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1x1 Romance Parters Wanted! [CLOSED]


Four-Eyed Sheep

Little bit about me: I'm a student the west coast, PST, and though I often come across as courteous and verbose, I'm an, ehh, goofy-ish friendly kind of gal, so don't be afraid lol. I've been RPing for >5 years, I think. My Fandoms are all cluttered and disorganized, so I'm not very focused on doing any of that stuff, but I will tell you that I'm an avid YouTube surfer, gamer, book-lover, and anime trash.

As stated in the title, I'm looking for someone who's just as a sucker for romance as I am.

Things I'm looking for in a partner:

• Preferably male role, as I would like to play female, though we can double up, or I can play male instead.

• MxF or FxF

• Minimum 1 paragraph per post.
If you are capable of doing more, then kudos, I'll match your length. I can go well beyond 5 paragraphs. No one-liners. Proper grammar is very much appreciated IC ;0

• Faceclaims:
irl or anime or none, don't care much either way.

• Patience is a virtue
:) I ask for at least one post every three days.

am looking for a long term partner, who's open to communication. But don't be afraid to tell me if you're no longer interested in playing— it's only the polite thing to do :P

Here's some possible pairings I'm thinking of:


(x) Blackmailer x Victim

(x) Master x Servant

() Ex-lovers/Star-crossed lovers

() Knight x Citizen

() Roommates

() Student x Student

I'm open to a lot of different settings, but not the ones below:

NOT open to:

X Fandoms (not now, at least)

X Smut (against the rules >:0 )

X Sci-fi

X Horror

X Extreme Violence

X Mythical/Supernaturals/Creatures/Animals

I have some vague ideas for plots, but if any of those pairings strike you, then please respond to the thread or shoot me a PM! I'm also open to plot ideas, as well

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I have a slight idea for a master servant blackmailer and victim (all blended together), if you're interested. C:
Sirin said:
I could do a master x servant. I'm new here but not new to rping.
Likewise! I'll shoot you a PM :)

Thanks to all who's shown interest! As of right now, I am no longer looking for partners.
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