RIP Doctor Calgori (2012-2017)

The year is 2020 and corporations rule the world. In America one reign supreme, the Avlon Corporation. They know what you eat for breakfast, where you bought that hockey club last week and which side of the bed your wife sleeps on. Privacy is a long lost term. If you protest or raise your voice you loose your tongue, if you're a good citizen, you get rewarded. Almost everyone lives their lives, washes their car and goes to work. Almost everyone remains silent and almost everyone folds under the rule of the corporations.

Everyone but one...

Jason Adams, recognized computer genius and a co-founder of the Avlon Corporation is bringing together a group of individuals to fight Avlon called The Excellent Few. One of those, is you. Wherever and whoever you might be, Jason and his Excellent Few wants you to join them...

2020 is a modern day thriller, set in a very near future, about how extraordinary individuals put everything on the line to save themselves or others. Who is who and what is what? Who is right and who is wrong? Nothing is black and white.

Welcome to New York city, 2020.

[QUOTE="Captain Hesperus]This sounds

I'm interested. :)

Captain Hesperus

[/QUOTE]I actually don't play video games now days, so I hadn't seen it. But my friend told me about the game yesterday so yes, it is influenced, slightly, slightly! Okay, a lot, by the game.
[QUOTE="Doctor Calgori]I'm in, with Safe House gone I need my daily dose of Medel filled somehow else.

[/QUOTE]One daily dosage coming right up :D
And Doc. I'm going to read your TAAAAAAANK! RP as soon as possible, but it's just so damn long ;) To much effort man! And when will we see Gauss!?
Gauss! will be coming up in a few days, I need to finish up the canonical codex - all the history stuff. Although I'm tempted to have a "prelude" started while I finish up the city, something that doesn't affect the actual plot line but lets you develop your character.

Taaaaaaaank!!! is ridiculous, I don't know when that'll be off the ground, but it's there for your consideration :]

And to keep this post on task, already starting a character. I be excited for this :D
A lot of interesting RP ideas around lately.

All I can say to joining this though, is 'Maybe', I'll have to wait to the "There will be a information database sub-forum where every little detail will be explained, for those who are interested." before I can decide for sure. ;)

I'm interested. o_o Though I've never got to play in freeform format before (applied to one, but not sure when I'll get approved)... This sounds like a trite character concept for the setting, but how does a chemical engineer-turned-"freedom fighter" (read as: anarchist terrorist) sound?
Ahhh! Chemical engineer! I was just thinking that!

Don't let that change your idea, though, I have backups xD Great minds think alike, they say. Also, freeform's pretty nifty, I think you'll like it when you get the hang of it.

Medel, how liberal can we get with these characters? Does the creation of a smaller, fringe company infringe on your DM powers? I have an idea here but I dunno if it'll fly
I just have the image of a gruffy 30-something in ragged white shirts and dirty dark-gray slacks walking away from an explosion stuck in my head. =p Probably mumbling something about his ruined suit.

I'll think about other concepts also, though, seeing as how I've already submitted a violent character somewhere else.
We could always specialize into different sub-categories, chemistry is a huge field :D

Also, yes, variation is always good too. Also hoping to see more of your Mega character, might have to submit my own killer just to chill with the rest of you criminals, because that's where the fun is at, it seems...Medel I'm looking at you too!
[QUOTE="Doctor Calgori]Gauss! will be coming up in a few days, I need to finish up the canonical codex - all the history stuff. Although I'm tempted to have a "prelude" started while I finish up the city, something that doesn't affect the actual plot line but lets you develop your character.
Taaaaaaaank!!! is ridiculous, I don't know when that'll be off the ground, but it's there for your consideration :]

And to keep this post on task, already starting a character. I be excited for this :D

1. Do want "prelude".

2. Do want ridiculous.

3. Do want character.


[QUOTE="Laréo Vi Finlandia]A lot of interesting RP ideas around lately.
All I can say to joining this though, is 'Maybe', I'll have to wait to the "There will be a information database sub-forum where every little detail will be explained, for those who are interested." before I can decide for sure. ;)

Understandable, I will be looking forward to you reading that. I have a passion for creating fluff and all that surrounds the players in great detail.

eszett said:
I'm interested. o_o Though I've never got to play in freeform format before (applied to one, but not sure when I'll get approved)... This sounds like a trite character concept for the setting, but how does a chemical engineer-turned-"freedom fighter" (read as: anarchist terrorist) sound?
My Swedish mind is actually not sure what "trite" means. And if you're talking about your own character? If you are then I think it's sounds good. Though my idea was that Jason Adams is the person that turns the PCs into freedom fighters by sending his message but if you want to be a freedom fighter before that happens then I don't see a problem with it.

