1x1 Secret Garden (Zac & Blaine [Inactive]


New Member
Zac submitted a new role play:

1x1 Secret Garden (Zac & Blaine - One secret garden known by two beings

This garden has been left for years on end, one day two people stumble upon the untouched oasis. Amazingly enough the garden is magically taken care of but no one is ever around, could this be the most amazing place on the planet and is it really known by these two beings.
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Zac had been walking down this road yesterday and found this beautiful oasis of flowers and plants, he needed to show someone, but it had to be Blaine. He grabbed her by the hand and dragged her down the road, "you have to see this, but it has to stay between you and me" he said excitingly
Blaine was being dragged along by Zac. To where? She had no clue. "A secret between you and me? Like we don't have enough secrets together." She said with a laugh and followed Zac along. "But if you really want to keep this one a secret, then sure." She told him, a smile on her face. Just the thought of this was exciting her to no end.
Zac looked up and down the road to make sure no one was following, he wanted this place to remain as much a secret as anything. Slowly pushing in a plank of a fence he got a gush of fragrant air, the smell of the flowers were beautiful to the nose. Zac held Blaine's hand tight and helped her through the fence, "this is the place, I found it yesterday but no one was ever here" he said with excitement in his eyes.
Zac kept turning back every so often, hoping no one was following them. 'Wow, he must really want this to be a secret.' Blaine thought to herself. As Zac pushed a plank from a fence, Blaine got a whiff of the most exotic smell she had ever experienced. Zac's hand tightened on Blaine's as they got in. "This is the place, I found it yesterday but no one was ever here" He said with excitement. He looked like a five year old who received the best present he could ever have. Blaine smiled at this, looking out onto the vast view in front of them. She left out an audible gasp and put her free hand to her mouth. "I-it's.. Beautiful, Zac.." She murmured, her eyes looking over the vast horizon.
Zac looked at Blaine's face with joy, seeing her so happy, grabbing her hand again he dragged her further into the garden, " I brought this all in before" he said even more excited. Coming around the corner of a bush was a blanket with lots of food spread around the blanket. Zac let go of Blaine's hand running towards the blanket, suddenly he fell over nothing falling face first into the soft grass.
Seeing Zac fall trip over nothing, Blaine let out a laugh, ruining the picturesque moment. She quickly ran over to him and got on her knees. "Zac! Are you ok?" She asked, still laughing, but was also worried for Zac. She rolled him over and looked at his face, which had pieces of blades of grass on it, and began wiping it away with her hand. "You.. really.. I can't let you out of my sight for even just a minute huh?" She told him, laughing. She looked to the blanket that had a lot of food on it. "Wow.. You had the time to do this yesterday? There's so much!" She let out, surprised, but also happy.
Zac looked at Blaine after being rolled over and having the grass wiped off his head, "I'm fine, just really clumsy" he said whilst giggling. He rolled back over and looked at all the food, "yer, i told you it was an amazing surprise" he said with a big smile on his face. Zac got onto his knee's and looked back at Blaine, "you can eat when you want too ya'know".
She pondered at the thought of eating, and began crawling to the blanket. She looked over the assortment of food, and found her favorite- chocolate covered oranges. She turned back to Zac, happiness flowing through her. "Zac! You remembered my favorite!" She cried out and flung her arms over Zac, giving him a hug. "You're the best!" She exclaimed, her hug somewhat tightening around him.
Zac hugged Blaine back holding her tight, "I said everything would be perfect" he said whilst poking his tongue out, Zac grabbed an apple, slowly taking a bite into the juicy fruit. Zac slowly crawled down into Blaine's lap as they ate, "this place is the best, no one else around to make noise and it smells beautiful" he said smiling.
She smiled at him, picking up her chocolate orange and took a bite of heaven. "Mmmnn.. Delicious!" She said, a full blown grin on her face. She played with Zac's hair as they ate. "It really is beautiful here.." She murmured, looking around her surroundings. Flowers of different colors, shapes and sizes were here. The trees were tall and gave the best shade, bushes all around them. It looked like a manicured garden in a rich man's estate, but it's beauty couldn't compare to anything. "Hey Zac.. How long can we stay here..? I wonder what it would look like here at night.." she pondered.
Zac enjoyed eating and laying in Blaine's lap as he smelt the beautiful aroma of the flowers and other plants, Zac listened to Blaine as she said "It really is beautiful here. Hey Zac.. How long can we stay here..? I wonder what it would look like here at night..". Zac looked up at Blaine and smiled, "as long as you want to be here gorgeous, I would love to see what its like at night as well"
Blaine blushed when Zac called her 'gorgeous'. No one has ever called her that so casually. She continued to stroke at his hair, hoping he wouldn't notice her blush. "I wonder if we can see lots and lots of stars here later!" She said, looking left to right, trying to see if her blush would disappear. It didn't.

