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Fandom 1x1 Partner Search [Harry Potter, Apoc, Forgotten Realms]


New Member
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
1.) Be 18+. No exceptions.
2.) Don't expect me to be super chatty OOC about personal things. I love good headcanon discussions and I'll tell you if I have schedule conflicts that delay my ability to post, but as a general rule I'm not open to chatting and knowing people beyond our writing.
3.) Please don't overshare personal details, especially unprompted. I'm sure you're a lovely person and, as lovely people do, have a lot to deal with. I greatly prefer not to socialize that way, though, and it actually turns me off to writing with you if it happens very frequently.
4.) Basic literacy requirement: 300-1000 words per post, preferably descriptive advanced lit. or novella styles. Frequent posts less than 300 words make us incompatible and I'd rather respect your time and decline interest now.
5.) I'll post at least 2x per week, sometimes more and sometimes less (I'll let you know). I put this in my requirements specifically so people have advanced notice and can decide whether it's frequent enough for their own needs/wants. I won't be committing to posting more frequently/don't ask me to. If I'm able to sometimes post more frequently, understand that it's an exception to my real life schedule/time constraints and may not always be possible.

Basic Requests
1.) Realistic FCs. Whatever we decide to write, let's first agree on this basic? Please? I'm open to AI FCs or very realistic art, but not anime (even though I'm a fan of several).
2.) Any discussions about off-site writing be discussed up front. I honestly prefer a Discord private server over forums for the organization of characters, references, scene plotting, etc., but I'm not opposed to writing here.
3.) Let's be respectful. Whether regarding each other's time/space/peace/emotions, let's collaborate on a respectful environment.
4.) Long-term. Our writing meshes?? Let's talk about long-term and really build a world together. I'm open to doubling in all my stories with the right partners, and prefer romantic plots to others. Those plots may be VERY slow burn, however, depending on what we discuss/tropes, etc., but these are the plots I like best and have the most fun building.
5.) I prioritize MxF over other options as a base character set but, if doubling, have no issues with FxF or MxM (trans or bio). I play both M and F and don't have a preference, so let's put yours first.
6.) CCs and OCs welcome in any combination. I also take requests for CCs and character archetypes, though if I'm not a fan or think I'll do poorly writing them I'll let you know.
7.) If you're interested in more adult-themed stories, Discord private server would be the route I'd go and the characters must be 18+. That said, don't send me a list of your OOC preferences. We can talk about limits and things if it needs to happen.

Harry Potter
Forgotten Realms


Harry Potter
This is my preference. I don't agree with the author on many points, though, and tend to shape the world in a more inclusive way in my writing (even changing canon ethnicities, etc.). In all of these plots, I'm open to students/adults/adults that knew each other as students/people just meeting for the first time, and so on. We can discuss any favorite tropes of yours since I'm flexible in my preference so long as there's eventually a romantic element. That said:

Setting 1: Founders Era -
I've always wanted to explore the Hogwarts founding era (1,000 years ago). For those folks who are reading my ad looking for high fantasy, this era includes castles, muggles knowing about magic, dragons, and races that likely haven't been subjugated yet and are rampant across countries and continents. There's an entire world out there for our characters to get in trouble in and I'd like to write it all with you. PM and we can discuss more specifics to this very open concept!

Setting 2: Hogwarts Legacy Era -
I like the idea of ancient magic and the transformative qualities it can have in an already expansive setting. With a goblin rebellion on the horizon and our ability to change the story how we want, we could have a lot of fun in a Victorian Era world.

Setting 3: Marauders Era -
Look. We all know what happens at the end of this era, but does it have to end that way? Do you think other characters would have made more suitable matches? Do you have a canon pairing you'd like to see go another route? Do you want the Dark Lord to choose Neville instead? Let's go.

Setting 4: Golden Era -
Bro, I don't like this era straight out of the box for RPs and don't write any of the trio characters. BUT it could be we come up with some other canon or OC characters who face challenges during this time and/or grew up facing those challenges and are some years past it in their stories.

Setting 5: Post-Trio -
I'm calling Post Trio anytime 20+ years after the Battle of Hogwarts. This would be a modern story with any variation of events we'd like to go with -- I'm very open to discussion and possibilities.

Forgotten Realms
I like the sandbox aspect of this type of story but prefer writing to originate along the Sword Coast before the Time of Troubles. There's literally an entire world already built for us (Faerun, if you're not familiar) and I have 0 preference about what you'd like your character to be. I can usually find something complimentary to play with your character whether at the inception of the story or later down the road as characters develop, etc. The biggest thing I'd like out of this, though, is not getting bogged down in one place for too long so that we can have scenes where they experience danger and other elements in the setting. I have some larger arc plots that could have dozens of smaller things happen effecting the outcome, if you're into adventuring and text-style action scenes mixed in with more normalized interactions, or we can go smaller and come up with stories very individual to the characters we play. Very open to discussion!

So, this is the weirdo/non-fantasy setting I like. Typically modern. Cold War style, zombies, mutants, whatever we decide I have a strong preference for this setting to be real-world based as opposed to a fandom. If you're interested, PM me with your basic wants in the setting and we'll jump into discussion!

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If you still look for someone, I would be happy to do a Maurauders era Rp :]

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