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Multiple Settings 1x1 Quality focused

Hello! I’ve been roleplaying on and off since I was 13, but I’ve really been wanting to get serious lately. I’m 22 now, and the lack of pressure in your post was really refreshing. I would love to RP with you if you’re still open to it and was mostly intrigued by your wizard/witch and neighbor as well as the alien plots.
Hey! Very new to this site, but I have many years under my belt in writing and roleplaying. Not so much in making things look nice, so please forgive my formatting!

About me
I'm a late 20s lady.
I love collaboration and working together to create interesting storylines.
I am ditch friendly!
I write any gender and will almost always write multiple characters, but I don't necessarily "double". Although my main character has been switched now and then.
I never use face claims. Not unless we're pretty far into the RP and I get the urge to make something in artbreeder. Otherwise, I stick to descriptions. I don't mind if you use face claims though just please don't steal art.
My limits are pretty basic, but we can talk in-depth if you want or are worried about it.

About you
Over 21, please.
Please be ditch friendly(although I might check in once or twice if you ghost, but I of course won't push it)
Be perhaps "literate" to "advanced literate"?
Choose quality over quantity with me. I have had one-word responses be impactful, I want to strive together to be creative and write a great story together.
Willing to write any gender and LGBTQIA+ pairings.
I really prefer to write with other women.

About the RP
I want it to end!! This might be odd, but I love when a roleplay can end. I had an amazing roleplay partner for a couple of years and one of my favorite things was that we would wrap up and finish our stories. Our characters would have conclusions. I would love, love, love to have that with someone else too.
For relationships to take time and build. No instant romance. Perhaps no romance! (Although I definitely have couples I root for)
A story with stakes. I'm willing to kill off my characters even, or let the RP end tragically. Not saying it will or that I aim for that at all. Not by any means! But I do want stakes for sure.
I almost exclusively write in made-up worlds. I don't want to consider real-world issues or else I fall down a rabbit hole of research and worry about accuracy and this is all only for fun.

Random Vague Plot Ideas

Two people from opposite ends of a fantastical war. 50's-esque time period in a made-up world.

A cyborg knight and his lost divinity, hardened to a harsh landscape stumbles upon someone who helps him find humanity again.

A spunky witch or wizard living in a city with an irate neighbor, blind as most are to the idea of magic.

A social worker for aliens who crash-landed on Earth and now live in government-protected compound deals with a particularly troublesome case.

A plot you might have that is Ghibli-Inspired. :) No canon characters though, please.

Original characters and original plot in the worlds of: BOTW, What We Do in the Shadows, Portal/2, Sayonara Wild Hearts, Ghibli movies, and others just ask!
Open to your ideas!
I’m interested, and I’m also a late-twenties female, too. :) While what genre(s) you seem to prefer are entirely opposite to me (I noticed you viewed my interest-check), I have an idea that I think we might both enjoy. I’ll PM with the details in the morning.
I’m interested, and I’m also a late-twenties female, too. :) While what genre(s) you seem to prefer are entirely opposite to me (I noticed you viewed my interest-check), I have an idea that I think we might both enjoy. I’ll PM with the details in the morning.
Okay! c:

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