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Realistic or Modern 1980's Law and Order New Orleans


New Member
In 1980's, New Orleans, a ragtag group of criminals plans their latest heist. Meanwhile, their law-abiding counterparts aim to stop them and bring justice and order to the city they love.

In this RP, each player will play at least two characters. One will be a member of a crime organization, and the other will operate with law in some capacity (Local Police, PI, FBI, Lawyer, etc.). Players may also play civilians with no connection to either of these, but it is encouraged that they play one of each of the previously mentioned character types.

Part one will deal with the criminals planning and carrying out their heist. In part two, law characters will be introduced, and we can go on from there. Character introduction should follow this format, but feel free to not include information if you want your character to remain a mystery ;0





Gender Identity:

Sexual Orientation:


Personality Traits:

Short Bio:

(Optional) Misc:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/57a8c18e24159_Law__Order.png.8a58a2320aa7d04c68f46c9060449d11.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="42465" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/57a8c18e24159_Law__Order.png.8a58a2320aa7d04c68f46c9060449d11.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Kevin tapped some ash off of his Cheap Salem cigarette on to the floor of the grimy warehouse he'd obtained through several back alley deals and cashed in debts a few months back. His blue Honda civic was parked just within of an open garage door leading to one of the many hand layed brick back alleys of New Orleans letting a bit of afternoon drizzle in. There was a black 1965 Chevy van surrounded by cardboard and wooden boxes full of every last possession of Kevin's in front of the car. There were 4 garage doors running the length of the building and it was about half as wide. The opposite wall was barren accept for the piping and AC ducts and a single door leading to a hallway to a Main Street. There was a staircase on one side leading to the offices Kevin used as an apartment. Other than the boxes and two vehicles the floor was occupied by several work benches in the corner with a plethora of tools and heavy equipment, a long cheap table with 4 folding chairs around it that Kevin was sitting on and a large covered bulletin board. It was musty and smelled of oil and industry, but it worked. Kevin was wearing his only boots with a pair of tattered Levis and an old off white button down with the sleeves rolled up and the remainder of his teal cigarette pack was jammed into one roll. He brushed his black hair back with his hand and looked at the old speedmaster watch he nipped off some guy in L.A. years ago.

The big hand was about to touch the 8 and the little one was approaching the 10

"Where the hell are they, you offer someone a score like this and you expect at least one of them to be early"
Emma weaved through traffic on her motorcycle. "Shit, shit, shit," she whispered to herself. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a blue civic parked inside an open garage. She stopped her motorcycle and pulled a tattered piece of paper out her jacket. She looked at the garage, then down at the paper, and at the garage again. Cautiously, she walked away from here motorcycle and into into the building. "Kevin?" she shouted.
Yama sat on the cold tile floor of his sparsely furnished flat. He owned very little, only the basic necessities. But he preferred it that way. Worldly possessions held no appeal for him. He made no movement, aside from his slow and measured breathing. With this meditation, he offered up praise to his father, Surya, his mother, Saranyu, and, most of all, to Brahma, the great creator. Eventually, his eyes slid open and fell upon the clock.


No matter. All would be well.

Rising, Yama pulled on a gray cotton V-neck and the black leather jacket that rarely left his body. He left the apartment building, stopping to unlock his battered bicycle from the stand, and headed toward the meeting place with a steady, measured pace. As he pedaled, a tongue of excitement licked up his spine. There was much justice to be done.
A limo screeched to a hault in front of the designated meeting area and Jessie flung herself from the back seat.

"Au revoir!" She waved to a rich business man who seemed in a hurry to put as much distance between him and Jessie.

As he sped off, she made her way towards the two who had already arrived.
"Emma! Welcome"

Kevin approached hand extended to shake and eyes darting between her and the other woman approaching the warehouse.
"Good to see you, Kevin," Emma said, returning the handshake. She pulled Kevin closer before breaking away. "Who's our bourgeois friend over there?" she whispered.
"Trust me she's a friend. And I highly doubt the limo was hers." He took a step back and dragged from the cigarette. "Now please take a seat"

He motioned Emma towards the table. three of the chairs had folders in front of them with with the first letters of the teams names written on them in ballpoint pen.
Yama rode up to the garage and propped his bike against a wall. No need to lock it up. This place didn't see much foot traffic, and it was unlikely that anyone would steal it, looking as it did like it belonged in a dump. Seeing the others already at the table, he wordlessly took his seat.
Jessie flipped through a wad of cash before pocketing it. Her dress seemed more like an over-sized sweater than anything and her heels were so tall and pointy they could be classified as a lethal weapon. She approached Emma first, holding out a hand.

