1x1 with the prophet


One Thousand Club
(i cant be bothered to do form because i really hurt my shoulder, all the way down to my hand, so it hurts to type too much)))

Anyway, yeah, here it is...
Alrighty, I'll start, my warden is called lexi, and she looks like this:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/tumblr_mg4s889kmb1s2xz51o1_500.jpg.573083fc59dc7a1ca0ab0346c85accb4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="1082" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/tumblr_mg4s889kmb1s2xz51o1_500.jpg.573083fc59dc7a1ca0ab0346c85accb4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> (she looks young, because this is her first job as a warden, she's a rookie)

I'd just been given my new uniform, but I refused to wear the shoes, my rock boots were so much more comfy, I'd been breifed on my first job and was supposed to go down to his cell, I was 19, but tall.. And very strong for my age, witch is why they'd taken me on, I was utterly fearless too.. So I went down to the new kids cell and wavered outside "hey"

(my character is shaine as usual)))

I growled as i heard a voice outside of my room... Great... Not only was i here, but i couldnt be alone either... I sighed, curling up in a ball...
"But, I'm only 19, and look a little like I'm into the same stuff as you, you remind me of wedesday 13" I smiled softly, looking down at him
"I don't really think I'm meant to be telling you this, but you should be exited, you're getting kicked outa here soon!" I said, trying not to look into his eyes, knowing that it made him angry
(That's so sweet:3)

"Would you like to take a walk with me shaine?" I asked, coaxing him outside would be good.. He looked like he needed some air..

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