100 Years Later | The Ruin of Hogwarts

sunshine and whiskey

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Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
If you would like to be related to any of the Canon characters from Harry Potter, I will allow it though not everyone will have that same opportunity. If you decide to go that route, if someone else's character last name is Malfoy then you will not get to be a Malfoy. Understood? Great!

This thread is for
character creation only. If I see a reservation or question here, it will go unnoticed and I will probably not invite you back to the roleplay. Sorry. But before you post here, make sure that you have read the rules and understand what is going on.

I also want to see some diversity between characters since that is what makes a roleplay interesting and entertaining. I want to see diversity in
gender, sexuality, age, personalities and background. Also, if you are using the same character from a previous roleplay or the same last name of all of your characters from a previous roleplay, you might want to think twice because I will reject your character and I will not think twice about it.

The Houses


1. Taken by Typist.

2. Reserved by @Gilmoregirl12.


1. Taken by Typist.

2. Taken by @Gilmoregirl12.

2. Taken by

3. Taken by Typist.

Character Sheet


Use a realistic IMG or GIF only. Also, include a detailed paragraph description.

{Full Name}

Please include a middle name.


{Birthday & Age}

16-18. Also, be mindful of the time period.




Hope you know what this means.

{Blood Status}

Pure-blood? Mug-blood? And not everybody be a Pure Blood please.


Have an animal friend?


Minimum of seven.


Minimum of seven.


Minimum of three.


Minimum of three.


Describe the essences of your wand here.


At least a paragraph of 7-10 sentences.

{Place of Origin}

Where did they come from?


At least a paragraph with 7-10 sentences.

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Pandora had long brown curly hair that landed in the middle of her back. She stood at 5'8 and weighs about 115lbs. She may look small. She was petite but had muscle and wasn't one to back down to a fight. She had perfect skin except for the dark mark on her wrist. She keeps it hidden under long sleeves. Her eye's were dark green and her smile was so sickening familiar. Her eyes were piercing and hard. They were almost always hard looking, except when you got to know her. Her teeth how ever were perfect and bright white. She also had Bellatrix nose and thin lips. Her looks were very similar to Bellatrix and Tom Riddle. She was a mix of both family blood lines.

{Full Name}

Pandora Marvel Riddle



{Nickname} Panda

{Birthday & Age}

17 Oct 31st 2081

{Gender} Female

{Sexuality} Bisexual


50% Irish and 50% English

{Blood Status}



Cat named Zaferina


- music

- dark arts

- butter beer

- Nocturne Alley

- snakes

- reading

- winter time

- Horror Movie's


- most people

- junk food

- summer

- morning

- Anything with Comedy in it

- those judging her for her family

- closed spaces


- the new darkness shunning her

- being found out

- spiders

- Dementors


- plays with her hair when she is nervous

- taps her nails when annoyed

- reads before bed


Wood: Birch Oak, Core: very rare Theastril Hair, Size: 11 1/2 inches.

Theastril hair works for Dark arts work. It is white as bone and is bent slightly in the middle. This rare wand only works with a death eater or a child from the blood line of the dead dark lord. Death eaters may have dispersed were still out there, and this wand chose her. It served her only. It was definitely a one of a kind wand.


Pandora was had two blood lines that should never have been mixed to create a Demon like her. So she had been told, she had a very resentful side not just to her family,but for how others perceived her. She also had a very sarcastic side to her. She liked to make sarcastic comments to a lot of that students and teachers say. Pandora was very secretive, she liked her privacy and had a lot to hide. She also had a gift for manipulating people into doing what she wanted or believing what she said no not a power. She was just that good when it came to manipulating people.

Pandora was also very Intuitive. She had very good instincts and always listened to her instinct. She was also very ambitious, she liked to aim for the stars as it were. She was brave as well. She didn't scared easily and wasn't a sniveling coward. She was Also very focused on her goals and what she had to do.

Pandora also didn't deal with people she thought beneath her. Her family line where it started was dead and they had names that went down in infamy. She wanted to be like them do to her parents pushing her.

Pandora was also a very big perfectionist with schooling and dark arts. She wanted to learn more and make sure she didn't get caught. She was very shady almost all the time. She also very snippy with most other people accept some of the Slytherin house.

