1x1 with GoddessOfGod and PhoenixRain


Computer Nerd

This is how we do it

La ra ra ra ra ra...

This is how we do it.

It's Friday night, and I feel all right

The party is here on the West side

So I reach for my 40 and I turn it up

Designated driver take the keys to my truck

Hit the shore 'cause I'm faded

Honeys in the street say, "Monty, yo we made it!"

It feels so good in my hood tonight

The summertime skirts and the guys in Kani

All the gang bangers forgot about the drive-by

You gotta get your groove on, before you go get paid

So tip up your cup and throw your hands up

And let me hear the party say

The people are dancing, the adults are having there fun and the children are playing around outside. The day has just begun and the air feels nice. The jukebox is playing it's tune and the kids are trying to get ten cents to by some candy. The dogs are off their leash and running around. The poilece are on patrol, and the detectives are sitting in their office eating nothing but fattening foods.​

I'm kinda buzzed and it's all because

(This is how we do it)

South Central does it like nobody does

(This is how we do it)

To all my neighbors you got much flavor

(This is how we do it)

Let's flip the track, bring the old school back

(This is how we do it)

You hear the music on all streets, as their radios turn up to 90. Their small t.v's switching from channel to channel. The sun rising and the night falling. Schools are in order and the adults go to work. You back in the old days, where everyone is on some sort of trend, music is shooting up through the charts, and you get candy for only ten cents.​

This is how we do it, all hands are in the air

And wave them from here to there

If you're an O.G. mack or a wanna-be player

You see the hood's been good to me

Ever since I was a lower-case G

But now I'm a big G. The girls see I got the money

A hundred-dollar bills y'all

Welcome to 1992 , in the city of Japan

Roshiro College

A college where all kids from poor to the richest children over New York. Most go to Kantario College but this school is well known for its teachers, and their study hall. Their lunches are superb along wit their after school activities. The hours range from 6 in the morning to 11 at night. You have an option of staying in the dorms or going home. The school also accept's class hand check for the students fee. If unable to aquire them they will allow you to pay in installments.​


Dorm room

These dorm rooms are big enough for two , students. Each has two king sized beds with dressers on each side. They each have a desk if their own for studies or any other activities. They have a bathroom that only have toilets, the showers are down the hall so they will have to take their belongings with them.​


After school activities

After school activities include things such as Tennis, track, Eco club, Biology club, Soccer, and so on. These are after school .They end when the captain says so but the if not then it ends at 11. If you have a meet or competition then you are allowed to be excused from class without any tardies.​

Other than the schools, and the dorms , you have the café, and other stores that you can go to.​

The best café to go to is the Sosha Café. They serve all sort of desserts and sweets to you liking. They have teas and beverages for all ages, and their cost is really cheap. It's only a few miles down the road from the dorms.​


Character skelly ( you must have one teacher and one student , each)

First Name:​

Last Name:​

Middle Name:​


Appearance (description if wanted):​

Teacher/Student (if teacher put your classroom number):​





Place of stay:​

First Name: Nero

Last Name: Shaw

Middle Name: Rin

Age: 18

Appearance (description if wanted):

Teacher/Student (if teacher put your classroom number): Studdent

Personality: Nero is a shy boy who hangs around his brother a lot. He doesn't do much with other kids and stays in his room for free time. He usually does archery after school, and hangs out with the captain there when his brother is working. When he isn't shy he likes to play around with other kids, and cook for them if they let him. Nero is your average shy boy who does what he's told most of the time but from time he'll blurt out what he truly feels.

History: Him and his brother have been together ever since there father left and their mother died. Nero had always been the shy ones, and he always followed his brother . He decided tofollow him to his college where he was enrolled ,with the headmasters graces, their lives are like any messed up life but they managed to get through it with prayers and each other.

Likes: Sweets, Archery, Cooking, Helping

Dislikes: Veggies, Girls that annoy him, Insects

Place of stay: Dorm room ( he bunks with his brother)

First Name: Rin

Last Name: Shaw

Middle Name: Chris

Age: 24

Appearance (description if wanted):

Teacher/Student (if teacher put your classroom number): Teacher

Personality: Rin Is a nice man who will listen to whatever you say. He had a dark side as well. If you get on his nerve he will push you away with in seconds, and treat you like your not even there. He tends to ignore those who think they know everything and they really don't. He takes care of his brother dearly and hates those who harm him. Other than his protective side he loves to mess around and invite you to different places

History:Him and his brother have been together ever since there father left and their mother died. Rin had always been the protective ones, and he always watched out for him. He decided to take him to his college where he was working ,and enrolled him with the headmasters graces, their lives are like any messed up life but they managed to get through it with prayers and each other.

