(1x1 Raviael/Melmelbunny) [Inactive]

"No." She was blunt she gave her a look of "are you that stupid?" She went back to Flee. "You hungry?" Flee nodded she hadn't spoke still flustered by the earlier event. "Aight'l Akira went to the kitchen hoping the blonde wouldn't follow."

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Ai did. "So...don't get me wrong. But you're kinda guyish...so can you even cook?" she asked as she walked over to Akira. "How did you even win her over? I didn't know...wow..." she thought, amused with her findings.
Akira only answered with "I can win any girl over." She smiled with pride. She pulled out some pots and pans and started cooking nothing special just some noodles with vegetables and canned sauce over it.

She served it to Flee. Who thanked her.

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Ai just raised an eyebrow at Akira, entertained by her little comment and watched Akira serve her meal over to Flee. Ai sat down back in her seat and watched Flee intently. Let's see if this dyke can even cook~
Flee ate it rather it was out of respect or was actually decent. Nobody knows. When she finished Akira took the plate back for her.

"Her dad ain't comin back." She looked directly at Ai.

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"What does that mean?" Ai asked immediantly, her grip on the bag of candy tighter as you could see her bite at her lower lip in frustration.

"Where did Dr Zion go?"
"B...business related." Flee mumbled still flustered. "He won't be back for a work." She kept her head down.

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Ai jumped up. "What!? But he has to! My gut feeling- urgh!" there was no point in trying to verbally get what she wanted. Or wait...was there?

"I can just get Dr. Zion to come back by telling him about you two!"
"What!?" Akira claimed herself. "No you ain't." She laughed. "Look, I promises my girl I'd be with her the whole two days."

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"But I need Dr. Zion!" she pouted. "Come on and work with me here dammit! You can still see her! Duh rebellion! Plus how old are you anyways Flee!? It's totally fine!"
Akira jut sighed and let out a little giggle. She looked at Ai with a new gentle face. "You're right." She smiled. "How about a hug? Ya know peace." She held out her tattoo covered arms

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Ai blinked. "H-huh? What...a hug?" she raised an eyebrow up at him, in mostly disbelief.
Ai looked around unnerved before finally stepping towards Akira and wrapping her arms awkwardly around her.
Akira gave her a warm hug she held her there for a while. Then jumped away. In her hand was Ai's phone.

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Ai gasped when she realized what happened. "Wh-WHAT THE FUCK!? Give that back!" she yelled as she reached towards the phone.
Akira put it in her pocket. "No you ain't tellin Zion." She grabbed Flee by the arm and drug her off. "C'mon Flee let's go."

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"What the hell!" she said as she ran over to Akira. "Where are you going!? Give me back my damn phone!" she growled, attempting to grab at it again.
"NO! You give me my phone!" she growled back as she struggled to tip toe and reach for it.
"No." She giggled at her attempt to reach it. She lead flee into a room closed and locked the door. The other side of the door a "HA" was heard.

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"You little!" she ran over to the door and began to beat at it. "Open up! You'll have to get out of there some time or another! Plus don't lock Flee up in the closet! I know you're used to it but- UGH!" she let out a noise of frustration.
There was no response. Instead what sounded like a window opening. But, they were on the second floor.

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At the sound of the door being opened, Ai gasped. "Don't tell me they're trying to!" she attempted to open the door but remembered the door was locked and so, knowing the outsides of Zion's manner better than her own backyard, she dashed out of the home and found the window from said locked room.
The window was wide open however no sign of Flee or Akira, no blanket rope, no pillows to cushion a fall, nothing just a empty back yard.

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