She looked to her left and saw a beautiful red flower. She picked it up and placed it in Zac's hair, letting out a little giggle. "There, now you look beautiful!" She let out, laughing heartily.
Zac blushed, " I bet we can see the stars from here, and if not the place has lights everywhere" he said pointing at the fairy lights. Zac noticed that Blaine had blushed from his comment, "aww your so cute when you blush" he said smiling, Zac grabbed a strawberry and another chocolate covered orange and fed himself the strawberry and delicately fed Blaine the orange.
Her face turned an even darker shade of red when he noticed the blush, and especially when he fed her the orange. She hesitantly opened her mouth, taking in the orange piece and chewed. "T-thank you Zac.." She murmured. She looked all around her and finally noticed all the fairy lights around them. "Ooh.. Did you put them here too? You certainly put a lot of work into this.." She said, looking back down on him, pinching his nose. She let out a giggle at this.
Zac smiled and blushed bright red, "no they were here when i got here" he said shyly, Zac closed his eyes smiled once more, "hey Blaine did you know that your amazing" he stated then opened one eye and poked out his tongue, "and thank you for coming withe me"
'I'm amazing?' She thought to herself. "Really? Well, I guess I am.. Kinda.. Sorta.. Not really.." She murmured, playing with his hair once more. "You're welcome Zac. I should be the one thanking you though. Out of all the people you could've chose to bring here, you chose me." She told him, a smile on her face. "So.. Thank you." She said, smiling at him.
Zac got up and sat on both knee's, he looked Blaine in the eyes and kissed her on the cheek, "you really are amazing and thank you for coming, don't thank me" he said blushing and looking into the sky, "its starting to get darker" he said with excitement as he tried to hide the fact he was blushing.
'Zac kissed me.. Zac kissed me. He kissed me?!' She thought frantically, mentally slapping herself to see if it was real. She pinched her cheek, just in case she was dreaming. "Owie.." She whispered. 'Well, so much for dreaming' she thiught to herself. She looked up to the sky and noticed that it was getting darker. "Zac look!" She cried out, the fairy lights were being lit up. How? She didn't know. "Maybe they were on this whole time?" She wondered out loud.
Zac smiled and turned around to hide his rosy red cheeks, "maybe they were the whole time, but i would be able to see them from my house if they were all the time" he said excitedly. Zac laid down on the grass looking up at the sky waiting for the stars to appear one by one, making this a magical night, he smiled and looked at Blaine and blush even more
"You could see this from your house?" She asked, surprised that he could. Zac layed in the grass, with Blaine following along. She layed beside Zac and looked up into the sky. "Look! Over there! I can see the first star of the night!" She said, letting out a squeel of excitement. "Quick Zac! Make a wish!"
Zac put his arm under Blaine's head as she squealed at the first start, "Quick Zac! Make a wish", Zac closed his eye's and thought to himself, "i wish this night would never end" as he said that a big goofy smile was plastered upon his face, slowly opening one eye he saw all of the start slowly come into view, "tonight is an amazing night and i don't ever want it too end" he said calmly whilst smiling
Blaine was in bliss. She was alone with Zac, under the blanket of the soon-to-be night sky. She also made a wish to the first star. 'I wish I'd never have to be away from Zac..' She thought to herself, closing her eyes. She layed her head on his chest as he talked. "I don't want this to end too.." She said, a blissful smile on her face. She let out a small yawn, and quickly dispersed it, so as not to let Zac notice her sudden sleepiness.
Zac put his arm around Blaine's waist and looked up at the stars, he let out a yawn as cuddling made him sleepy, "man tonight was no where near a drag, i had the best night ever" he said with a huge smile on his face. He looked at Blaine to make sure she was happy.
Cuddling was one of the most favorite things she usually did with Zac, but feeling his warmth made her even more sleepy. She smiled at what Zac said. "I'm glad you had fun Zac.. I'm.. Really.. Happy.." She said. She couldn't keep her eyes open and had fallen asleep on Zac's upper torso, the sound of Zac's breathing lulling her into a peaceful sleep. "Mnnghh.. Zac.." She let out, a smile on her face.
Zac held her tight as they both slowly fell asleep, this was bliss to him a beautiful girl in his arms and the stars above. Zac thought to himself "this cant get anymore amazing" as he lent over and kissed Blaine on the forehead.

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