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Panda Bear

New Member
Hi there! My name is Panda Bear, just call me Panda.

About me:
I am an adult player who is in her upper 20s. I would prefer that my partner to be an adult as well.

I have just graduated from college with my teaching certificate in elementary education and a Bachelor's in Arts. My minor is english (for if I chose to teach middle schoolers) and I write poetry on the side as a hobby. I have a tendency to be upper semi-literate to advanced depending on how I am feeling.

I am currently looking for a job for the fall and have a small side job on the side. However, I am dealing with a huge amount of stressers in my life right now. My grandfather is currently in the hospital healing from a major surgery and my grandmother is fighting cancer and needs surgery, which more than likely won't happen for a while now. My grandparents have taken care of me for most of my life so please, please, PLEASE be patient with me as my responses may be limited. I also struggle with depression and anxiety so if I feel pressured in any way then it becomes much harder for me to respond.

I would appreciate OOC. Because of my current circumstances I will try to update you if something serious does occur. I do not wish to leave you hanging. I have had a lot of that happen when I roleplayed before and I did not appreciate it. As long as I am in open communication with you I would appreciate the same. However, you don't have to give me your whole lifes story. Just let me know if you're going to be busy or if something came up in real life.

Also please note that I will only roleplay PG-13 roleplays.

Roleplaying Interests:
Fantasy (Elves, magic...etc)
Apocalyptic (Angels, demons)
Human roleplaying (Historic or mixture with the other two subjects)

I can do romance, but I prefer to have it developed over time (it makes it more fun!), and I only do MxF (would prefer to be the female)
I prefer to roleplay females. I can roleplay males (probably not in romance form for the moment because I need the practice).

I encourage multiple characters! I enjoy having side characters because it makes roleplaying so much more fun!


2nd Chance:

Character A just recently died from a tragic accident and was brought to judgement for their deeds. It turns out that Character A did an equal amount of good and bad. Therefore, the powers that be cannot figure out whether character A should be sent to heaven or to hell. They decide that Character A should be placed in a trial run as a "guardian" angel for the humans below. In order for a decision to be made Character A must have a higher number of good or bad deeds over a period of 100 years. When the 100 years are up then Character A will go back for judgement during this period of time. During Character A's time as an angel there are forces (Character B) that try to convince character A to fall to one side over the other. I would play Character A who is a female. You can decide which side your character is on. I would like to see a building romantic relationship between Character A and B. So Character B would be male.

More to come soon....

No fandoms please! I prefer original plots and you can base certain ideas off of books or movies. (I.e. When I roleplay vampires I typically roleplay them with the traditional powers (No sparkling))

I am only looking for one or two roleplayers to roleplay with. If you are interested in roleplaying with me let me know! :)
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