Likes: sweets, Reading, Swimming, Helping, Music

Dislikes: Annoying people, Country music, Females that come on to him

Place of stay: Dorm room ( he bunks with his brother)
First name : Rain

Ladtname: Calahan

middle : Autumn


Looks : long jet black hair down her back with a slight curl. Her eyes are a pircing light ice blue with long thick eyelashes. She is quite toned and about 5ft2 .


personality : rain is a bull headed girl who is blunt and honest . She loves her little brother with everything she has and eill do anything to protect him. She specializes in knife fighting , but has put that aside to become a teacher. She has hopes and dreams for both her and her brother one day ..

History: she has become veru close to her little brother . She really don't like talking about her history to mucv so she tebda to try to avoid all questions about it .

likes :handsome men , romance , candy , lillys .

Dislikes : selfish people , ignorant people .. annoying people

staying :dorm with her brother


Last : Xabder

middle: Lee

looks : shade has medium dark hair wich he keeps spiked . His eyes are a very light green. He has the body of a surfer boy and the dress code of a prep.

personality :shade is shy and only talks a little . he enjoys surfing and being wiyh his sister. he likes ti help people. and listen to them when thet need it. he truly is a diamond in the rough.

history: after hiss parents died and rain took him in he really don't remember to mucv ...

age : 18

Likes : surfing . making friends .. being with his sister

dislikes: judgementle people .. bullies .. self absorbed people ..

staying : dorm with his sister .. 
As the alarm goes off Rain pushes the button to shut it off. She takes a quick shower annd gets dressed. Starting breakfast she then goes in and wakes up her younger brother . Gently nudgeing him she wispers "shade time for your first day of school . You don't want to be late."

Shade quickly jumps up and gets dressed . Grabbing a slice of toast while heading out of the door. He looks at Rain and smiles softly , his way of saying i love you. As he leaves wiyh his books in his hands he wounders around the halls looking for his locker .

After Rain finishing eating she grabs her things and heads to her class room. This to is her first day. She hopes her students like her. . As shecomes ti her roon and places her things on her deck she writes her name on the board . "Mis. Calahan" in a bold elagant writing . She then sits in her chair at her desk and waits for her studenta to arive .
"L wake up , i'ts time to go and I can't be late for my early class. " L wouldn't budge from his bed as he pushed him away lightly. " Not now." Rin shook his head as he crossed his arms. he looked around the room, annoyed as he searched for something to wake him up with. " Hmmm" He walked away from the bed toward the kitchen. "water" H said as he grabbed a cup and filled it with water. L heard the noise and turned in his head toward him. His eyes slowly opened as soon as the water hit his face waking him up. "wake up." L popped out of bed, while rubbing his eyes , trying to get the water out. " MEANIE" He hissed as he scooted out of bed pushing his brother away. " what if I pour water on you." He ran to the bathroom trying to get the water out of his eyes. " LOSER"
As shade wounderd around the halls he geard the bell ring. He sighed with a long annoyed sigh. He sat down in a nearby window seal and mumbled to himself "stupid new school .. why did she have to drag me along with her. I can't even fund my stupid locker in this place. " He stared out the window watching as the other students walked back and forth to class. He sighed agian and brushed his hair from his face.

As the students started to come into class. Not late yet, but actually early Rain was shocked. She said good morning to eatch student that came in and waited fir all of them to get there to introduce herself . As she sat in her chair waiting she noticed all the looks she was getting from her new class. Hearings some of them wisper she sighed siftly and begin to think to herself . " i hope they all like me. .. i wounder how Shade is doing."
"AHHHH" He was being tugged a long by his brother. Rin had and angry face on him, as he ran through the halls even though he wasn't supposed to. He looked through the different classes, to find his teacher. "Its all because you wanted to sleep late." L tugged on his own arm to break free. " but I don't want to go here." Rin looked back, as he growled. " but you are now hush." He scoffed as he found a class that was his. He stopped as he looked into one class, He walked up to the teacher. " please take care of him." He pushed up his glasses and tossed him tot he front as he jogged to the back, trying to catch himself from falling. All the girls screamed out his name with glee. "OH MY GOSH, RIN-SAMA HOW ARE YOUUUU, WE LOVE YOU." Rin nodded his head as he pointed to his brother . " sit and stay."

He ran out to the hall and up the stairs. " Sorry class for being late I am here now." He swung his bag toward his desk and bowed his head. " welcome all to a new year." He began to write his name down on the boar as he pushed up his glasses again. He smiled as she turned his head and pointed tot he class. " your going to love this."
As Shade heard a door. near him he slam open he decided to check it out . Maybe this teacher could help him fibd his way.. He held his books tight to his chest as he enterd the room. He slowly approached the male teacher and frowned softly . " sorry sir for interrupting but I'm lost.. i can't find anything here. " Shade turned a slight shade of red embarrassed by the fact he waps lost. P

As Rain smiled and slightly giggled under her breath of the student being thron into her class she said to him . " Its quite ok.. you aren't late for anything ." She then paused and introduced herself "class im miss. Calahan. Welcome. I'm your new teacher this year so lets all start off with some names." She then looked around as eatch student said there name . Looking to the yiung boy who had just came in she waited .
Rin looked down at the boy , as he gave him a soft smile. "lost huh ,well do you have a map , I can show you how the school works and everything, or I can draw you up one." He said as he handed out papers for student to write down themselves and their life so he could get to know the class well. He put his hand in his pocket as he pushed up his glasses. " see me after class and i'll help you with anything you need." He smiled as he patted him on his shoulder and continue to pass out papers.

