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Multiple Settings 1x1 Platonic, Fantasy/Sci-Fi/Supernatural/More


Bird of Broken-Wings
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check
Hello. I’ve been trying to find a roleplay lately, and have decided that making my own interest check might be helpful.

Always open unless stated otherwise.

First, a little about myself.
-I HAVE been roleplaying for a while, maybe three years or more on and off, and I do plenty of writing for personal projects. I still consider myself inexperienced and I want to give a warning out for anyone that things might be a different quality.
-I do work for quality though, often over quantity, but I don’t work well with one-liners. I will admit, the quality can fluctuate depending on my mood, inspiration, time of day, and even other stressors that come up. My mental health is as elusive as snow in the desert.
-I enjoy OOC chat and staying in touch. I’ll usually try to let my partners know if I have something coming up, or if I’ve been feeling particularly out of it.
-I’m not a big fan of romance. I don’t think I’m good at it at all, so I tend to simply avoid it. I don’t care about pairings, though I usually play male characters. As mentioned in the title, I’m looking for platonic relationships.
-I would prefer starting up a conversation over commenting, but I’m not picky enough to write someone off just because they replied, I’ll just be responding with a PM instead.
-I try to respond at least once a day, but depending on what’s going on, sometimes I can go back and forth quickly, or it may take a day or two. Again, I’ll try to communicate.
-I prefer some sort of alert as opposed to ghosting. I understand the awkwardness, but it would be very appreciated if instead of silence you make it clear you don’t plan to actually continue. Or just leave the conversation.
-If anything else comes up, I’ll be adding and changing this along the way.

Some things for you
-Please be patient.
-Tell me about any triggers or preferences you have.
-Don’t pressure romance on me.(You can get side characters involved if you think it would give more depth to your character)
-Feel free to ask questions, you should know that I definitely will.
-Decent grammar and length would be nice, but communication is key.
-I don’t care about your experience level, we’ll figure it out I’m sure.

Things to avoid
-Anything NSFW
-More things might be added if they come up…

Overall interests!

Magic, dragons, werewolves, monsters, mountains, etc. Fantasy is one of my favorite genres, whether it includes magic, strange species, sentient creatures, or floating islands, I’m there.

Future uninvented technology, corrupt controlling governments, robots and AI, hovering cars, etc. Yep, I include corrupt governments into my genre of Sci-Fi. I don’t have as much experience with Sci-Fi, but I always enjoy it!

Things more grounded in reality but with a spooky twist. Ghosts, ghouls, werewolves, vampires, monsters from beyond, that sort of thing. I’ve recently gotten into this sort of stuff more.

-Detective/Murder Mystery
This can easily be placed under another one of these, or operate in reality rather than a fictional universe.

Strange people with strange powers out there saving the world! Or destroying it. These probably land in a world similar to ours but with these powers instead of fantasy magic.

I want to reiterate that these are not for romance. I will most likely play original characters, though there are a couple fandoms I may play canon characters, just depending on the fandom. The CCs can be used alongside the OCs as sides, but I probably won’t main any. Again. Not. Romance. It is mostly for using the world building or even just a loose plot-line.
The following list is just a couple that I can think of currently and that I know I would enjoy using the world building and plots. It isn’t every fandom I know by a long shot, or even every fandom I wouldn’t mind roleplaying.

~Work in Progress~
- The Umbrella Academy(Netflix)
- The Imperfects(Netflix)
- My Hero Academia(Unfinished)
- Avatar: The Last Airbender
- Warrior Cats
- Wings of Fire

Vague Pairings:
These have no set plot or storyline except for the fact that going in they will be platonic. If something piques your interest let me know and we can form a plot around it.
I don’t usually have a preference on which character I play, it’ll usually depend on the plot or the personalities. Listed first is NOT my preference or anything.

~Work in Progress~
- Siblings(Never romantic)
- Opposites
- Supernatural // Human
- Supernatural // Supernatural
- Mythical Creature // Human
- Mythical Creature // Mythical Creature
- ‘Superhero’ // Human
- ‘Superhero’ // ‘Superhero’
- Guard // Royalty
- Prisoner // Royalty
- Human // Human
- Reborn(from the past) // Human
- Non-Human // Human
- Artificial Intelligence // Human
- Spy // Assassin
- Spy // Leader of Opposition
- Spy // Prisoner

My ideas/plots

Two scientists/explorers have been sent to join an already existing colony/settlement on some far out planet/world. However, when they arrive, they find the civilians gone and your way to return home is destroyed. It seems the people all vanished in the dead of night, nothing left except for abandoned buildings and soon-to-be spoiled foods. You and your partner must not only survive in this strange world, but figure out what happened to everyone else.

Seemingly out of nowhere, a massive bounty has been sent out to every person in the kingdom. It calls for one thing, and one thing alone. Dragons. The dragons haven’t been around for nearly a century, but for some, the reward is far, far greater than the risk. There’s been legends, stories, whispers of the dragons up north, deep in the mountains. Not only is the terrain treacherous and the journey long, killing a dragon is no easy feat. Yet, people young and old have been choosing to abandon their calm, comfortable lives in search of an adventure, and a reward that could change their lives and alter the course of their destinies.
Many people go alone, but a few clans have been creeping up. The clans are filled with tragedy, the higher ups using many of their people as living shields. But going alone is near certain death. How do you prefer your chances?