{Place of Origin}



Pandora grew up bouncing from her parents home to the Malfoy home. Her family was very highly regarded in death eater community. She was the next to take the dark lords place. She was the spitting Image of the Dark Lord and Bellatrix. There jeans had past to her and her family was nothing but a highly regarded member of the dark arts community. She is looked at to lead them into the new age. It was time for Evil to rise and good to fall.

Pandora had gone through schooling at Hogwarts for many years. Now she was on her last year and she was going to make what ever happen this year happen. She was being pushed by her parents and the Malfoy Family. She never had any choice even as a kid this is what they were pushing her for.

Every year she would learn Defense. Against The Dark Arts. She was learning spells that could be used against them and when she was home for summer and winter holidays she would learn Dark spells. She would be inducting new recruits for the death eaters, before she goes back to school for her supposed last year.

Pandora wanted to finish school,but couldn't with the pressure on her to be the one to lead The Darkness in the light. So the Dark could take over the light. She didn't know the whole plan. She just knew she was the front at Hogwarts till the older death eaters could get in and take over.

Pandora was bread into the world of Darkness. She knew nothing else her path was choose for her. Even if she wanted to switch over she couldn't. The dark mark was put on her at 3. She was forced to be what she has become and now she embraced it, when she was younger she fought like hell. How ever here she was. She was recruiting new people and doing the ceremony before school.

Extra: animagus turns into a wolf

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Tate & Tatum Cummings | 17 | Gryffindor & Ravenclaw

{Full Name}

Tate Nathan Cummings.

Tatum Aiden Cummings.


Neither one of them really like having nicknames since they feel as though people tend to give them to you whenever they forget your name. So, either called them Tate or Tatum, or do not talk to them at all.

{Birthday & Age}

August 18th, 2081 | 17.




Tate is Bisexual, meaning he likes both men and women though is leaning towards guys at the moment.

Tatum is Sapiosexual, meaning that he likes the intelligence and personality within a person more than the gender.


They are 50% Canadian & 50% American. So they are Canadian American.

{Blood Status}

Mug Bloods.


Tate has a female owl named Morganna.

Tatum also has an owl, except for it is male and named Maximum.



Tate & Tatum | Smiling & Laughing // Reading & Writing // Meaningful Conversations // Intellect // Spicy Food // Anything Sweet // Sarcastic Remarks // Horror Movies // Winter //


Tate & Tatum | Thunderstorms // Boredom // Serious People // Stuck Up Snobs // People That Dumb Them Down // People That Cannot Take A Joke //


Tate | Losing his brother, snakes, heights & Dementors.

Tatum | Dementors, Losing his brother, dying & spiders.


Tate | Bites his bottom lip when nervous, bites his nails and sometimes runs his fingers through his hair.

Tatum | Looks away when lying, will sometimes ask things repeatedly to see if he gets the same answer and constantly licks his lips.


Tate | 10.5" Yew, Dragon Heartstring, flexible.

Tatum | 12.5, Dragon Heartstring.


Even though they both have similar interest, they differ in personality.

Tate | Is the more serious part of the duo. He doesn't really take things lightly unless it has something to do with his brother, who is much more of a troublemaker than he is. Even though Tate is serious, he knows how to have fun at times as well.

Tatum | Is the jokester of the duo. He loves to play random jokes on almost everybody. He is also very sarcastic but also know when to be serious at most times. He tries not to jokester on anybody personally but if it goes there, he will likely apologize... A week later.​

{Place of Origin}

London, England.​


They both grew up in London, England, their mother was a witch and their father was a regular human. They really never knew their mother because she ran away after their birth, so they were raised by their father. He was curious to find out why Hogwarts was sending letters to his house but it finally dawned on him that his sons, were wizards. He was more than happy to send them to the academy to strengthen their abilities more and broaden their mind on what they really are. He kind of hesitated sending them back after the disappearances started happening but then decided to send them anyway.

