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Fandom 19 Years Later (Harry Potter Role Play Reboot)

Not trying to sound rude, but I think we should refrain from posting OOC chat in the CS tab.
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Full Name: Dorian Rumancek

Age: 17

Role: Student

Personality: Dorian is surprisingly intelligent for someone who struggles to find the will to show up to classes and make an effort, despite the lack of attendance he can easily pass exams without much effort. His lack of effort and the appearance of someone who doesn't work hard makes many wonder why he was placed in Hufflepuff who are known for being hard working. He's a kind person albeit slightly cynical. He's best at expressing himself through art and music, placing all of the effort not given in lessons into his art. He takes a deep interest in muggles as he comes from a prestigious Pure-blood family. He struggles with bottling up emotions and secrets, so will lash at at certain questions or after a partially stressful event.

Family: Olivia Rumancek (Mother)

Gordon Rumancek (Father)

Dana Rumancek (Sister, Slytherin)

Hemlock Royale (Grandmother)

Wand: 10’ Oak, Dragon Heartstring

House: Hufflepuff

Blood type: Pureblood

Activities: Muggle Art, Muggle Music, Quidditch (Beater)

Pets: Barn Owl, known by the name of Goblin King

Other: Suffers from Lycanthropy.
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Roderick McDonald






Roderick is a mixed bag of various manners and behaviors, He's intelligent and wise enough to have been fitting for Ravenclaw but hardly what people may expect from a student of the house. He's creative in some ways, but very much a original and witty sort who's views and hobbies vary from a wide range both common of those ravenclaw and others more adventurous and risky.... Well overall he's a young man of his own individual and unique sort. But accepting of others being of half-blood status, he's fair to muggles and sees them no less then those of Pureblood and rich magical histories, families and standing in the wizarding world. While seeing the value of his mothers Pureblood history and the past his family on his mothers side has lived and can tell to future generations, while teaching of magic and its part in they're world..... A luxury not all appreciate and others who would do not have and could take advantage of if they had. Additionally he's rather brave and loyal with a certain code of conduct in which he believes and abides.



Student and aspiring Auror



Evan Fisher-(Father-Hufflepuff )

Audrey Fisher-McDonald-(Mother-Ravenclaw)

Dougal Fisher-McDonald-(Brother-Ravenclaw)

Liza Fisher-McDonald-(Sister-Gryffindor )

Alistar Fisher-McDonald-(Brother-Ravenclaw)

Patricia Fisher-McDonald-(Sister-Ravenclaw)

Rory McDonald-(Cousin-Gryffindor)



Born in Scotland and raised in London England for his first five years, then living back and forth between the two nations since. Roderick Fisher-McDonald is a half-blood wizard and sixth child.... of British muggle born wizard Evan fisher and his Pureblood wife Audrey McDonald of the scottish Pureblood wizarding family, he was raised within a strict but fair house hold, his family was well off but not rich and so knew the value of hard work and hard earned money. Never was muggles or muggle-borns considered lesser then half bloods or purebloods nor were they cursed by the lips of any McDonald as far they knew and the children of Evan and Audrey were taught that lesson and how to properly behave with respect and manners to all. It was a simple and typical upbringing for the fisher-McDonald children growing up with magic and learning of its history and there respective families history as well, while knowing how muggles live away from magic and unknowing of it. When his elder siblings all went off to school upon receiving there letters and getting the supplies they need, the family learned keeping the name fisher in the magical world wasn't always great, elitists of blood status didn't treat the five elder children well and though it didn't ruin their experiences in school it did bring a thought to both parents minds, it wouldn't stop the elitists built would help if Roderick when it was his time to attend Hogwarts, that he would carry his mothers maiden name instead... A name of Pureblood status in the wizarding world even if they were a bloodline considered as blood traitors. So Roderick did, he was eventually sorted into house Ravenclaw much like most of his family and seemed to do well in his studies, taking a liking to Defense against the Dark Arts and Charms classes especially. He would go on to join the house team and become a beater and by his fifth year the Quidditch team captain leading Ravenclaw to the cup, while aiming to make his mark by leading them to another before his last year comes and his graduation follows. Roderick was very much a character and goal oriented as he wanted to become an Auror when he graduated and his career selection would come. All the while growing into a skillful duelist under the tutelage of professor Flitwick and the practice and time he put into his dueling and spells, taking part in the dueling club from the first year he was able and ever since then. Every year becoming more and more dedicated to his studies, dueling, spells and classes while performing his responsibilities as captain of Ravenclaw and doing his best to uphold his promise to them and all Ravenclaw. He was always the first to help his fellow house mates and make things easy for them from the first year on and whenever they could use a little help. He treated ladies like he was taught too and was usually a gentleman around them if still his usual charming and character of a guy that he was. He was fair and kind no matter the blood status of others and came to befriend a number of students over his years, known to hang out with Victoria knight and group of friends such as Dorian, Thaddeus, Sara, Jade and company. While finding time during his busy schedule to have adventures and fun with them and others or sometimes alone if they weren't around.



