1x1, Anyone?! ~Forever looking, lots of ideas!~

Forever For Never

Resident Emo
Roleplay Type(s)
Hehe, the title rhymed ^^

Anyways, as I assume you infered from the title I am once again in the recruitment section looking for some 1x1s! I have quite a few going right now, but most of my partners aren't replying that often lately, so I'm wanting more. Like I always say... I'm never too busy for another roleplay! I'll say my rules/whatever then I'll put my ideas, but my rules aren't really strict or anything, so don't be scared. Also, my explanation may be a bit lengthy, so if you don't want to read it just skip to the ideas! I think I scared some people away on my last recruitment thread because of it ._. Alright then, here goes!

~I would prefer the roleplay to have some romantic nature, as it's my favorite thing, but it doesn't matter to me how they get together in the end. I do anything from love at first sight, hate to love, gradual love, already together, whatever. I mainly do FxM, because I'm not that experienced in MxM or FxF, but if anyone really really wants to do it I will try, I just warn you that I might suck D: Also, if you hate romance I suppose I could do a platonuc relationship or just enemies with any of these if that's what you're into xD

~Please do yor best to write with the best punctuation/grammar you can. Mistakes are understandable, I do most of my roleplaying on my phone which has a spell-check that is a bit strange, but I always try to catch my mistakes before posting, and I'd like if you did the same. I mean it's not a huge deal, but if you never capitalize anything, use punctuation, or spell correctly I might have a hard time reading what you're saying >_>

~As for post length, I'm a mirror poster, or someone who will try to mirror your post size. I'm not picky when it comes to post size as long as you have more than one line, but I have roleplayed with people who post two lines to twenty paragraphs, so whatever you're comfortble with I'll try to match! ^^

~I play both genders, but in FxM I do prefer to be a female. I will of course play a male if you absolutely cannot do females, but I also double up, which I find to be a nice compromise to the gender issue since in my experineces most people who want to do a romance RP are females who want to play female, although of course there are still females who want to play males and males who want to play males, or even males who want to play females... I'm getting off topic xD

~When it comes to replies I am usually on every day, despite the fact that I can get busy with school. But we all know there are those roleplays where we just love and are so into and want to reply every second, then there are those that we're feeling kinda 'eh' about and will reply to, but maybe not as frequently.. Or maybe it's just me. Shame on me for picking favorites xD But my point is, if I don't reply to our RP within a few days please send me a poke, and I will do so if you don't reply in a while as well. I completely understand if you can only be on every few days, but please do tell me ahead of time so I'm not left hanging! And if you do get bored or can't reply anymore please tell me, I promise I won't be mad! We can work out if we want to continue it in some other way, or even just drop it if that's what you want.

~I don't mind doing multiple roleplays with the same person, so if we can't decide on two ideas we could just do both, as well as if we discontinue/finish a roleplay I'd be happy to start up another one in its place!

~OOC comments and chatting on the side, whether about the roleplay or anything else, are good! I consider myself a fairly friendly person, so please don't be shy if there's anything you need to ask/say.

Yep, that was pretty lengthy... Sorry >_< In any case, we can now proceed on to the pairings! I mostly like anything supernatural, fantasy, sci-fi, and in some cases realistic. What I mean by that is it could happen in real life, but is probably unlikely, since if it was too common and everyday I'd probably get bored of it too quickly. Anyway, here we go!

Angel x Demon- What can I say? It's a classic.

Angel x Human- Many possibilities, I like it.

Guardian Angel x Satanist- A more specific version of the above idea. I think this could be funny, dark, and possibly turn out sweet or tragic! I really wanna do this one xD

Fallen Angel x Human- No specific ideas, but I think it could be intersting.

Demon x Human- I honestly haven't done one of these that I don't like. So this one is good!

Kidnapper x Kidnapped- The kidnapper can be evil or just had to because of a misunderstanding, either way I think it coudl be interesting.