The boy stood up and bowed his head nervously. He held his hand closed to his chest as he looked around the room. " I...I am L Shaw, and I am new here." He had nothing else to say so he sat back down , embarrassed by being thrown in such a class. He was so upset with his brother for throwing him into the class like that.
Shade. shurgged slightly and frowned not even knowing there was a school map. He looked at Rin and nodded in agreement as to comeing to see him after class. After then receiveing a map from the teacher he observed it carefully. Frowing in dissatisfaction , he still couldn't read the map. As he walked out the door trying to twist abd turn the map so maybe he could figure it out he let out a slight sigh. Frustrated he gasped and wrinkled his nose slightly. After about 10 minutes he finally found his class room.. wich happend to be the very room he was just in . He turned red slightly with embarrassment and took a seat in thr back. Trying not to interupt Rin anymore than he already had. He placed hos books on his desk and listen closley ..

Rain smilef softly at L and continued to walk to her desk . Grabbing papers she printed off the day before. They were neat looking papers that almost looked hand written in Rains eleagant hand writing . They had a name category aling with a brief history , and some of her favorite things. She thought it was only fair for her students to know her as well.

While passing out the papers she began to speak. "For those of you knew here.I'm new here myself and as well as my brother . Maybe some of yoy will get to know him. " She then went back to het desk and waited for the students to read. Ti see uf anyone had any questions .
Rin had done the same thing in his previous class. Gave all the people a wink and bowed his head. Although he handed out papers in his last class he decided to do something different for this one."Alright so for today to get to know everyone , each of you will ask three questions for one person when they come up to the board understand, no horse playing." He smiled at everyone. He took his seat and began to call students up for his little game of fun before starting off the real class.

l was hardly into writing, let alone answering questions that were personal. He was a little nervous when it told him to write about his history. He frowned , as he read on, about his mother and what do she do and his father and siblings. He held tightly on to his pen as he looked around the class. They were so energetic about this unlike him. Sadly he wrote only his name and age, leaving the rest blank so that no one would know about him. He'd rather become friends first then tell you about himself then just writing it down. He had pushed the paper forward in the corner of the desk then looked out the window. How was rin doing he thought, was he having fun or was he worrying about him. Whatever the reason it made him smil.
Ass Shade listened to the directions the teacher gave he walked.to the board when his name was called. He then thought for a moment .. and thought even longer. As the bell rang he put down the chalk and gatherd his books and waited for the teacher to be ready to talk to him.He really didn't line talking .. but he kinda neded the help. He waited patiencently for Rin ro be done

Rain collected the papers and frowned when she sae Ls paper. Sje smiled softly and looked down at him and gabe him a soft warm smile. She didnt say anything ealse as she didn't have the time as the bell rang and the children shot out of the class room door. She then placed all of the papers in her folder as she got ready to leave as well.
Rin smiled as he waved by to the kids and stood up from his chair. "Alright you need help , great my brother will be here any second , so I both can give you a tour of the school." He gathered his things and put them neatly onto the table , in the corner he like it. He crossed his legs as he began to write down tips for them both so they would know more from juts him telling them.

L quickly took his bag, following direct orders from what he was given before being thrown in to a class. He moved his hair from his eyes as he ran out then into the next one. He was tired as he held his chest and bent over panting . "here brother." Rin looked up and clapped as he smiled. "Great great."
Shade looked over at the other boy that had enterd the room and quickly turned away. He waited for Rin to give instructions .He was tired .. and board and more than ready to go home .. or to do something other than being here.

Rain grabbed her things and stopped turning into the room she had almost passed , before seeing her brother. She walked into the almost empy class and patted Shade on the back. "How was your first day?"she asked in her soft voice. She then looked to Rin and introduced herself. Befor turning to leave and go home she tur.turned and looked at Shade. "Don't be home to late.. and remember you still have school tomorrow ..

Shade looked at his sister and rolled his eyes. He then nodded slightly and frowned slightly. He than waited on Rin and L to be ready to do what ever it was Rin wanted him to do ...
Rin stood to his feet and smiled at them both."Ok I am going to give you a tour of the school, so you guys won't be lost. "He looked toward L with a glare. "And you, i'll be giving you a quiz when we get home, and if you don't know anything no dinner for you." L began to whine a little as he sulked on his own, tightly holding his books. Rin led them both out, first heading to the cafeteria then toward the other classes. He led them to the lab then the library and bathrooms even. He showed them the snack machines and the club rooms. The last stop was the archery club. "Here's the archery club."

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