1X1 Female and male or female and female RP(Small update:13.02.14)


RP Nation's only Elder roleplaying Dovah
I'm interested in the romance genre of male and female and Female and Female. I intend to try to improve my ability to romance other characters in roleplays and hope that some 1x1 Rps will help to do that. So, who is up for a F&F or a M&F RP? I'll most likely be the female character and it will be realistice. Haven't got any ideas yet and will listen to any suggestions you have. :)
Okay. Got any ideas for one? The character sheet would be very simple and i don't expect several paragraphs per post. :)
Well, around what ages do you prefer the characters to be? Would you want to do a teenage romance or more of a young adult romance?
Alrighty! Well, here are a few ideas...


Step sisters (works better with teens, but it could work for older people)

Lost on an island

we could do Lost on an island. We both were thrown overboard during a rough sea due to the waves and we were on the deck. Then we arrive on the island, 2 roomates or something else.
Let's go with that. I doubt i'll post a backstory in the character sheet for my character and just go with a basic version of the CS. Age, apperance, name. May just keep it hidden to see if revealing it through dialogue will work or not. :)
Okay, this is my first time using this RP site ( I'm not at all new to RPing, just the site ) and I'm not really sure how we go about it from here.
Okay. We can do it via PM if you want.

Character sheet:



Appearance:(feel free to post a picture instead of describing it.)

I'll create my character tomorrow. Feel free to create a backstory section for your character. :)

The lost on an island is already taken and i've changed my mind about allowing another person join. I feel that a third person may not be right for it.

However, i am up for any realistice MxF or FxF roleplays. Or Fxfxf even. I've got no ideas at the moment so please feel free to suggest some in here if you're interested in doing one with me.
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I know i said i wouldn't but the other two PM RPs are slowing down at the moment for various reason and i've had a bit of a think about it. I am up for just one more FxF or MxF RP. I have a lot of free time at the moment and am a bit restless but next week, i'll only post in the evenings and mornings because of me starting work. If you are interested and have an idea, please PM or post it here. I intend to play a woman. Lost an Island is taken but i may just do two Lost on an island RPs if i feel they would both be different due to the characters.

Character Sheet:


Age: 18-30 please

Appearance:Pictures or description. I don't mind either

Backstory:It's optional and i'm keeping mine hidden.

Other:It's optional and is for anything else you want to put here. 
Both Lost on an island RPs are in full swing and i doubt i'll do another Mxf or Fxf RP. However, if one of them dies, i'll be up for either restarting it with the character for the dead one (lost island one) or another FxF RP.
Unfortunately, i've reached my limit for private RPs. But if one of the partners doesn't post in the next 2 weeks, i'll restart the RP with you. :) But i may just focus on the rest if that one dies to avoid overwhelming myself.

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