So now, they entering their seemingly close to last year of Hogwarts.​
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Violet D. Wescott

x x x x

Violet is a Black British girl standing at about 5'11" with a weight of 115 lbs. She is considered to be unhealthily thin due to her reluctance to eat, and has toned muscle from years of playing Quidditch and even picking up on a couple of Muggle sports. Her dark brown, almost black hair can usually be found stick-straight and falling somewhere around her shoulders and upper back. She absolutely hates when anybody touches her hair, and refuses to go outside in the rain without a hood or a hat to keep her hair looking presentable. She's got smooth, brown skin, dark brown eyes, lush lips, and a perky nose. Her eyes can be somewhat piercing, and Violet has a resting bitch face, where she just constantly looks like she's unsatisfied or annoyed. When not in her Hogwarts robes trimmed with the Slytherin colors of green and silver, she can be found rocking the latest styles in fashion.

{Full Name}

Violet Desdemona Wescott


Violet's not usually a proponent of nicknames, as she feels that there's no real point to them. She prefers that people call her by her given name rather than flying out of nowhere and christening her with their own made up name for her. Even so, many people that dislike her call her the "Violet Demon", combining her first name and a portion of her middle name to express their aversion towards her.

{Birthday & Age}

February 7th, 2080







Black British

{Blood Status}



She can't generally can't stand animals, but there's the exception of her male Great Gray Owl named Inspector. Violet initially kept him around only to receive letters from her parents (they insist on doing things the old-fashioned way), but has now warmed up to him.




Basking in the sun


Visits to Hogsmeade



Dark Arts


Flying on her broom to relax


People touching her hair

Bad weather


Anyone that disagrees with her

Divination -- she finds it absolutely useless

Goody two-shoes

Muggles. Mudbloods are alright.


Being weak

Disappointing her parents

The future


Rolls her eyes when she finds something annoying

Applies lots of chap stick/lip balm

Jiggles leg up and down when impatient


10 3/4 inches of Aspen, with a core of Runespoor Fang. It appears to be a shade of light tan close to white, with fine grains, closely resembling ivory. It is suited for charmwork and especially martial magic. Many owners of Aspen wands are accomplished duelists. Runespoors are orange-and-black three-headed snakes, favored by Dark wizards and witches. Therefore, a Runespoor Fang core is best for dealing with Dark Magic. Typically, the owner of this core can be found in Slytherin and the Runespoor Fang is fairly rare, yet not as rare as the Chimera Scale.


Violet is known to be quite intimidating. She's easily irritated and has a deathly gaze so cold that it could shatter a soul. The young Wescott daughter is--and always has been--the student at Hogwarts that the other students, especially the younger ones, stare at from afar and then avert their gaze and dissipate when she comes near. With her family name and her reputation for being one of the supporters of the dark lord, she has few true friends, but those that align themselves with her know that she is loyal to a fault. Her towering height lends to her personality, giving her an edge in athletics and another way to strike fear into people's hearts.

Violet usually doesn't associate with people that she feels are inferior to her, and if they do try to strike up a conversation, she will either act extremely disinterested in order to get them to leave or walk away herself. The friendlier students at Hogwarts have often tried to become close to her, and failed. It's become almost a sort of game or challenge for Gryffindors to try to befriend her, just to see if one of them has it in them.

She's also rather intelligent, and would have been capable of entering the house of Ravenclaw if it weren't for her lineage...and the fact that the dark mark had been placed on her body when she was merely eight. Although she's aware that her behavior is seen as rude and inhospitable, Violet prefers to keep it so that nobody knows her secrets, which add to her mysterious qualities. She's also determined and strong-willed, always able to get what she wants when she wants.

She's also somewhat of a perfectionist, wanting herself to be the best that there can possibly be. Because of this trait of hers, as well as the influence that her high-strung parents have had on her life, Violet can become extremely competitive, often times sacrificing herself, both physically and mentally--or hurting others--in order to come out on top. She used to have only good intentions--even when her actions were somewhat contradictory...but now things are starting to change, and Violet's view of the world is inching closer and closer to that of her parents.

{Place of Origin}

Virginia Water, Surrey, Britain


Violet wanders in a realm between good and evil. She's always felt that the terms have been so subjective, especially since 'evil' people never really think of themselves as evil. Just doing what they feel is right. Although nowadays, she's starting to lean more towards what the wizarding society claim are the 'darker' side of things. But then again, it's impossible for her to leave and join those considered the 'good guys'. She's in too deep.