[QUOTE="Doctor Calgori]Ahhh! Chemical engineer! I was just thinking that!
Don't let that change your idea, though, I have backups xD Great minds think alike, they say. Also, freeform's pretty nifty, I think you'll like it when you get the hang of it.

Medel, how liberal can we get with these characters? Does the creation of a smaller, fringe company infringe on your DM powers? I have an idea here but I dunno if it'll fly

You can be pretty liberal as long as it's good. But keep in mind the word is pretty similar to ours, there are no flying cars or lazer guns (that might be obvious). Tell me about your idea and I'll tell you if it flies or not.

[QUOTE="Doctor Calgori]We could always specialize into different sub-categories, chemistry is a huge field :D
Also, yes, variation is always good too. Also hoping to see more of your Mega character, might have to submit my own killer just to chill with the rest of you criminals, because that's where the fun is at, it seems...Medel I'm looking at you too!

[QUOTE="Doctor Calgori]We could always specialize into different sub-categories, chemistry is a huge field :D
Also, yes, variation is always good too. Also hoping to see more of your Mega character, might have to submit my own killer just to chill with the rest of you criminals, because that's where the fun is at, it seems...Medel I'm looking at you too!

Hey don't look at me, whenever have I made a violent character ;)
"Trite" means "too frequently seen" =p

Well, if I do end up with the chemist guy, it could be that he saw the offer as a way to release his id. Probably wouldn't be too important beforehand. Would have been a docile wage slave, most likely.
eszett said:
"Trite" means "too frequently seen" =p
Well, if I do end up with the chemist guy, it could be that he saw the offer as a way to release his id. Probably wouldn't be too important beforehand. Would have been a docile wage slave, most likely.
Aha, yes perhaps it isn't very unique but I am in no way limiting character creation, you can go crazy as long as it fits. He saw the offer as a chance to start a new life under a new identity?
I have a concept for you:

Name: Mark Stirling
Gender: Male

Age: 34

Height and Weight: 5’8” (1.72m) 143lbs (65kg)

Appearance:Wiry and underdeveloped physique, long slender limbs, fingers and toes, long dark brown slightly curly hair (normally in a pony tail), beard and moustache, brown eyes.

Profession: Network defense software developer.

Education: Masters degrees in a variety of computer and programming related fields.

Talent: Intimate knowledge of network architecture, defensive and intrusion software, hacking, programming.

Motivation: Find out what happened to his girlfriend.

History: Mark was a prodigy from his earliest days, computers and their languages just seemed to be as easy to understand to him as English was to everyone else. By the age of twelve, he had constructed his first program, a simple alarm which would trigger when specific files were accessed. By fifteen, he’d constructed a real-time anti-virus detection and quarantine program and by 18, he’d compiled a database of almost a half million viruses that he could successfully negate.

It was unsurprising that he was later assessed to be a higher-functioning autistic. Mark accepted the awkwardness he felt in social situations since it allowed him to achieve incomparable task focus and multi-tasking abilities. He was able to devote 100% of his attention to the problem at hand and simultaneously number-crunch, generate and compile code on two or more different computers, much like Rick Wakeman and his keyboards. His ability to assess situations and devise strategies was legendary in the wargaming society he joined in college, but at times sensory overload would visit him with crushing and debilitating migraines which would leave him incapable of performing even basic tasks.

He went to a variety of colleges and universities, studying for his degrees in the art and science of computer programming, with an emphasis on defending systems from infiltration. His knowledge of the vast majority of operating systems and their vulnerabilities meant he was almost immediately snapped up by corporate security consultants as a freelancer to assist with highlighting flaws in their clients' solutions.

