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{Fairy Tail - related onexone}ā
Enca Government: The president of Enca is head of state, and the president is elected by the different districts from all four islands. Each district has a Magic Council Member representative, and they collectively oversee the guilds in the different provinces. Local government is small and mostly built of militia-style magic knights, who are called when needed but otherwise live the lives they want to. They just can't be a part of guilds because they have to be impartial to guild affairs.There are, of course, dark guilds, but most operate in discretion and severe secrecy because there was a crack-down on assassination and crime-related quests by the last few presidents.
Enca Geography: Enca is the main island, and the biggest land mass in the archipelago. The second largest island is Inari, and is most famous for its port towns and large inland forests and swaths of rolling hills and a mountain chain known as the Shigemi Mountains (for the rich, deep green forests that dot across it). The third island is Kasasagi, and the last island is Amanogawa.For the most part it is like modern-day Japan in terms of Architecture and flora/fauna.
Sin: Relations with the country of Sin across the Midian Straight (channel of water between them) has historically been rough, considering multiple wars have been waged between the countries both militia and wizarding guilds alike. It is no new news to the Encans that the Sinerians (jokingly called sinners) struggle to control their Dark Guild population etc. The past few years there has been tentative peace brokers between Sin and Enca... but it's shaky at best. The two countries don't see eye-to-eye often because Sin is a monarchy and their current King is very questionable in the past etc.Basically, the spoilers of Sin, is that they are a kingdom who allows Dark Guilds to exist so long as they pay a tithe to the king. The wealth and opulence of the capital is not matched anywhere else in the country. It's a well-hidden secret and it's how the king gets rid of opposition etc. and how they send crime into surrounding countries in the hopes that enough commotion will make them weak and susceptible to invasion so they can expand their borders (and the kings' wealth).
Magic Guilds in Enca: As an example, on the western side of the second largest town exists a fishing village by the name of Hitori. Hitori, while not a small town, doesn't have its own local wizard guild so their job requests got filtered out to the rest of the island. Most of the time, when a town or individual posts a job listing, they pay a small fee to the magic counsel for the distribution of the fliers, and it is regulated via importance and difficulty by the council itself. The president, the head of the council, does have some rights in terms of vetoing where job requests go where, but ultimately it was the will of the council to decide. Because Enca is an archipelago, most quests are placed in the guilds of its corresponding island, but they could pay an additional fee to have it distributed to all islands if particularly desperate, or if no takers were occurring from their current island. It helped build business and commerce between the archipelago.
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