1v1 romantic roleplay (girls only)


New Member
Hey all,

I'm looking for a girl that would like to do some romantic r.p? ;) I'm not really as detailed as everyone, and I like to do rping through chatting or iming because posted threads it would take a long time. I am willing to go along with any roles and etc. as long as it's mainly romantic and there's some passionate stuff going on :love:

Just post if ur interested.
Chilaha said:
Hey all,
I'm looking for a girl that would like to do some romantic r.p? ;) I'm not really as detailed as everyone, and I like to do rping through chatting or iming because posted threads it would take a long time. I am willing to go along with any roles and etc. as long as it's mainly romantic and there's some passionate stuff going on :love:

Just post if ur interested.
please quote me when you reply so I am notified - what is your posting average please? :)


Just so you know,RPNation is a no-sex-zone. While I don't have an official explanation from AcE as to why,I feel it's because it's nearly impossible to approach the subject maturely in an anonymous open RP format. Romance is fine,but please,nothing sexual and absolutely no displays of sex in-post. We enforce this rule far more strictly and severely than most others. When in doubt,read our rules,and follow the spirit of them.
[MENTION=72]Riddle78[/MENTION] I would NEVER participate in sexually explicit content come from Gaia online and do not tolerate sexually explicit writing or pictures. Ido however enjoy a nice clean romance rp every once in a while if the other writer is well read and keeps it interesting. Thank you for the information but please rest assured I will not abuse the rpnations forums and I will keep my posting pg13 :)
[QUOTE="Soses-fighter007]please quote me when you reply so I am notified - what is your posting average please? :)

I don't really have a posting average because Im brand new.
Chilaha said:
I don't really have a posting average because Im brand new.
Hey me too! Seems like you've gotten some rough patches here. I think you and I could match up well. I'll PM you my instant message info.
Send me a PM, I think this could be fun, sounds like the rpg style I like as well. Maybe with a little action thrown in here and there too!

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