “Production Technician,” Ryrsson is charged with keeping the harsh production lands of the nation's industry in good, working order. His specialty is deep-water applications, having served extensive time on oil rigs around the oceans of the United States. He has a near god-like talent with all the fields one would expect an oil boss to possess: He is extremely proficient with metal working and repair. Engines are his play-things, and he can deconstruct and reconstruct most mechanical devices in minutes. He is incredible with heavy machinery, treating anything from a backhoe to a chainsaw as a graceful instrument of art. He has surprising proficiency with electronics and circuits: although knowing jack about programming and data theory, Ryrsson can cobble together a remote hacksaw with ease. He is also fairly well versed in a few oddball fields of chemistry – Testing for minerals, protecting against corrosion, treating stains, sealing leaks, and so on. Aside from this, he is very good at a number of other, simple things – simple medicine for workplace injuries, climbing and rappelling for working suspended beneath a rig, swimming and diving, for those times when safety gear doesn't work right. Ryrsson is also a good fighter: a member of a boxing, wrestling, and shooting club, Ryrsson can bring the pain when he wants, which has proven very useful aboard oil wells, where he is subject to attack from thieves, vandals, terrorists, and hippies.

Un-Talent: Ryrsson knows absolutely nothing about advanced data theory and is very out of place in a modern city. Ryrsson is also dirt poor, suffers from mild post-traumatic stress disorder after his workplace 'accident', and is a federally registered member of everything, having dutifully filled out every government form sent his way before his little incident.

Motivation: Ryrsson has a bone to pick, particularly with his own company Magnus, but also with the mega corporations that run the place.

Ryrsson's history begins a few months before his actual shift to 'crime' and rebellion. With an extensive history of good working hours, including hundreds of small workplace innovations, and a number of larger pieces of equipment invented and used exclusively by Ryrsson (being the only person qualified and crazy enough to use them), Ryrsson was quickly rising up the ranks. Meanwhile, Magnus was loosing money, fast, with empty drill after empty drill resulting in miscalculated profits, more and more lagging in the red. Desperate to stay afloat, the company management resorted to underhanded tactics, including a complete disregard for worker safety.

This impacted Ryrsson in a few ways. First of all, it meant that his platform maintenance crews, already down to only a few men, dwindled down to none at all, with only Ryrsson being left behind when the helicopter left for the day. Spending longer hours on the job, Ryrsson was forced to do the work of ten-man teams, forcing his expertise into overdrive, and undoubtedly contributing to his mastery of his trade today. Not only, but his company supervisors turned a blind eye to his experiments, allowing his continuing adventures with a better pyrotechnic agent, or a safer plasma arc saw, to continue in the small workshops aboard the platforms. However, the advantages of solitude would slowly end, and eventually, in fire. As talented as he was, Ryrsson was no magician, and he was unable to completely make up for the lack of manpower aboard the stations. Even the mightiest of men is no match for a fully equipped drilling rig, and Ryrsson soon found that they could become even more demanding than he had expected. Pulled thick and thin, Ryrsson became unstable, driven by a devotion to his trade, but stretched to the edge, spending weeks at a time alone at sea, with only his machines for company. But what truly ended his career was the infamous Tarrack II incident, by now all over the New York media and perhaps even in international news.

The Tarrack II was a large, unmanned offshore facility, which processed the oil from a number of underwater wellheads. After a series of electrical faults, Ryrsson and a small team was dispatched to investigate the damage, making this one of the first times in years he had worked with a large team. What made this change different, however, was the introduction of an unmanned diving system to replace the traditional manned diving inspection: completely automated, it was being planned as a publicity stunt to champion the latest advances in autonomous equipment, featuring technologies from Avlon Corp., making it a significant investment both on their part and on the part of Magnus, which secretly hoped to replace all employees, including Ryrsson, with the robots.

Robots and the finest technician money can hire couldn't save the platform. Victim of faulty parts and no inspection for years, the platform reacted to attempts of maintenance with its own fiery rage, first only creaking and swaying slightly, then with misfiring of equipment and the shutdown of the on-board refinery, then finally, a great fire and massive explosion that consumed the plant. Ryrsson tried his valiant best, managing to save almost three of his workers. However, the rest of the rescue effort did little to help, especially when the autonomous robot opened up the safety valve below the sea to full force, allowing the full pressure of the well to feed the blaze.

The explosion destroyed three helicopters, a small support ship, and the entire of the station. Ryrsson narrowly escaped in a life raft, and drifted at sea for almost three days before he was found and rescued by commercial fishermen. Once back on land, he found that he had not been hailed as a hero, or even a victim, but was a wanted man: Avlon, unwilling to write off their robot's actions as a malfunction, had accused him and his fellow engineers of industrial sabotage, with the motive being to protect their jobs. With billions of dollars in damage to his name, and the accused murder of almost a hundred people, Ryrsson had gone from esteemed engineer to dangerous criminal in a matter of days. Perhaps in other circumstances, his crime would have been to ridiculous for one man, but who would go against Avlon? The company won the instant they published the accusation, and besides, they owned the investigatory commission. Most of his buddies had already been locked away for life, and it was a matter of time before they found Ryrsson, too. With nothing left, he took to the road, fleeing across the country.