12' inch Alder, Phoenix Feather




Blood Type


Half Blood



Dueling Club



History-(Muggle & Magic)



Black Barn owl-Galahad



Despite his wanting to become a Auror, he struggles with the decison due to his interest in perhaps becoming a professor at Hogwarts if he fails in his original goal and career choice. He has been dedicated in his practice of dueling and capability with spells and knowledge of them, while taking his studies even more seriously with each passing year as his graduation nears and career decison awaits. In order to be fully prepared and capable in either field should he choose one over the other or his goal of becoming a Auror is not successful and he attempts return to hogwarts in hopes of becoming a professor.

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Saru said:



(Looking for one suitable)



Roderick McDonald






Roderick is a mixed bag of various manners and behaviors, He's intelligent and wise enough to have been fitting for Ravenclaw but hardly what people may expect from a student of the house. He's creative in some ways, but very much a original and witty sort who's views and hobbies vary from a wide range both common of those ravenclaw and others more adventurous and risky.... Well overall he's a young man of his own individual and unique sort. But accepting of others being of half-blood status, he's fair to muggles and sees them no less then those of Pureblood and rich magical histories, families and standing in the wizarding world. While seeing the value of his mothers Pureblood history and the past his family on his mothers side has lived and can tell to future generations, while teaching of magic and its part in they're world..... A luxury not all appreciate and others who would do not have and could take advantage of if they had. Additionally he's rather brave and loyal with a certain code of conduct in which he believes and abides.



Student and aspiring Auror



Evan Fisher-(Father)

Audrey McDonald-(Mother-Ravenclaw)

Dougal Fisher-(Brother)

Liza Fisher-(Sister)

Alistar Fisher-(Brother)

Patricia Fisher-(Sister)

Rory McDonald-(Cousin-Gryffindor)






12' inch Alder, Phoenix Feather




Blood Type


Half Blood



Dueling Club



History-(Muggle & Magic)



Black Barn owl-Galahad



Despite his wanting to become a Auror, he struggles with the decison due to his interest in perhaps becoming a professor at Hogwarts if he fails in his original goal and career choice. He has been dedicated in his practice of dueling and capability with spells and knowledge of them, while taking his studies more seriously with each passing year as his graduation nears and career decison awaits. In order to be fully prepared and capable in either field should he choose one over the other or his goal of becoming a Auror is not successful and he attempts return to hogwarts in hopes of becoming a professor.



Full Name:

James Collins






Growing up as an only child, James has gotten used to being alone. In his time at Hogwarts he has made no friends to speak of and he is okay with that. He can often be found in the library reading a book instead of socializing. James, while preferring to be alone, does not turn people away who have questions about work or other school-related things. It's when things turn to a personal nature that he wants to be left alone. This has, in the past, given some the impression that he is unfriendly and rude. Can often been seen writing stories in his notebook.

History (optional): (Will Work On This)


Father – Alexander Collins (Wizard. Author, lesser known)

Mother – Gale Collins (Witch. Deceased.)


13” Mahogany, Dragon Heartstring



Blood type:



Defense Against the Dark Arts


History (Magical)



Charcoal Bengal Cat named Tyrus (Ty for short)



Has several ideas for what he'd like to do when he is done with Hogwarts. Auror, author, potion maker, or even a teacher at Hogwarts. He isn't too bothered to decide as he has time.
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KalenNighteyes said:

Full Name:

James Collins






Growing up as an only child, James has gotten used to being alone. In his time at Hogwarts he has made no friends to speak of and he is okay with that. He can often be found in the library reading a book instead of socializing. James, while preferring to be alone, does not turn people away who have questions about work or other school-related things. It's when things turn to a personal nature that he wants to be left alone. This has, in the past, given some the impression that he is unfriendly and rude. Can often been seen writing stories in his notebook.

History (optional): (Will Work On This)


Father – Alexander Collins (Wizard. Author, lesser known)

Mother – Gale Collins (Witch. Deceased.)


13” Mahogany, Dragon Heartstring



Blood type:



Defense Against the Dark Arts


History (Magical)



Charcoal Bengal Cat named Tyrus (Ty for short)



Has several ideas for what he'd like to do when he is done with Hogwarts. Auror, author, potion maker, or even a teacher at Hogwarts. He isn't too bothered to decide as he has time.

