1x1 Search! (Still Lookin')


Senior Member
What is this like the third time I've put up a thread like this? D: I'm not a lovable person huh?

General I guess (What would you call this topic?)

I've role played on Gaia online for about 3 years, like the majority of people on this website it would seem. I spent a year overlapping Gaia on tumblr but people there just do not know how to role play... that makes me sound judgmental but I swear unless I have a really good reason to do so I won't judge you. I guess that's where I should start off first. I've had some downright nasty RP partners and the insults I took from them was too much for me to handle to a point where RP'ing wasn't fun but a chore. I swear I won't but anyone through that. This might seem like a really silly note to start off on but for me this is important in an RP partner. While we're on the topic, I can say some stupid things to people that intimidate me easily...jeez I'm sure I've already scared off a lot of people. I swear I'm not as hard to RP with as it sounds!

RP style

Usually when it comes to this people write how long their posts are. I don't really have a definite post amount because it all depends on the role play. If you're pounding out 8-10 well written paragraphs (and that length has been normal in a partner of mine) then I will try my hardest to mirror that length. Usually it isn't all that hard because if you have a lot to say I surely will have a lot to say in return, so it all works out. ^-^ If you write one-liners though it will not "all work out." It's extremely boring after a while, sorry. Also, I've noticed a lot of people like to mention what kind of person (for lack of a better word) they like to RP with. I don't mind one bit, but if that's something that you're concerned about then you can message me and I'll tell you all you want to know...within a boundary of course. Lastly when it comes to the gender roles in RP's I usually prefer the male but I can play a female just as easily. Get in touch with my feminine side~.


-The Walking Dead

-American Horror Story (Asylum)


-Adventure Time

-Ouran High School Host Club

-Death Note

-Higurashi series

-Breaking Bad

-Durarara! (I feel so strange typing that name let alone saying it)

-Any kind of relationships (Yaoi and Yuri included)


-Horror (As gory as you can get)

-Adopted childxNew Family

-Arranged Marriage

The end I guess

So yeah, if your interested you know what to do. *crosses fingers* C:

I'd be interested to take a stab at rping with you. I'm new so I don't know- umm message me? usually these things have message capabilities right? I tent to run through instant messenger though. Sounds like you might too.
Are you still looking? I like fantasy/medieval and have some ideas that I've never gotten to for an adopted kid. And I have a handful of ideas for arranged marriage but will really try any plot for that because I haven't played one before.
If you're still looking I'm interested in most of the things you've listed :) I don't like zombies or horror (though a little gore is okay), and I'm fine with both het and slash, though I'm more partial to yaoi than yuri - probably because I'm better at playing guys for some reason lol Anyway, I'd like to get some one on one RPs going, and though I don't usually write eight paragraphs I'm good for the 'No one-liners' thing, generally writing a good paragraph for responses, and sometimes two or three (and a rare four). I'm not new to RPing but new to this particular site, so if you'd like to share ideas, PM me?

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