She lives in a world where her parents are constantly behind her every move, watching, slightly pushing her in the directions that they want her to go in. As far as she knows, she's never really been able to relax or do anything for herself, it's always been at the request of her parents or had to be approved by her parents. She comes from a family whose lineage is chock-full of death eaters and supporters of the dark arts. Her Aunt Darlene, who is the only so-called 'good' person in the family, is pretty much isolated from every family gathering--she doesn't even receive letters--and shunned by the rest of them because she was brave enough to go ahead and break from some stupid tradition their great grandfather instilled in the family. He was one of the original death-eaters, way before the famous Harry Potter was even born, and was known for his mastery of the Dark Arts.

Like her great grandfather, the entirety of the Wescott clan are accomplished duelists, many winning ranking places at world championships. And so is Violet. Although she enjoys other wizarding sports and activities, such as Quidditch, her focus in life has always been dueling...and a lot of knowledge about the Dark Arts. Probably more than one should know. She learns Defense Against the Dark Arts in school, then her parents teach her actual Dark Arts during her breaks, when she's at home.

Coming from a family considered prestigious, yet with a dark past, the Wescotts prance around in public pretending that their Dark Marks mean nothing to them, and that they have renounced their ways. However, many are skeptics about the family's stance on the death eaters and many of Violet's classmates know that the family has not truly changed their ways. Violet isn't exactly proud of her heritage--she isn't going to pretend that killing people for the sake of one man are the acts of christ--but she knows that she has to continue it. She's scheduled to be the next witch/wizard accepted as a death eater, and the ceremony is to occur just a week before she returns to school for her last year. She doesn't know what, but judging by the look of things, something big is happening.​
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Professor Nyx Nott- Potions


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/Death_Eater_by_michellemonique.jpg.05fa2339952c2847bd4c363c84aa7980.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="39379" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/Death_Eater_by_michellemonique.jpg.05fa2339952c2847bd4c363c84aa7980.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Nyx is about 5'7 and medium build. She has long black hair, green eyes , and fair skin. She has a dark mark on her wrist but, she keeps it hidden. She does this by wrapping a piece of black fabric around it. She claims its because of a nasty burn she received from a bad potion. She looks like a combo of Snape and the Black family, she is related to both. She also only wears black clothes and wears long sleeves most of the time. (note photo is reversed, her mark is on her left arm)

{Full Name}

Sabine Nyx Nott (she prefers to go by Nyx)


Nyxy (want an automatic detention? call her that)

{Birthday & Age}

4/13/2063 and she is 35




bi (but that doesn't matter)



{Blood Status}



a male black cat named Fang that follows her around everywhere. The cat is like a new Mrs. Norris, he seems to find students when they don't want to be caught.




dark arts

causing chaos

her cat Fang

talking about the dark lord (only to those she is sure will not spill her secret.)

intoxicating substances


muggles (mudbloods are fine)

people who trash talk the Dark Lord and his army (it never shows but she treats those people with less respect)

students who disobey her rules.

students who suck up to her

anyone who hurts her cat

people who ask too many questions about her life

being called evil


getting caught as a supporter of the dark lord.

not creating a new dark army like she has been sent to do

Messing up.


Paces while giving lectures

when working things she tends to itch the spot where the mark is.

tends to talk to herself when writing


walnut, dragon heartstring, 10 1/2" unyielding. It looks like a random stick she found but, she likes it.


Nyx seems like a intimidating, cold ,distant teacher but, she only does this as a guise. She is in reality, a heartless and ruthless person with a nice side. She has been raised by loving supporters of the dark lord and she reflects that. She is very smart and knows a lot about the dark arts and potions. She is very serious about her job and assignment. She shows kindness and compassion to those who earn it and will protect those people. She is tactical in her thinking, and never acts without thinking it through. If you call her heartless she overreacts and will jinx you. This is because she sees herself as good, and doing the right thing for the wizarding world. She is ruthless towards her enemies in battle and will not hesitate to kill them. This goes against her , think before acting but, it was part of her training. She is willing and able to do whatever it takes to help recruit new supporters. (more will be added as rp progresses)