Full Name: Jade Petrova


Role: Sixth year student

Personality: Dark, negative, funny, sarcastic, quiet, stubborn, easily angered.

Family: Mom- Melissa Petrova (dead)

Dad- Robert Petrova- (dead)

Wand: 12", Ebony, flexible, Pheonix feather.

House: Slytherin

Blood type: Muggle born

Pets: A all black, small cat with gold eyes named "Cloud".

Other: she has a great singing voice, and a small little hint of a British accent.
DarknessSpirit said:

Full Name: Jade Petrova


Role: Sixth year student

Personality: Dark, negative, funny, sarcastic, quiet, stubborn, easily angered.

Family: Mom- Melissa Petrova (dead)

Dad- Robert Petrova- (dead)

Wand: 12", Ebony, flexible, Pheonix feather.

House: Slytherin

Blood type: Muggle born

Pets: A all black, small cat with gold eyes named "Cloud".

Other: she has a great singing voice, and a small little hint of a British accent.
Irene Jacqueline Dean


Blood Status:


Preferred House:



Age & Year:

16/Year 6




Chaser and captain for Quidditch, Dueling club, Muggle music and art.


Irene is brave, adventurous, and outgoing. Headstrong and Stubborn at times Willing to risk it all for what and/or who she believes in. She's determined to be the best at everything she gets into so she can kind of suffer from grandiosity at times. She is basically a prodigy since her training from her father and mother.She is very friendly and polite but she makes it obvious when she doesn't like you. She's also funny and love puns. And love muggle music, television, basically everything.


To be determined


Irene's mother and father got a divorce when she was 3 Her mother, Valerie is an wizard but lives in the muggle world after falling in love with the culture when she was an oblivator and part of muggle relations so her mother brings her things from the muggle world which sparked Irene's interest in muggle things. Her father on the other hand was previously a Hit wizard but now head of Auror office. Irene admires him the most despite his playboy lifestyle. He sometimes make his own spells for fun as he writes them in a journal and teaches it to Irene during his free time. Her father was captain for the gyffrindor quidditch team and her mother was superior in the dueling club in France so she feel obligated to do the same.



12.5" Yew, Dragon Heartstring




Ambitions/ Motivations:

Be a famous Hit wizard and Head of Auror like her father.
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/upload_2016-1-11_19-47-32.png.a838addf63da7e5b822c0577f6bd9227.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="98209" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/upload_2016-1-11_19-47-32.png.a838addf63da7e5b822c0577f6bd9227.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Full Name:

Robert Alan Kelsey




Student, Death Eater


While Robert might seem like an extremely nice guy who always tries his best and is always willing to help others, he's the complete opposite. He's a great liar who has everyone but his other Death Eater friends fooled. He's manipulative, dishonest, and incredibly selfish. He's very intelligent and always fights for what he wants.


Deanna Kelsey (mother)

Stephan Kelsey (father)

Charlotte Kelsey (older sister, killed for being a blood traitor)

Pauline Mahogany (eldest sister)


Elm wood, 13 inches, phoenix feather



Blood type:



Dueling Club


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/upload_2016-1-11_19-49-43.png.7364ad9af24f6a67211a6b3263e4edb7.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="98210" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/upload_2016-1-11_19-49-43.png.7364ad9af24f6a67211a6b3263e4edb7.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


He's an animagus and can transform into an eagle.

Currently dating Victoria Knight, trying to get her stop being a blood traitor.




  • upload_2016-1-11_19-47-32.png
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EmilyPower said:
View attachment 218492

Full Name:

Robert Alan Kelsey




Student, Death Eater


While Robert might seem like an extremely nice guy who always tries his best and is always willing to help others, he's the complete opposite. He's a great liar who has everyone but his other Death Eater friends fooled. He's manipulative, dishonest, and incredibly selfish. He's very intelligent and always fights for what he wants.


Deanna Kelsey (mother)

Stephan Kelsey (father)

Charlotte Kelsey (older sister, killed for being a blood traitor)

Pauline Mahogany (eldest sister)


Elm wood, 13 inches, phoenix feather



Blood type:



Dueling Club


View attachment 218494


He's an animagus and can transform into an eagle.

Currently dating Victoria Knight, trying to get her stop being a blood traitor.
Appearance: (Sorry for not having a realistic one :/ I really like this pic and I couldn't find a realistic one that I liked)


Full Name: Damen Kuroki

Age: 16 (almost 17)

Role: Student

Personality: Has an intrapersonal type of intelligence. He is sociable sometimes but mostly practices by himself and keeps to himself. He is great at problem solving and understanding complex things/situations.