It was a calm day out on the oceans, not a single cloud in the sky. There was another ship out on the horizon, but you weren’t due for contact. A few hours pass, the sky is now speckled with beautiful, fluffy white clouds. It seems everyone on your ship is enamored with the clouds.
Suddenly and strangely, the ship rumbles to a stop as if it hit an island or a rock, but out in the middle of the deep blue sea there’s nothing of the sort.
Everyone seems to notice it all at once. A ship, approaching them quickly. It moves faster than anything anyone has ever seen, and in a flash it’s come up beside your ship.
The ship is completely empty, and as you’re stuck, staring at the mysterious ghost ship, a strange sort of trance falls over you. Within another few seconds, the weather changes, and your ship is thrown sideways. Everyone on board is cast into the waves never to be seen again.
You managed to break from the trance early, and as you fight to survive the waves and get back to your ship, a hand reaches out from ghost ship, offering you help and an alliance.
What happened to your crew? What happened to the people of the ghost ship?Who - or what - saved your life from the waves?

Sightings of a mysterious large dog out in the forests surrounding a small town brought out a couple animal service investigators. When one mysteriously turns up dead, the search is on. Is there a murderer lurking, using the presence of a beast to make their kills, or is it just a rabid dog to be put down? Or… is there something darker and more sinister lurking, like a werewolf cast out from their pack for trying to warn the humans of an upcoming bloodbath. It all remains to be seen and discovered.

A notorious ghost hunter has spent their whole life hunting down the ghosts that haunt this realm. They know everything there possibly is to know about ghosts. Until they meet a ghost with far more empathy and personality than is possible for a dead and misplaced spirit. While this ghost hunter would normally prioritize freeing this ghost from the land of living, they decide that this would be the perfect opportunity to study and learn about this particular ghost. Why is it different? Why can it participate in normal human conversation while most ghosts only seem to be able to answer simple questions or they repeat the same phrases over and over? Does it even know it’s dead? Either way, maybe this ghost can be useful, another tool and more information to be added to the ghost hunter’s growing collection.

In world were people possess elemental powers, you’d expect these genetically passed traits might be spread evenly across each of the nine elements (Fire, Ice, Water, Nature, Metal, Light, Dark, Air, Weather). But they aren’t. There’s exponentially more Fire elementals than any others, and there’s almost no Ice elementals left. This powerful element has just about gone extinct in the overwhelming heat of the Fire. It doesn’t help that all the most recently known Ice elementals have been notorious criminals who used to run around destroying the large heat-spewing factories screaming something about ‘Evil Fire’ and ‘Smog-filled Air’. It’s a tale as old as time, the mistrust and incompatibility between Ice and Fire. There happens to be a reason the world was created with Ice elementals though, and while the Fire elementals might not notice the drastic effect their flaming heat has had on the nature around them, the more perceptive ones have started to notice things.
One of these people being a up and coming Fire elemental noble, whose strange ideals about the world bring them at odds against almost everyone they know. I mean, what Fire elemental thinks the massive factories that give so many Metal elementals jobs are bad? And anyway, the Air elementals are paid to filter out the ash and smoke, how would they make money if the air was cleaned automatically?
Another, although less perceptive, is an Ice elemental, whose attempts at pointing out how smoggy the air is has landed them in lots of trouble with the mainly Fire elemental authorities. Only those brave enough to stand up in the heat manage to raise their voices at all - the voices they’re threatened to lose as the smoke tends to damage sensitive lungs.
The world needs saving. Reordering? Some sort of help at least. Will the two opposites be able to join together and compile their knowledge and skill to find a way to prevent the world from becoming an ashy wasteland?

Lowly Hill is nothing of what its name suggests. It’s a singular massive mountain whose peak carves up into the atmosphere. Legends and stories surround this mythical mountain, the most prominent being that of the Griffin who lives up on the peak. This Griffin has looked over and guarded the small town of Lonely Hill(yes, not Lowly but Lonely)for centuries upon centuries. The town’s origin is deeply wrapped up in stories of this mythical beast. While this particular Griffin is known for watching over the town, it’s also well known for the vast riches that supposedly hide within the mountain and it’s temperament towards anyone who threatens it or its precious belongings (the town included).
Up until this point, the town has operated independently of any other kingdom or nation. They live in the shadow of a massive mountain under the protection of a mythical griffin, who would dare attack them? The newest Empire of Sourilad would. Under threat of total destruction, the people of Lonely Hill band together to elect someone or a small group of someones to trek up the mountain and ask the Griffin to come down and protect their little town. Whoever is chosen is given the task of stopping by the Lonely Woodsman who supposedly lives alone at the base of the mountain, and is the only person known to have survived the trip up and down the Lowly Hill. Who among the fair townsfolk will risk their life to save the town?

More to be added!

Feel free to come with one of your own too, just send me a PM to get things started up.

All rps will be through PM. I will most likely create two PM threads, one for OOC and one for IC once the roleplay has actually started.
Last edited:
-Closed “Where Do You Think You’re Going?”
-Added “The Ghost of Ships’ Passing”
-Added “That’s No Puppy Dog”
-Added “Ghosts Hunted”
-Added “Wait what?! Fire’s hot?!”
-Added “The Griffin of Lowly Hill”
Last edited:

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