Assassin x Target- A lot of these died before they got started, but I had this one that I loved ^^

Secret Agent x Witness- Someone saw something they shouldn't have, so now they're being held by the government!! Kinda like Kidnapper x Kidnapped, except this is legal, and they're probably treated to any luxary they want except freedom.

Criminal x Cop- Could happen in multiple ways, I have a few different ideas for this!

Criminal x Hostage- Never done this, but I think it could be interesting.

Princess x Thief- Someone stole the princess! They could've done it in different ways, but it's for the ransom money... Which soon becomes invalid when the queen is expecting another child, a son, and the princess is forgotten! Will the thief have fallen for her by that time? What will they do? I don't know, roleplay this with me and we can find out xD

Bad Boy x Anyone- Gotta love those bad boys! By anyone it could be a good girl, quiet girl, normal girl, artsy, anything but a typical bad girl. She could hate him at first or simply feel indifferent about him or even like him but know he's not good so try not to act on it until she knows he truly does have feelings for her.. And I was thinking there could be some family drama in this one as well or something.

Neko x Anything- Nekos are too cute not to include in this!

Dragon x Anything- I love dragons. It could be with another dragon, or possibly the dragons can shape-shift into a human form and it's with a knight, prince/princess, or something? I dunno.

Half-Dragon x Anything- I love half-dragons as well, I'm even writing a book-thing about them. Could be with a human, regulat dragon, or even a dragonhunter or specifically half-dragon hunter?

Enemy x Enemy- Could be really anything! Such as on opposite sides of war, simply people who don't like each other or whose personalities clash, opposing beliefs (religion, politics, etc.), but eventually fall for each other.

Doctor x Patient- Or perhaps nurse, but some kind of person in the medical career and a patient, most likely a regular patinet at that. For whatever reason. Could even be a personal or family doctor, that they hired just for themselves? I dunno.

Soulmate x Soulmate- Maybe they don't know why but are attracted to someone?! Maybe one knows but the other doesn't? Probably not they both already know, that would probably end too quickly. But I'm currently doing one of these and I think it's awesome.

Alright, so those are my briefly explained pairings. I do have some more elaborate ideas for a few of them, which I'd love to tell you if you ask, but I'd also love to brainstorm or hear any ideas you have! Feel free to suggest any pairings to me you'd like to do, since I'll roleplay almost anything.

Now, onto my ideas! These range from very abstract to fairly specific, so we can just work together on fine-tuning the more undeveloped ones!

Idea 1: Cursed and Blessed

Okay so I had this on my last recruitment thread, and a few people inquired about it, but I never actually got to start any roleplays for it! D: So sad because I have so mny ideas... Anyway, here it is. I was thinking that perhaps someone who attracted bad things meet someone who attracted good things, and they would fall in love and all the blah. But of course there would be questions on how that was possible and such. Eh, we'll figure it out. But since they clash so bad I'd like for there to be some drama. Such as after they've met terrible things, worse than what happened to the bad-luck person start happening to the good-luck person, and amazing, awesome, better than happening to the good-luck person things are happening to the bad-luck person. Will their love conquer it?! Maybe. Maybe not. Maybe the good-luck person will end up being killed, and the bad-luck person will cry o-o I dunno. I thought it could be interesting.

Idea 2: Dreams

Same as the first idea, I have a lot of ideas for this one but although we planned, no one ever started this one with me ;_; Here it is though. I'm not completely sure, but I really really want to do something with dreams. Perhaps somebody can see and travel into other people's dreams like in the Gone trilogy?(Amazing series, if anyone was looking for a good story) Or maybe two people see each other in their dreams, yet have never met? Maybe someone can manipulate dreams? Maybe someone sees one person in their dreams every night and is searching for them, and they finally meet? Maybe someone unknowingly sends someone else dreams? Maybe two people get trapped in a lucid dream, yet it's dangerous and they have to try and survive? Maybe... Maybe... Sorry, I got carried away. But I really wanna try some kind of dream-related thing out, I love dreams.