History (optional): Lost his memory when he was 8 and was put into a foster family that didn't like him but they still were alright. He met Night Wing in a forest, he thought she was a normal crow until she transformed. Night Wing decided to tag along with him and kind of became his companion, since then they've been together and trying to uncover Damen's memory.

Family: He doesn't remember his family, he doesn't even know who they are. I'll still list them:

Jacob Kuroki (father)

Diana Kuroki (mother)

Jake Kuroki (older brother)

Jade Kuroki (younger sister)



House: Ravenclaw

Blood type: Half-Blood

Activities: Dueling club, Quidditch

Pet: Doesn't really have one, other than Nght Wing being an Animagi.

Tattoo's/Markings: Damen has a darkness marking on the back of his right shoulder (LINK) and a midnight shadow marking on the front of his right shoulder (LINK)

Other: His left eye's iris is red and his pupil is a slit like that of a dragon or lizard. (Looks like this LINK)




crow form:


Full Name: Night Wing (real name is Axelia Nighting)

Age: 16

Role: Student

Personality: She mostly likes sleeping and baths but she is quite kind and wild, she's never shy, when she's awake she is always cheerful (most of the time)

History (optional): Her mother and father were both familiar's (her mother was a snowy owl and her father a raven), she grew up with her 2 sisters. Together they would always get into to trouble, they practiced flying and how to better hone their abilities. She still talks to her family but ever since she's met Damen she promised to help him recover his memory and now she'd sort of his familiar. She's with Damen most of the time (WIP)


John Nighting (father)

Kathline Nighting (mother)

Alexa Nighting (twin sister)

Kate Nighting (twin sister)

Wand: Made with cherry wood.


House: Ravenclaw

Blood type: Half-blood

Activities: Napping xD

Other: Is Damen's best friend and companion. Can turn into a crow (Animagi)
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LINK[/URL]) and a midnight shadow marking on the front of his right shoulder (LINK)

Other: His amazing ability (that grows by the day) of being able to have perception of the physical world around him at any time and can read a persons thoughts when directed towards him allowing him to be great at problem solving and being able to tell if someone's lying. Also has, what looks to be, heteochromia iridum but isn't. His left eye's iris is red and his pupil is a slit like that of a dragon or lizard. (Looks like this LINK)




crow form:


Full Name: Night Wing (real name is Axelia Nighting)

Age: 16

Role: Student

Personality: She mostly likes sleeping and baths but she is quite kind and wild, she's never shy, when she's awake she is always cheerful (most of the time)

History (optional): Her mother and father were both familiar's (her mother was a snowy owl and her father a raven), she grew up with her 2 sisters. Together they would always get into to trouble, they practiced flying and how to better hone their abilities. She still talks to her family but ever since she offered to be Damen's familiar she has seen her family less. She's with Damen most of the time (WIP)


John Nighting (father)

Kathline Nighting (mother)

Alexa Nighting (twin sister)

Kate Nighting (twin sister)

Wand: Doesn't have one, she has telekinesis and can brew potions quite well.

House: Ravenclaw

Blood type: Half-blood (She is familiar)

Activities: Napping xD

Other: Is Damen's best friend and his familiar.
Sorry but they can't have any special habilitated and she can't be a familiar.
LINK[/URL]) and a midnight shadow marking on the front of his right shoulder (LINK)

Other: His left eye's iris is red and his pupil is a slit like that of a dragon or lizard. (Looks like this LINK)




crow form:


Full Name: Night Wing (real name is Axelia Nighting)

Age: 16

Role: Student

Personality: She mostly likes sleeping and baths but she is quite kind and wild, she's never shy, when she's awake she is always cheerful (most of the time)

History (optional): Her mother and father were both familiar's (her mother was a snowy owl and her father a raven), she grew up with her 2 sisters. Together they would always get into to trouble, they practiced flying and how to better hone their abilities. She still talks to her family but ever since she's met Damen she promised to help him recover his memory and now she'd sort of his familiar. She's with Damen most of the time (WIP)


John Nighting (father)

Kathline Nighting (mother)

Alexa Nighting (twin sister)

Kate Nighting (twin sister)

Wand: Made with cherry wood.


House: Ravenclaw

Blood type: Half-blood

Activities: Napping xD

Other: Is Damen's best friend and companion. Can turn into a crow (that is possible)
There are no familiars. She can be an animagus but familiars don't exist in the HP world

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