[1x1] Looking to Role play partner (Still looking)


One Thousand Club
I Have a few ideas but id rather discuss them through PM based on what you like also.

I like to try to Role play throughout the day but i am in school so my mornings are a little slower. But I do have a lot of free time in school so I'd like someone who has an Instant messenger that i can role play with during that time.

Im a female but i prefer to play male roles.

Im open to any situations but some of my favorites are:




in like a school, romance, forest, freak show settings.

like i said i have idea but prefer to discuss them with one on one.
Would you be interested in a circus/carnival thread? Absolutely love the lifestyle and I have a few characters that would go perfectly in that setting. Let me know if you are interested!
I would LOVE to do a one x one role play with you! I like playing male characters too. Would you be up for a Vampire x Vampire RP? If not, I'm up for a Vampire x Human RP! PM me to let me know, please?

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