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1800s Roleplay

USA Turn 2:

Internal:Buy the rest of the Lousiana purchase land from Spain

Pay Spain $20 million

Give Spain access through Louisiana

Lanfang Republic


Current Leader:President Jiang Wu Bo ?????




Chinese(Loyal to the republic):103,000


Natives(Neutral or anti-republic):100,000

(No increase or decrease)


Total:250,000 men

Chinese(more loyal):30,000

Native(less loyal):247,000


100,000 infantry

(With the successful research into new military tactics,the infantry is now divided into four classes,which specializes in different types of warfare)

Forest troops:50,000

Coastal troops:30,000

Highlands troops:10,000

Plains troops:10,000


80,000 archers

10,000 riflemen

10,000 miscellaneous


50,000 seamen/archers


500 sampans

20 small Junks(10 m long)


-Use 4 million from the National Fund to build schools in major cities(in progress)

-Use 5 million for anti-racism campaigns and gifts to decrease the anti-republic population(in progress)

-Train the military(Chinese) in forest and coastal warfare(in progress)

-Train the military(Native) in the use of weapons and coastal warfare(in progress)

-Build more junks for the navy since research is complete

-Attempt modernization(in progress)

-Regulate agriculture to increase efficiency

-Conscript soldiers through barracks

-Continue pasting posters printed with basic knowledge around major cities


-Attempt to purchase Sarawak from the British

-Prepare the military for the conquest of the native-controlled Eastern Borneo(5 million spent,10 tons of food transported to the front)

-Negotiate with the French Empire,and the United States in attempt to purchase a ship for the Navy(@Lordvader59 ,@Serenade )

-Negotiate with the French Empire and the United States in attempt to purchase 10,000 guns for the army(@Lordvader59 ,@Serenade )

-Attempt again to import wheat and ducks from China

-Attempt to increase immigrants from China




National Fund:

546 million LanFang Yuan

500 million-4 million-5 million-5 million-10 million+(10 x 6)million=

476 million + 60 million=

536 million


10 million Lanfang Yuan per month



14 gold mines(0.5 tons of gold per month by one mine)

5 coal mines(1 ton of coal per month by one mine

10 tin mines(1 ton of tine per month by one mine)

5 farms(1 ton of food per month by one farm

(Based on some research on Internet)


5 tons of gold

10 tons of coal

3 tons of iron

5 tons of tin

20 tons of food


-One shipyard built under the orders of President Jiang

(10 million spent)

-One munition factory


-Small junks

-New military tactics

-Gunpowder technology(From Chinese immigrants)


-Attempt to reverse-engineer guns(in progress)

-Advanced shipbuilding(50-100m long ships,capable of supporting cannons)

-Artillery proudction



(Too lazy to draw a map)

Slot A is the current territories controlled by the Lanfang Republic

Slot B is the independent natives,which the Lanfang wishes to conquer

Slot C is the territories which the Lanfang wishes to acquire through purchasing or war in the future

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Tokugawa Shogunate, Japan, Turn 2, 1800 H2


Army: 10,000 mixed swordsmen, spear-men, bowmen and arquebus (Loyal to me personally)

Navy: 80 pirates, 2 medium ships


- In the second half-yearly gathering, discuss with the provincial daimyos about considering putting in place a merit/skill based positions in the military and governing positions in the near future, opened to anybody who suits the position regardless of social restrictions, citing that this will help in the future where the Government is run in an efficient manner with less chance of there being useless people in power. All current samurai and daimyo with their sons in position now will not be affected for what has been promised.

- Court meeting to see if any provincial daimyos have proposed an external trade plan from the aftermath to the first half of the year gathering, reward the ones who have made efforts in making them with gifts of money and promises of future prestige.

- Start to investigate loyalties of daimyo and samurai covertly via ninjas, have the ninja also investigate loyalties of provincial samurai sons, and start to increase their loyalties to the Shogun (me) via any means possible, assassinate those who are immediate threats and non-negotiable, making it look like a rival provincial clan to the targets did it.

- Continue Rangaku education, at the same time have educated Japanese working with the Dutch teachers to make text-books and learning curriculum that suits the current Japanese people.


- Accept trade relations with Kingdom of Bavaria, however they will follow the same rule as the VOC when they were trading, as compliance to sakoku.

Civil & Industry:

- Start an weapons making competition aimed at blacksmiths, with high monetary rewards for blacksmiths who are able to make the most numerous amount of good quality katana, spears, arrows & arquebus in a limited amount of time. A secondary objective for the competition is to locate all the blacksmiths in Japan and offer them positions working for the Shogun to make weapons and train more blacksmiths.