It was during his last degree he met Emily. She was an American in the UK on an exchange scheme, studying Journalism. They hit it off almost immediately, drifting from casual friends to lovers to partners. Unfortunately, Emily wanted a career before a family and, after her exchange year completed, she was determined to return to the States. She said that she was getting a job as an intern at the New York Times and if she could get a big story, then a great career would be laid out before her.

They continued to correspond, by e-mail and video conferencing, even when Mark was ejected from his Doctorate due to a misunderstanding regarding the University’s online security and his almost universal ability to side-step it. Then, Emily’s e-mails started to take on a more serious note. She had stumbled across evidence linking a ‘major corporate player in the States’ to controlling influential politicians and high-ranking members of the US military. Her e-mails became more sporadic, each offering hints of the people she was investigating but never outright naming them, until they stopped altogether. It was almost a month before Mark got one final e-mail from her, which said:

“It’s all true! Oh god, what have I gotten myself involved in. They know about me, they’re coming after me. I’ve seen them following me. You must help me, please!”

After that, he got nothing further and his responding e-mail was returned, failed delivery. Mark made a decision, he packed up and took the first flight to New York. On arrival, he sought out Emily’s apartment, and was shocked to discover that everything electronic had been removed, from her computer down to the coffee maker. The police could find no sign of a break-in, or indeed any signs of trace evidence. They filed a Missing Person report and promptly forgot about Emily and Mark. Emily’s supervisor at the NYT hadn’t seen her in weeks, and her office yielded no clues. Mark started to despair when he suddenly received a text message:

“I know about Emily and what happened to her. Come to the 50/50 Club on 5th Avenue tonight.”
An interesting and exciting concept you have there. Thanks for reminding me of adding age and DOB to the sheet, silly me. Anyhow the last thing gave me an idea, with the text message. I'm adding that. Actually that just gave me an incredibly awesome super idea. Thank you for that.

I think the character can be fleshed out a little but I don't have any immediate objections, well done.
Medel, if I create a smaller company as a backdrop to my character, would it be too much to ask that it be folded into the story? It really fits! I'll have details when I have my character sheet posted.

Also Captain beat me for character sheet time...I blame all these YouTube videos....
This was a rough concept to show willingness. Where would you like me to flesh it out?

Captain Hesperus
[QUOTE="Doctor Calgori]Medel, if I create a smaller company as a backdrop to my character, would it be too much to ask that it be folded into the story? It really fits! I'll have details when I have my character sheet posted.
Also Captain beat me for character sheet time...I blame all these YouTube videos....

Yes of course! But there's a risk that I would ask you to change things about it.

[QUOTE="Captain Hesperus]This was a rough concept to show willingness. Where would you like me to flesh it out?
Captain Hesperus

That was just me saying "there's always room for improvement". I really think your character concept looks interesting. I think exactly what experience he has and what he's capable of can be touched upon. And eyecolor! Are you insane?! Heretic! A character can not exist without eyecolor! ;)

Edit: @Laero Why I don't want to say to much right now is because no one really knows how these corporations operate and that's information I want the players to discover. I'm going to add entries to the database depending on what the player encounters. Say this was a fantasy RP and the players met the great black dragon of the nether lands ( :D ). I would then add an entry to the database about how the dragon works, where it lives, where it comes from, what type of fire it breathes, etc. So that people who are interested can learn more.
Savant said:
I'll join this, it's a really interesting concept.
Cool, cool, cool.

So anyone will have to correct me if I'm wrong, but these are the players I'm counting as "in":

Captain Hesperus

Doctor Calgori



That would give us 4/4 players which was my initial goal.

I guess I'm ready to have this approved. Thanks for helping out guys!
There's going to be dragons? In that case, better bring the Nomex bodysuits...

Captain Hesperus
medelsvensson, this roleplay has been approved and you may now proceed to the cartographer's table where you may make your requests and the such.

I would join this but I don't know the first thing about doing roleplays on this site, as I tend to roleplay or write stories by myself.

So if you could PM me or something on how to do this I will more than likely join. I know this seems weird as we are on a roleplaying site.
It would be better if you PM'd me any questions you have. I would gladly help you with joining this roleplay and any other questions you might have.

This roleplay was just approved so it's right now in the setting up state.

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