(1x1 Raviael/Melmelbunny) [Inactive]


Zero Satisfaction

"Today is the day I pursue Dr. Zion!" Ai cheered in that over-exaggerated way too optimistic voice of hers. She pulled out a makeup mirror and double checked herself. Hair nice? Check. Clothes showing what cleavage she could show? Check. Skirt a mini skirt? Check. No blemishes or makeup smudging? Nope, Dr. Zion's candy on her? Yes~ annddd like that we're golden!

Ai smiled in delight, her confidence shining with a facade of superiority, as if she thought she'd actually pursue her false daddy issues dream of hers. To win over the grumpy old doctor (that also happened to be an alien. Shh~). After much research from honest internet resources such as: Yahoo answers- she figured out once of teh best ways to win a man over was through his stomach. So what better way to please the sweet tooth of a doctor other than one of the things he loves best:


And with that, she was ready to march right up to the Blackburne manor and be humbly welcomed in and present her delectable dollar store chocolates!

The manor's (which was more of a large upper middle class house.) door had been left open very wide open at that. Not a single car (or spaceship.) to be seen. Oh, Silly Dr.Zion must have not closed his door all the way,however something odd was lying on the floor in front of the open door. Loose flower petals that looked like they had fallen off a bouquet...?

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Ai was surprised that the door was open but she didn't question it with paranoia. In fact, she even saw it as a good sign on her part. It defiantly meant fate!

She let herself in, smiling all the while. "Dr. Zion~!?" she called but was given no answer. She noticed something as she happened to glance down. Flower...petals?

Oh. my. god. THIS WAS A GOOD SIGN!!!
Further down the hall were more loosely scattered petals. It did not look intentional. Most of the petals were slightly wilted or torn. Not to mention how they seemed aimlessly thrown about. Or maybe it was meant to look like that! Or it was probably yet another banquet bought from "Z flower shop." Who was known for having cheap cost cut flowers that's petals would wilt or fall within the hour of buying.

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Defiantly fate. Ai kept telling this to herself as she walked down the hall and followed the flower petal trail. This all TOTALLY makes sense! He knew I was coming today! He had that gut feeling like soul mates tend to have! And so now I have to act surprise...ok Ai...whenever you see Zion. Act surprised. Yes. She began to giggle quietly and happily. "Oh my god~! This is great!" she just couldn't express her happiness with this. She finally came to the end of the flowers and what she saw...
Another door, ever so slightly cracked open. On the other side of the door two voices could be heard slightly almost whispers and breaths. One seemed familiar the other, not so much...

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Ai just kinda stood there- shocked. That happy smile never left from her face and yet her eyes still widened in shock..and oh-god. Could she not unsee!

"Wh-WHAT IS THIS!?" She finally spat, her whole demeanor spastic. She didn't knew Flee was capable of such...such. Aliens could do that? Duh, of course they could! She shook her head in frustration and pointed at the two of them- not bothering to leave.
Flee jumped quickly falling off the bed in the process, she recognized the yelling voice as Ai's. She didn't say any words she just laid there flustered holding a blanket to her body.

The other was someone Ai hadn't met. A young man with a small build. tanned with short messy black hair. The one feature that stuck out the most was his ears they were pointed like an elf out of an RPG not only that piercings covered them he had to have at least ten in one ear! Hoops,chain links,industrials studs the works!! it made your ears ache just to look at his ears.

He didn't have much of a response just a groan as he sat up. "I thought you said no one was home?" He asked in an irritated tone.

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At looked over the male. He looked like... (even out side of those..earrings.) well, lets just say if Flee was going to bbe the type to be part of any relationship (and as said, IF...put an emphasis on that) then it would be with a gentleman or even a brainy guy but this was just...so...

"r-rebellious!" Ai was finally able to say as she gaped at the scene before her. "F-Flee...oh my god." she looked around, not sure what to say about this. She didn't even know Flee was capable of ..well..this.
Flee didn't responde she just pushed past Ai in a fluster and ran off leaving Ai and the rebellion. He stretched and stood up not paying any head to Ai, he started looking for his undies.

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Ai looked back and called for Flee but she was off. Awkwardly, Ai looked over at the man who actually... she took a nice little peak and gasped.

"OH MY GOD! YOU'RE A FEMALE!! FLEE'S GAY ON TOP OF THAT!!" She couldn't help but to yell in the realization...and yet she was still staring.
"I don't think she's gay." The guy shrugged. He looked at Ai with a glare as he put his baggy jeans on. "Why are you here?" He growled

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"Well um..." she backed away slightly, not too fond of his glare. He/her was probably mad at her for pooping on his/her little party. However a bit nervous as she was, Ai was still curious about a little certain something. "So...like, she's bi-curious then?" she asked in a whisper.
"I don't know." What a half baked answer! "Maybe she thinks I'm uh guy." She shrugged and started out of the room. "I aint leavin by the way." With that she was out the door.

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"Wha..?" she looked over to watch her walk past her and out the door. She shook her head and snapped out of her state of shock and called after the girl.

"Well wait um..do you know where Dr. Zion is though?" she asked, fumbling with her bag of candy.
"Pfffttt." She laughed. "That guy!?" She laughed "I hate em'" she walked on speeding up trying to get away from this prying girl. "You're not waiting for him are ya?"she groaned.

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"Course I am!" she said, trying to catch up so she could keep her conversation. "I have candy to give him!" she said as she dangled the candy infront of her, as if supporting what she was saying. "He kinda loves sweets and well..." she smiled shyly like some kind of cheesy love sick immature high school girl.
The girl rolled her eyes. And walked on without saying a word. "Flee!!! Where are you!?" She looked around for her then back at Ai and sharply turned pointing a long pointed fingernail at her. "Go home." She hissed

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"Look, I won't bother you two..I'm just waiting for Dr. Zion~ mkay?" she smiled sweetly as if she was trying to play the innocent little kid. ..Needless to say it was rather laughable.
"I don't want to hear your voice." The long fingernail retracted. She walked away quickly.

Eventually she had found Flee. She gave her a t-shirt and loose shorts to ware. They both sat on the sofa. Akita glaring at the elephant named Ai in the room.

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Ai ...well, contrary to her words beforehand was trying to ask thousands of questions. "So~ Flee. Who is this? How did you meet? I didn't know...how long have you two seen each other?" and well..there were too many questions to list.
The girl would answer each one with a rude "f--k you" before flee would properly answer. However, the girl wouldn't let flee tell Ai her name. "I don't want her knowing my name." She put a hand over Flees mouth.

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"So..." Ai would tease, not giving much of a damn on how unwanted her presence was. "Is your name Rumpelstiltskin?"
"F--k you." She gave her a dull look. Then in a blink of an eye she flipped over to her and landed right in her face. Did she fly...? No way. "Akira Hanazawa." A straight glare the whole time.

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"O-oh~" she smiled, trying to ignore what just happened and how she got here. "You'll tell me now, huh? I'm Ai Hanazono. Kinda like your last name but just with Os~ pretty neat huh?"

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