1x1x1x1 Jess, Britt, Twi and Exa [Inactive]

Name: Shane Freeheart

Gender: Male

Age: 22

Disability(mental): Has times where he blacks out and does things not under is control due to being bit by a turning zombie then making him immune to fully turning. So, he's essentially always turning but will never get there outside of his mind.

Personality: Spiritual, Peaceful, Happy and Clear-minded (But, will kill a zombie when needed :3 )

Bio: Shane grew up a troubled child. Some would unrightfully had called him "emo" at the time. He wasn't much of a people person either, after his parents left him at 13 he went to live with his sister in North Georgia. While there he underwent a process that many people don't have the pleasure of experiencing until near death in their life, Spiritual Enlightenment. After years of self conflict between his mind and his soul he mastered the art of peace. At 19 he left his sister and moved into the city for he very much enjoyed the feeling of being around and communicating with people, he visits his sister very often now. At 21 he became a spiritual teacher and began to be known as The Sage around town. His wisdom and connection with people made it very easy to help people through tough life problems. Just before the outbreak he was considering looking for a mate although not many people equal up to his expectations...In theory he was looking for someone like his sister although, anyone enlightened to the same degree as him would do. Sadly most of those people were going around eating each others faces. After going to visit his sister one day and seeing her dead body laying around with a group of zombies he swore to find out what caused the outbreak at all cost.

Appearance: One on the right


Skills: Insight and Judgement. (Whatever Shane says is usually very true although sometimes other may find it tricky to understand what he means.)

Weapons: Reinforced broken guitar and boomerang. :3
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Name: Elizabeth Larson (Lizzy or Liz)

Gender: Female

Age: 19

Disability(mental): Lizzy has severe ADHD and ADD, causing her to be unfocused a lot of the time.

Personality: Fun, easily distracted, snarky, a little crazy, would be romantic, but can't focus long enough to make any impression. Lizzy is easily bored and always has to keep moving.

Bio: Liz lived in humble house with three older brothers and no sisters. She turned into an extreme tomboy and lived her life in almost fear of girlishness.



Skills: Brawling, fighting, making friends

Weapons: Katana, bow-staff, machete, pretty much ay knife she can get her hands on.
Name:Nichole kudo



mental disability:she is very ditzy and has a short term memory loss, she cant remember what she was going to say or do til a while later. She was dropped on her head when she was little.

Personality:shy, kinda quiet, is a true friend, loves sweets, animals and will give her life for them and her loved ones. She will be there to help her friends and will try to show no fear when killing zombies.

Bio: Nichole grew up in a happy home, but that all changed when the disease spread to her family. So she had to kill them before she was infected. She managed to save her puppy smokey.

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/Senica_zps9350c3c6.png.e79144f441c8a64a8f56ede6b6821946.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19995" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/Senica_zps9350c3c6.png.e79144f441c8a64a8f56ede6b6821946.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>just with black hair


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/cutecutepuppy.jpg.30b3bf698e76dd0b866190ad0c0e7174.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19996" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/cutecutepuppy.jpg.30b3bf698e76dd0b866190ad0c0e7174.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

skills:she took gymnastics so shes super flexible, shes fast and agile, can be as quiet as a mouse

weapon: a bow and arrow, back up is a katana



  • Senica_zps9350c3c6.png
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Name: Katie lee

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Disability(mental): (?)

Personality: Serious, reliable, trustworthy, truthful, quiet, planner.

Bio: no


Skills: Pick locking, slipping by zombies, jumping to high places. going through small spaces

Weapons: Sniper rifle and a pistol
K guys, I'll post first.

I am going to put an order to this so that people don't leave a person out and make 6 pages without a person.






If you guys want to change anything about the order, plz tell me. 
Lizzy sat up, her head pounding. Groaning, she crawled over to the edge of the building she was stationed on, her mind reeling.

Why is the ground black? Why is there a giant creator in the middle of the road? Where am I? Why am I on a roof? I'm hungry.

Having lost her train of thought, she laid down in the middle of the roof, desperately trying to remember what she was wondering before.

"Eeeek!" She fell through the roof, debris falling all around her.
Nichole sighed and petted smokey. She then walked up the staircase to the roof. They were in a sporting good shop. Smokey stayed by nichole's side. He growled softly at the zombies below alerting Nichole. Nichole nodded and pulled back her arrow and closed one eye aiming then shot one through the head. "Smokey down." Nichole said looking at him. He nodded and ran back down the stairs. Nichole kept watch then went down again. She sighed collasping onto the couch. Her black hair was in a ponytail.

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