1x1 Rp Tormented1 and me


Two Thousand Club
Town: Black Wolf, North Dakota









Name: Sicangu Tipi (translation Rosehip...just call her Tipi)

Gender: female

Age: 20

Personality/History: Tipi was a member of the Lakhota tribe until at the age of thirteen a rival tribe attacked taking many captives. For many years she was a slave for this new tribe until she was traded to a white man for guns. She is now 'owned' by a man named Barg Hanz working his bar and doing anything he tells her. Barg is a cheap creep with only two things on his mind money and beautiful women, he purchased Tipi because she was beautiful and she was free labor. She manages to stay alive on the food people don't eat from the bar but that still leaves her pretty thin. She is amazing with horses and if she gets a chance she escapes to the livery stable across the street. Tipi speaks very little english but is a very fast learner she is also learning to read.

Skills:Amazing with horses and is pretty good with a bow and arrow

Appearance:She has beautiful ebony hair that she wears down occasionally she will sneak a few feathers into her hair if Barg is not looking. Sometimes Barg forces her to dance in the can can dresses




Name: Capt. Ross Jennings

Gender: Male

Age: 28

Personality/History: Ross has always lived the high life. Royalty, wealth, you name it. He literally would have people cater to him when he was young, but as he grew, he learned a sense of humility, through his time in the military. He, and his troops, came across an Indian tribe. The battle over land decimated his troops, as well as most of the tribe. As he went to survey the damage, he saw the body of a small village girl. Since then, not only has he been trying to fight for the indians, he's been trying to get the rest of the army to turn sides.

Skills: Bilingual, as well as keen sharpshooting skills.

Appearance: Tall, almost lanky man, black hair that follows into a beard and mustache, and is normally seen in his uniform, blue with gold trim.
Tipi slipped out of the bed trying her hardest not to wake Barg. She looked down at her rusty brown skin feeling disgusted with herself and how much shame it would cause her family if they knew. She pulled on the white linen dress fumbling with the laces and buttons, the fabric was scratchy against her delicate skin unlike her true dress made of soft deer leather decorated with delicate bead she had spent hour making by the river bank. Tipi had only had an hour or two of sleep between cleaning the bar and doing Barg's bidding she hardly ever managed some rest. The sun was already peaking above the town's structures and if she did not want to get hurt Tipi knew she should get to work. However the soft sounds of the horses next door called to her begging her to come visit.
Ross was on a morning walk, through the town, when he heard something coming from the bar. He walked towards it, cautiously, wondering what it was he heard. It sounded like footsteps, but he couldn't be sure. Trying to be inconspicuous, he slowed his pace, but the one sound he made was the squeaking of the leather boots he wore. When he reached the bar, he looked in through the door, when he found the beautiful Tipi...
Tipi slowly began her dissent down the stairs counting each step, begging the curled wood not to groan. As she reached the main level her almond eyes looked up searching for anything that might cause her trouble. The bar was empty so far but wait something moved in the window. Stepping further out of the doorway of the steps and further into the saloon Tipi realized someone was standing outside the bar. Whoever it was she had seen him before but she could not quite remember how? Maybe she had served him the magical drink that burned like crisp fire when it touched her throat. The potion made her feel loose but not free if anything it further confined her to what ever Barg wanted.
Tipi's eyes darted past the man and she realized visiting the horses would not be an option. Sighing she slipped behind the bar and recited the words Barg had made her learn. "What would you like to drink?" she asked easily. The words had become easier to pronounce and the meaning was just as easy to understand.

This man was familiar and had been kind to her in the past.

As she waited for his answer she heard the lumbering steps of Barg coming down the stairs. His sickening midnight games were wearing her body and unfortunately he was getting more creative. He liked to feel in control and he established his dominance anyway he saw fit. Barg appeared in the doorway banging on the last step then pushing his way behind the bar. He stood beside her placing one hand behind her neck. From one angle it looked protective and kind but Tipi could feel his sausage fingers tangling into the fine hairs at the back of her neck.

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