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1x1 Creepy Pasta RolePlay

after getting changed into new clothing and throwing the bloody ones away Daniel went into Psy room and watched her in her sleep not knowing why he was doing it
Daniel did not worried about her not breathing she was a vampire after all he just sit there watching her
Daniel got up and went and laid down in his room"you don't need her I'm the only one you need"
~Psy woke up early the next night. She was outside in tree humming sweetly, yet it had a dark tone to it~
Daniel woke up to I'm someone humming he looked outside his window and he saw Psy in a tree he waved hi to her
~Psy waved back and chuckled. Beside her was a dead guy and she poked it. She had killed him a few minutes ago and brought him back to keep her company when Daniel was asleep~
Daniel do not mind seeing the dead person hey open the window"make sure to put it away when you're done playing with it"
Daniel smiled back at her he was liking to have someone else then the other one in his head over and staying with them he went downstairs and started to make him something to eat
Daniel wave back at her and just kept on looking at her"what do you see in her she is just a waste of your time"
"too bad you can't hurt me all you're doing is hurting Daniel"Tulp start to laugh it was more like a evil laugh as well
"well now you have your work cut out for you I am basically something in everybody's head I don't know how your gonna do it because I always stay alive"
It would probably be sweet and kind, since I'm insane. I rarely show emotion ~Psy said in an emotionless tone~

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