1980's Law and Order New Orleans


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Name: Kevin O'Senan

Occupation/Specialization: Heist Organizer

Race/Ethnicity/Nationality: Caucasian, widwestern/ Chicago accent

Religion: Raised Catholic, not practicing

Gender Identity: Male

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Appearance: Medium black hair usually brushed over to one side. Green eyes. About 5'6" in stature. Holds himself larger than he is. Stubble/lightly bearded with a seemingly perpetually broken nose and bitten overly chapped lips.

Personality Traits: Not scared of what he should be, raised in a household with 8 siblings he never got anything he didn't fight for and ever since childhood his commanding attitude and short temper made him an arguably strong leader but to him, rather you're with him or against him.

Short Bio: Kevin grew up in a Chicago suburb with a caring but seemingly never present family, other than the few brothers and sisters that bothered him outside of the dinner table. His mother died in a car accident when he was 14 and his father loved him very much but was too busy raising his other siblings and working at the city clerks office to give the maturing Kevin the structure he needed and he sure as hell wasn't getting it from his older brothers. when he was 19 he got his first job cleaning up after hours at a store in downtown, he also robbed his first liquor store that year, it was across the street. He did it because he was bored, it gave him a rush, he thought he would be a natural. And hell he was, he got a small posse and over the next three years they hit dozens of Ma & Pa convenience and liquor stores in the Chicago land area. Then one night someone pulled a gun, someone got shot, someone died. Kevin felt completely responsible, even if he didn't pull that trigger there was a dead clerk lying bleeding from his skull on the side of the I-90 express way with his brains splattered all over a some kids white '73 Passat, god he had some sight to come back to that night and it

Kevin felt it was all his damn fault. This all meant to Kevin that he needed to go, he wanted to go far away so he did. Hit up the west coast for a while, made his way to Vegas and eventually making his way to Louisiana. He has no idea what took him there, he had no ties but his own reputation, no family he hadn't spoken to them in years, he just found himself there and over the next year he made a plan.
Name: Emma Bernstein

Age: 26

Occupation/Specialization: Amateur Writer/Musician/Petty Thief

Race/Ethnicity/Nationality: Caucasian

Religion: None

Gender Identity: Cis Female

Sexual Orientation: Asexual

Appearance: Donning a leather or patched-up denim jacket and badass combat boots, Emma is a truly disciple of classical anarchist thought and modern punk. She has short brown hair and brown eyes. Her expression usually conveys her deep dissatisfaction with society and to whomever she is in conversation.

Personality Traits: Emma has strong opinions, and she is not afraid to voice them. She will also not hesitate to fuck you up if she needs to. While very well read and intelligent, Emma has trouble controlling her interactions with people. She comes across to many as abrasive or even downright intimidating, not that she gives a fuck you think anyway you fuckin' corporate shill.

Short Bio: Emma was raised by a conservative, Methodist family in a Louisiana suburb. After discovering Max Stirner in college, however, her outlook on life changed forever. No longer wanting to pursue a career in business, she dropped out of college and took her clarinet to New Orleans, where she joined a jazz quartet with a childhood friend and pianist, David Finch. Despite their differences, David and Emma had a mutual respect for each other, and they worked well together. Music for David was a side gig, however. Emma depended on it. Years past, and rent never got cheaper. She eventually turned to writing articles for a local newspaper, but she lost her job quickly after complaints from readers about her radical views. Strapped for cash and believing banks to be a symbol of the sustained capitalist structure, Emma decided to turn to crime. A certain Kevin O'Senan happened upon a bar on Bourbon street where she was playing a gig. After the show, the two drank for hours and became partners in crime.
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/YamaReference.jpg.bb74f96156cc2e4ba4d545f5523b4f90.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="42728" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/YamaReference.jpg.bb74f96156cc2e4ba4d545f5523b4f90.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Yama Surya (Assumed name, real name unknown)

Specialization: Intelligence

Nationality: Indian

Religion: Hindu

Gender Identity: Male

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual Aromantic

Appearance: Shorter than average, around 5'7". Typical Indian features, with a blank, unreadable face. Medium length, carefully trimmed beard. Body below neck is covered with tattoos depicting Hindu symbols and scenes.

Personality Traits: High-functioning sociopath. Lacks almost all human empathy, but is able to put on a pretense of emotion convincingly. As a result, he is highly charismatic. Schizophrenic, with delusions of granduer causing him to believe he is the incarnation of the Hindu god of death and justice, Yama. Driven by a desire for justice and balance for their own sake.

Bio: Growing up an urchin on the mean streets of Bombay proved surprisingly easy for Yama. He always seemed to be able to get what he wanted from people, be it with words or force. Naturally, his criminal career began strong, and he soon attracted the attention of a local crime boss. The syndicate tolerated his eccentricities, as they kept him driven and focused. He did his work well, and with relish, doing jobs ranging from gathering intelligence to theft to contract killings. But then Yama learned of his boss's sex trafficking ring. Unable to feel empathy for the victims of the ring, he nonetheless felt that it was unjust, and so he killed his boss under cover of darkness and fled the city. After crossing countries and oceans, dodging crime syndicate agents at every turn, Yama found himself in the American port city of New Orleans. He quickly connected with the city's bustling crime network in order to return to his holy work as soon as possible.



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Name: Jessie Paradis

Age: 23

Occupation/Specialization: Grunt work, forging, part-time stripper

Race/Ethnicity/Nationality: French

Religion: Holds some vague Christian beliefs

Gender Identity: Transwoman, has had top surgery

Sexual Orientation: Heteromantic/Pansexual

Appearance: Tasteful make up but heavy lipstick. Short blonde hair, blue eyes, and a slim figure. 5'2

Personality Traits: Jessie can be very flirty without meaning to. She is generally very optimistic and very strong despite her size. Jessie will always give someone a second chance. She is considered a "slut" and sleeps around a lot, but sees no problem with this.

Short Bio: Jessie was born in Paris, France and lived there for a majority of her life. She first started transitioning at the age of 17. Her parents were incredibly abusive and unsupportive so she had to find other ways of paying for her "situation". After getting involved in a nasty kidnapping scheme, Jessie ran off to America. Although hopeful she can make a better person out of herself, she always ends up with the wrong crowd.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/image.jpg.a905e1b2f8127398d2196b11259041b6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="42695" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/image.jpg.a905e1b2f8127398d2196b11259041b6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Farzan Shahbazi

Age: 30

Occupation/Specialization: Attorney

Race/Ethnicity/Nationality: Iranian

Religion: Baha'i

Gender Identity: Cis Male

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual/Heteroromantic

Appearance: Farzan is a handsome man. He is clean-shaven and has dark, perfect, short, parted hair. He is of an average height and weight. Farzan is never seen without a suit. Some say he sleeps in it. Others say he looks as if he never sleeps at all, as evidenced by an ever-present cup of strong coffee.

Personality Traits: Farzan is very ambitious. Though he tries to maintain a level of approach-ability, he is a workaholic and prioritizes his career over any kind of relationship.

Bio: He worked his way up the social ladder in Iran and was a blossoming international lawyer. After the Iranian Revolution in 1979, Farzan feared the religious persecution that would come with the Islamist regime. He used his American connections in the diplomatic community to flea the country and find refuge in the United States. Wanting to get to work immediately, he worked his way through the University of Chicago Law School and landed a job as a district attorney in New Orleans.

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