Ryrsson comes from a long line of men on the job – his father was a heavy-duty construction worker much like himself, and his mother, a nuclear diver. The two met whilst deconstructing a Cold-War era reactor, and after a few more jobs together, were soon living together in a small apartment on West End Street. To say that they lacked money would be unkind: these were honest, hard working people, who had discovered that, no matter how much money you could make in a cubicle, it doesn't beat watching a nuclear dome explode.

Ryrsson was the second of three children, and had a typical working-class life. Sent to elementary school every day, and staying there until his parents came to get him from after-school at five, Ryrsson quickly became a people person, the kid that everybody knew, and to whose birthday party everybody wanted to go to. As a side note, Ryrsson's birthday parties were often 'Awesomeee!' 'Super cool!' and 'Wow!' to quote some of his classmates, featuring model rockets, diving challenges, and extreme sports. Ryrsson grew up a good student, not excelling through any natural aptitude, but through his dedication to his work, and through his willingness to talk to teachers whenever he had a problem.

Ryrsson's not-school life was a crazy time. From a family of capable people, weekends were often 'Redneck' and 'German' in quality, featuring hunting, smoking meats, and fixing the Volkswagen, and Ryrsson became good at these tasks from an early age. The events were often huge, and attracted the entirety of the German-American community, which meant a huge collection of big people, running around, eating meat, drinking beer, and watching stuff explode. Ryrsson was featured on television once, on a show about the rough country life.

In high school, Ryrsson joined the football team, and quickly became a star player, his huge physique making him amazing defense, and earning him the name, “Berlin Wall.” The champion took his prowess to wrestling and boxing as well, a fury in the ring, whose might was unmatched. Outside of sports, however, he was renowned for being a great guy all around, to anybody regardless of who they are. He had friends in the nerd circles, in the theatre, in the band room, and in the art club. Everybody knew who he was, and everybody was happy to talk to him, the big, friendly German who always had time to hear your problems. It surprised nobody that he won the spirit award.

Moving on in life, Ryrsson entered into the construction business, before surprising everybody, and after a year of work, took a seat at the local college. This was great news for his parents who celebrated their son's advancement with gusto. For them, a higher education was what allowed them to move above grunt workers, and he was aware of this, taking his acceptance as a great blessing. With clear direction in his life (Where else to but to the heavy duty industries?) Ryrsson traveled up the ladder as far as his Bachelor's degree, a great achievement for him, and something that propelled him right into the workplace at Magnus, a company who hired his mother quite often, and for whom his father had worked many times. Magnus was in the family, and on their off days, the family often wore Magnus tee-shirts while drinking out of Magnus mugs, at the family cook out or beach day. Thanks to the connections his mother had made, Ryrsson was able to get a higher job faster than usual, landing work aboard an oil platform almost three months into the job, a record for the company. The oil boss aboard the platform was Ryrsson's first great teacher, a rough, no-easy-love hunk of a man who, after a few rough moments, soon became a great mentor and leader for the young man. It was this great gentleman who first helped Ryrsson clear his fear of heights (by pushing him over the edge of the platform strapped into safety gear), and taught him that, no matter what problems you face or fears you have, “It ain't worth shit unless yer doin' something about it.”

From there, Ryrsson took off, working hard and long, and developing the skills he needed, soon becoming as skilled as his first boss, and then some.

Oddball Notes:

Ryrsson's most prized possession is his Baztek P400 Heavy-Duty Universal Abrasive Saw, or “Shräge Musik,” short version “Shrage,” a reference to the unique roar of its engine, and German night fighters during WWII. The machine has long been out of production, and its unique blend of extreme performance and complete disregard for safety make it one of the best saws Ryrsson has ever handled.

Author's Notes:

Wow, just wow, incredible stuff. I do have some things I want to point out though, but I would prefer if we would could deal with this in the forum. So Doc, go ahead and post this stuff in the "character profiles" forum and I'll respond to it as fast as I can.
So yeah, everyone head on over here and post your character, so we can start this crapodium as soon as possible :D
For everyone who's uncertain whether they can join this roleplay or not:

It's always joinable, information on how to join can be found in the 2020 forum (link in the post above and in the original post of this thread), read the introduction.
A changelog was added, to keep changes of the presentation available.
I'm going to change the whole character creation process around soon as we have almost passed the intro in the RP. I'm going to introduce a new group for new members to join as well.
Still bumping the shits out of this, still looking for new faces, still recruiting. Everyone's welcome!
The prologue is almost over, that means it's a great time to submit characters to join before the the actual story starts. Hallelujah!

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