{Place of Origin}

London, England


She was born to Kyna Black and Walden Nott in Yorkshire but, they moved to London when she was 4. She is related to one of the first death-eaters and to some of the most well known ones. Because of this, her family was well versed in the dark arts.She has been taught about the dark lord and the dark arts since she could remember and was branded with the mark when she was 7. She has always been told that the war was unfairly won and has viewed Potter and his friends as the enemy. Before she attend Hogwarts her parents stressed that she keep all things about the dark lord secret from the others. This is where cold and distant demeanor came from. When she attend Hogwarts she was sorted into Slytherin and made friends with students who had the same upbringing as her. She was very good in potions and defense against the dark arts. After she graduated she spent several years training to be a new generation of death eater. After that she worked Department of Intoxicating Substances where she quickly met up with fellow new death eaters. They devised a plan with other supporters to send a death eater into the school to recruit new supporters. This fell upon her when a job opened up for a potions teacher. So she applied and got the job. She quit her job at the ministry and left for Hogwarts, hoping she can keep her secret, well secret. (more will be added as rp progresses)



  • Death_Eater_by_michellemonique.jpg
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Imogen Pemberly Gladwyn




Imogen is a small girl with the signature wavy blonde hair that runs in her mother's family and her grandfather's light blue eyes. Unlike her parents though, Imogen is quiet tall measuring about 68 in (1.7 m). Aside from being tall, she very skinny due to her hyperactive nature weighing about 115 lbs (52 kg). Although Imogen has slight natural curves, she isn't very developed. Imogen has a light complexion and very soft features that give her the illusion of being younger than her age.

Clothing wise, Imogen usually sticks to simple and comfy. She tends to sway towards dark and earthy tones of colored clothing. She sticks to loose styled clothing since tight clothing restricts her movements, and she is a very active person. Her favorite season would have to be fall because fall styles are warm, loose, and most importantly comfortable. Imogen isn't heavy on her accessories if she wears any at all. She does own a lot of bags though, since she is collector and needs a place to store her collectibles. Imogen will not leave her place without a bag in which she can store any fun items she finds.

{Full Name}

Imogen Pemberley Gladwyn


Imogen's grandfather, Oswald, calls her Pemmy for Pemberley

{Birthday & Age}

Imogen was born on November 17, 2081

She is 17 years old






European white

{Blood Status}



Imogen's grandfather gave her a baby Tawny Owl for her first year at Hogwarts. Imogen named the owl Dakota. Dakota has been with Imogen all threw her stay at Hogwarts. Dakota has orange colored feathers with a bit of white and dark brown, and she has big black eyes. Dakota is about 14.5 in (37 cm) which is common for a Tawny Owl.

Dakota is a very curious owl and, just like Imogen, lives for adventure. Dakota hates being locked up and will act up if she is inside a cage for too long. This often leads to Imogen leaving her out and Dakota getting lost. Dakota will often get caught in the moment and venture out into the wild. She is very loyal though and has a good memory so she'll return after a couple of day. The longest time she's been lost has been a week. Dakota's favorite snack is field mice, but she'll occasionally hunt a bunny or two.



*Her Grandfather's stories

*Finding items to collect

*Reading old legends and folktales

*Finding the bright side of things

*Doing things right the first time

*Being outdoors no matter the weather

*Running for the sake of running

*Talking to Dakota


*Having to wait for things to get done

*Being told what to do

*Being told she can't do something because she is a girl

*Not having things go her way

*Being called immature for her imagination

*Being called weird for believing folklore

*When people take advantage of her gullible nature.


*Being locked up

*Feeling useless



*Keeps an optimistic view

*Tends to act out of impulse

*Has a hard time changing her mind.


Imogen's wand is made of yew with a Hungarian Horntail Heartstring core. Imogen's wand is 12 inches long and slightly flexible. Imogen's wand is powerful and capable of very flamboyant spells although it is not very loyal. It can change alliance if the wand is taken from her, but the bond with the other owners will not be the same as the bond she has with it. Her wand is also has a fearsome reputation for dueling and curses and will protect it's owner til the grave.



She is an odd girl... Imogen isn't really into things that normal girls are such as boys and makeup. She isn't in love with the idea of dresses and frilly nonsense either. Imogen is an imaginative adventurer who loves sword fights and spending her free time running around outdoors collecting rocks or other items for her collections. Imogen is independent and hates being told she can't do things because she is a girl. She will not play the role of damsel in distress just because that's what girls do.