- Build as much small, fast, non-ocean going ships that are capable of outrunning the fastest ship currently being built in Japan while able to carry 8 cannons 2/4/2 (Front, side & rear facing config) in 1 turn/half a year.


- Encourage the newly appointed Samurai Son Leaders to learn the current Western Way of fighting from the Dutch and Bavarian Traders, attending the meetings myself and prompt discussions and comparisons in current Japanese warfare, tactics and strategy.

- Pardon the pirates that offered their servitude to the Shogun and give them positions in the Shogun's personal Navy as it fits, and have them start training 1,000 soldiers from the current pool to become sailors and marines.

- Continue colonization of Ezo(Hokkaido), provide additional funds and manpower

- Recruit 20,000 soldiers, again prioritize taking beggars off the streets before recruiting from peasant population.

- Request all Provincial Daimyos to provide 100 soldiers from their respective provinces, this is mainly to gauge their loyalty.

- Outfit the 2 medium ships brought by pirates with cannons and new sails, apply repairs where needed. (Would be nice to see what kind of ship it gets converted into)


- Ienari Musket ??? (5)

- Ienari Cannon ??? (6)

- Ocean-Going Ships (3)
Athapaskans turn 2:


Population: 10,717


Train 500 Warriors

Train 500 archers


Fish for fish!

Internal affairs:

Continue building wall around villages

Build a tower along the coastal area of the Eel river (basically a lighthouse)

Foreign affairs:

Ally with nearby tribes


Canoe longboats (details PMed)


Stealthy peoples


The Spanish Empire

Turn 2


Military Numbers


145 74 & 80 gun ships of line

1 46-gun Frigate

5 44 gun Frigates

11 40 gun Frigates

1 36-gun Frigate

44 34 gun Frigates

7 30 gun Frigates

18 26 gun Frigates

2 24 gun Frigates

9 22 gun Frigates

42 4 gun Frigates

The Descubierta

The Atrevida

5,000 Naval marines


18,000 Home soldiers

1,000 soldiers in each colonial district (6,000)

155 24-pounder long guns

100 18-pounder long guns

120 12-pounder long guns

100 18-pounder short guns

200 12-pounder short guns

300 4-pounder short guns

Construction Naval

Naval base New Orleans turn 2

Begin construction of ships meant purely for the swift and safe transportation of troops. They will be armed with 4 12-pounder guns and 8 4-pounder guns and will be the size of an 80-gun ship of line. They will be able to carry large amounts of supplies and troops.

Take those who’ve been trained in sharp shooting and have them in return train 800 Naval marines to their level of expertise.


Make plans to create a standing army of Spain. These men will be career soldiers who will have trained nobility as their COs. These nobilities will be trained by officers of the Naval marines. So only train the nobles for now.

Retraining Army turn 4

Construct 50 12 inch siege mortars

Have the 1,000 soldiers in each of my colonies begin training 2,000 men as Militia. Those who accept to be trained will be exempt from the Encomienda system, for they are already providing a service by promising to protect the Crown’s colonies.


Send a 80 strong rescue party that’s guided by some Indians that are friendly to the Spanish. They will bring muskets, ample amounts of powder and 2 4-pounder short cannons. They are to send in a diplomatic party in first along with translators to hopefully have the men taken be returned peacefully. They are instructed to offer iron weapons, iron tools, and muskets in exchange for the men’s release. They are also to request that a party of 31 men (9 from the rescue party and the rest from the original party) be allowed to travel thru the Indians territory northwards.

Pass a new law forming a committee of representatives from the various colonies Spain has. They will inform the crown what supplies and such each colony needs and will be dealt with based on the severity of their problems.

Raise another expedition group that will start out of New Orleans, they will move north until they reach the Spanish-American border. They will map out routes to and from that border and will mark down the location of Indian tribes. They will also respect requests given by Indians in response to the sacred locations and territory. Specifically find a fast trade route between the lands of the Osage Nation and New Orleans.


Send a delegation to Japan to possible build a trading post of sorts on Japanese soil. The location would be near Kyoto.

Refuse any attempts by the US to buy the rest of the Louisiana Territory. They will either play by Spanish rules or not get anything at all.

Research and Development

Research a long barrel grooved rifle for snipers to use. Turn 2

Research a musket that can have a max output of 5 round per minute and that's has grooves inside the barrel of the gun turn 4

Request Jean Lepage to design a hunting rifle for Charles the IV of Spain using his new firing systems (done)

Begin research on a new firing system that’s based on the rifle made by Jean Lepage. This firing system will be more reliable that the current flint lock system and will be applied to all guns being researched​

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