"Hello z'ere! You must be Emma!"
Emma averted her eyes and slunk back to the corner without another word. "Alright, Kevin. Let's cut the bullshit and get to work."
Kevin drops the cigarette and crushes the butt under his boot and coughed to assure everyones attention. He gave the ragtag bunch a cursory glance and sighed shallowly. "Well this is...a...team." He straightened his back and glanced over all of them again."Well here we go" He pulled the sheet off of the bulletin board brandishing a map of the city and several polaroids of the interior and exterior of whitney bank main on St.Charles Avenue. There were more polaroids of people rather in the bank or in the streets. Every photo had labels and occasional typewritten paragraphs. "Whitney bank is one of the oldest banks in the city. This means that it has safety deposit boxes dating back to the 20s or maybe earlier. And the vault is loaded with with a reserve of kennedy half dollars, those bulky ass coins that never got spent back in the 60s. They also carry a varying amount of cash that's excess is carried twice a day to the depository down town. These people" He points towards a group of peoples pictures "are the weekday shift at the bank. they've been there mostly for years accept for this young lady who is a teller and this gentleman the assistant manager. The guards most likely wont take a bullet for the place so we have to only worry about police response. And if we're able to hit it in two weeks on the Italian whatever it is parade the day before St. Patricks day police response time will be cut almost in half. Also from my preliminary observations I saw no trace of CCTV systems or audible alarms outside of the bank. The four of us will be taking a majority of the cut but some of the work on escape and distributing the goods safely may be outsourced. Your assignments are in the folders in front of you but most of the set up in the next couple of weeks will be a collaborative effort " He stood there slightly winded from the speech but proud of himself and he looked at the team. "...Any questions?"
Jessie listened patiently, her eyes glowed with excitement. She hadn't been a part of plan like this in a long time. Nowadays she was doing small time crimes and the occasional prostitution. At the prompting for questions about a million exploded in her mind. There was a lot to plan for still, so she only had one question for now.

The short woman raised her hand as if in school but didn't wait to be called on. " 'ow much do you z'ink each of us will get?"
Yama scanned the files in his folder which detailed his assignments. He was to gather more intelligence on the bank, the people who worked there, and the vault itself. His specialty. He knew how to manipulate people. to coax details out of them., using a variety of methods ranging from seduction to torture.

He looked up from the folder and locked eyes with Kevin.

"We will not kill anyone," he said. It wasn't a question.
Kevin looked towards Jessie. "Well on an average day the bank has at least 10 grand in it's vault in small and large bills not including any coins, the teller drawers, and the surplus of Kennedy half dollars they moved there from the depository a few months ago which could mount up to up to 5 grand it's self. The safety deposit boxes are a mystery, but the plan now is to break the brackets holding the boxes and just take as many as we can into two crates that we'll dolly in and back onto the van. Any we cant get that way will hopefully be opened up with a set of keys from the managers office given that we have the time while the main vault is opened up and emptied out. So split evenly 4 ways and not including the boxes that's roughly 4 grand each in cash each. That may not sound like a whole lot but we will get a majority of the score from those boxes and there's no way to tell how much will be taken in by the bank before the score. That day and there will be extra surplus from the day before because it's a large week for the city and the roads leading downtown will have been closed so we are even looking at a possible extra 10 grand in small bills and coins.

Kevin turned towards Yama. "And we will do our best, I can promise you no civilians will be killed though"
Jessie practically shivered with excitement and clutched her folder to her chest. She didn't even care what job they had assigned her. This big score might actually set her free...
Emma stared widely at the floor. Not only would she be able to pay her own rent for the month, she'd have a nice sum of money to start up her community building organization. Her stomach tingled at the thought. "So, how do I fit in to this?" she inquired.
Kevin looked at Emma " We'll need someone to drive the van wont we? We also need two motorbikes, small ones. preferably something fast like Kawasaki street bikes or some cheaper Yamaha's with street tires not off road ones. I need you to procure them. Or steal them. They just can't have trackable VIN numbers."
"Well it depends on how long it takes to get the vault open. police will be there in no less than 10 minutes and definitely within 20. The two in the deposit box room should clear it all within 6 and the one in the vault can clear half of it in that time and then the other two can join in after that. We will all keep in contact via radio and if the one in the van notices something wrong we book it the hell out of there. two of us in the van and the other two split up on bikes. we should get out of there in no more time than 12 minutes. Then the two on bikes will divert as much attention from the van as possible while they all make their way to the New Orleans municipal yacht club and marina on North Roadway. All three vehicles making separate paths. The van will arrive first and will have taken as many back alleys and hidden paths as possible. With the crowd it shouldn't be hard to make it without being tailed. The bikes will arrive 3 minutes later and hopefully lost their pursuers if they have any at all. In those three minutes the van will have been unloaded by a few paid off dockhands on to a fishing boat without any identifying markings and stripped of it's ship to shore and sonar systems. The van and bikes will be hidden in the back of a dock house and covered with tarps It should be practically undetectable. Coast guard response shouldn't be an issue and we'll take the boat in to a runoff into the Intercoastal Waterway. Then we'll take the boat to a dry dock about 4 blocks from here and load it on to a trailer and take it back here where we lock it all up. The journey from bank to boat should take no more than 10 minutes if we put pedal to the metal and there is no complications. so were looking at 22 minutes up to that point and then 3 minutes to load the boat meaning 25 minutes. Then we have to take our time and stay off of any Coast Guard radar so that can take us up to 30 minutes hugging the shore and using smaller waterways. So we're at 55 minutes bank to dry dock."
Jessie finally seemed to snap out of her daydreaming. The plan seemed like it had one too many estimates.

"Well, before we go too far w'iz z'is, et seems like we will be needing a lot of, how you say, recon?"

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