Idea 3: Survival

Once again, in my other thread but never got to start v_v Hopefully more people will be interested this time xD So this could be something like Survive (another great but sad book... I'm just full of recommendations today, aren't I?) which is about a pair of teens who are the only survivors of a plane crash in the middle of nowhere. Of course it doesn't have to be a plane crash, but I was thinking perhaps a boy and girl get stranded somewhere desolate and have to try and survive and make it back to civilization, while falling in love in the process. I'd also like this to be in a cold environment so that they'd have to cuddle for warmth at one point ^^ There are a ton of different ways this could go, so I think it could be quite interesting.

Idea 4: Never Together

Finally, something not from my other thread xD So with this one I didn't really have anything specific, but the idea is two people, who under whatever circumstances, can never be together. Sort of like a Romeo and Juliet thing. They would probably fall for each other rather quickly I imagine, or be in denial, because they knew it wouldn't, couldn't work. It could be in a modern, futuristic, past, or somehow fantasy setting, but these two could be separated by anything! Families feuding, different species (as in angels and demons, not like a human and a pet cat, as in a normal, not talking or thinking cat. Because that's kinda weird O.o ), or even personal beliefs. I know this is pretty vague, but oh well. I think it could be tragic, and for some reason I'm in the mood for tragedy lately!

Idea 5: Love Triangle

For this one we could have three people or ome person playing two people. It could once again be anything, from a normal, realistic setting to some completely different thing! Or another thing this could be would be a character who's in love with someone who's already in a relationship, whether they want to be or not (as in arranged marriage or something of the like for a fantasy or past setting). So the character would naturally try to steal theit love away from their current partner. Could be interesting I think.

Alright, that's all I can think of at the moment. If anyone has any ideas they'd like to share I'd be more than happy to hear thrm, and we could evendo some more brainstorming and idea combining!

Before I close this up I must mention that I do fandoms. I'm not going to list anything right now becausr there are way too many to list. I must mention the book trilogy Unwind though, because it's my absolute favorite!! If you haven't read it, read it. But beside that I do watch a lot of anime and read a lot of manga as well as a lot of books, and I do watch some TV shows, cartoons, and movies, so if there's any fandom you're itching to do just ask me about it!

Jeez, that dragged on for too long. I'm so sorry, I think it was longer than my last recruitment thread!! D: I dount anyone read through everything, but if you're interested in anything just shoot me a PM or post in this thread! I'd love to roleplay with anyone and everyone! Of course, one last thing before I close this up... I love forbidden love! So if there's any sort of that you'd like to do that I didn't mention, just tell me and I'd love to do it! Alright, I took enough of your time. Thank you for clicking on this even if you didn't read all of it, and I hope to roleplay with all of you in the future! ^_^
Hi! Do I get brownie points for reading through everything? :3

Hehe anyways, I'm interested in the "Bad Boy x Anyone" and the "Soulmate x Soulmate" pairings. And I love your "Never Together" and "Love Triangle" ideas!

So which of those would you like to do most? ^^

I am more comfortable in realistic settings, though, so I hope that won't cause any problems. :/ But I'm more than willing to play the male for ya! And I'd love to double up. :)

I'm also a huge fan of drama/angst and getting the family issues involved. :D

Hello first person to reply! Yes, have a virtual brownie for reading it! *gives virtual brownie* I think I post the longest recruitment threads in the history of recruitment, so I'm surprised you managed to read it all xD

Ooh, so hard to chose. I'm thinking we might need another for a love triangle, and the never together could probably be tied into one if not both of those, so probably soulmates or bad boy.

It's perfectly fine! I don't hate realistic, I just don't really favor the typical every day occurrence, by that I mean I like when there are a bit abnormal but still realistic things happening, you know? And yeah, either doubling or just one works perfectly for me!

Oh yay, I love that stuff xD

Could you shoot me a PM so we can discuss more?
Hello! I briefly skimmed everything because at re moment I am sitting in a theatre during intermission waiting for SHERK the musical to start up :3 but you seem like a goo match for me in 1x1 and I like most of your ideas :3 we can discuss details latter :3 pm me and I will get back to you when SHERK and Fiona get together I will message you if you have not then and read all this :3

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