Imogen is a naïve girl and will believe most of what she is told. Her immense love for adventure and discovering new things is what often gets Imogen into trouble. But with a little dusting off, Imogen is up and ready to go explore some more. She doesn't mind not being like the other girls because like her Grandpapa Oswald once told her with a raspy old voice and a mustache filled with cookie crumbs, "An original is worth more than a copy."

{Place of Origin}

3rd Room, Top Bunk Bed.

107 Fordwych Rd, London NW2, UK


Adeline L. Gladwyn Pierson (Half-blood)


Gulliver A. Gladwyn (Pure-Blood)


Layton E. Gladwyn (Half-Blood)

Arabella L. Gladwyn (Half-Blood)

Mother's Parents:

Clarice Pierson Harrison (Muggle)

Oswald F. Pierson (Pure-Blood)

Father's Parents:

Pamelia I. Gladwyn Cox (Pure-Blood)

Randolph E. Gladwyn (Pureblood)

Father's Side: The Gladwynn name, known for it's muggle-hating reputation, had been a pureblood family until Randolph's and Pamelia's Son, Gulliver decided to marry the half-blood mut, Adeline. Gulliver was then disinherited from his family and forced to change surname, but Gulliver refused. He would not let his family intimidate him. Gulliver still carries the Gladwynn name hoping to put an end to the bad reputation his ancestors left for him.

Mother's Side: Adeline was the only witch in the Pierson family aside from her father in her household, making her the black sheep. Unlike her husband's line of purebloods, Adeline's father had ended his pureblood line, by marrying Clarice, a young woman who he had met at work. The Pierson family wasn't really big on bloodline, but they were pretty disappointed about Oswald's decision of marrying into a poor family. Oswald was disinherited and forced to fend for himself. Oswald promised that he would never let his children suffer from poverty so he worked hard and accomplished his goal. When Oswald found out that his daughter Adeline was a witch he was quick to inscribe her into Hogwarts although he didn't expect for her to be put down for being a half-blood. Adeline suffered through her 7 years at Hogwarts and promised herself to never let her children go through that torture of being a half-blood.


Imogen was the second child born in the Gladwyn household. Her older brother Layton was only 3 years older and her younger sister Arabella was two years younger. She was brought up mostly by nannies since both her parents were workaholics that would rather hire maids than ending a shift early. However, Adeline and Gulliver Gladwyn still loved their children very much.

Once Arabella was born, Imogen's mother took time to be able to raise Arabella into the little princess she had failed to raise with Imogen. Imogen took this very harshly, feeling that her mother didn't love her because she wasn't like her younger sister. When Imogen was five years old, she began taking trips to her grandfather's house while the three year old, Arabella, and her mom went shopping. Noticing Imogen's sadness, Grandpapa Oswald would fill Imogen's head with stories about witches, wizards, and a magical place called Hogwarts.

Imogen grew fascinated with the idea of magical places and far away lands, that all of her playtime stories with her brother would revolve around Grandpapa Oswald's stories. However, Grandpapa Oswald had made Imogen promise him that she wouldn't tell her mother about the stories since he knew Adeline wanted to keep her children away from magic. Little did Imogen know that the stories of magic were true and Grandpapa Oswald had lived them himself.

When Layton turned 11 he was taken away to their aunts house across sea. Imogen thought it was their mother's way of punishing her for not being as girly as her sister, but the real reason was that Adeline was hiding Layton from Hogwarts. Adeline had had a bad experience while she was there and the recent events that went on in that school made Adeline question the school's safety. Gulliver, coming from a pureblood family, had different thoughts about Hogwarts. He believed that it was a strong school that had been through many battles and still stayed afloat. He thought it should be up the the kids to decide if they want to go to the school or not, but Adeline wouldn't here of it.

Ever since her brother left. Imogen had resorted to playing by herself since Arabella was always too busy with dolls and playing mommy. That's when the weird stuff started happening. With her brother gone, Imogen started going out to the backyard to play. Great adventures would happen between those fences, adventures that Imogen only thought of as her imagination, but they weren't. Imogen was making stuff happen.

When her adventure took place in tall grasslands, the grass in the backyard would grow up to her knees, or when she was running through a bridge above a large pit of lava, Imogen could feel the ground burning at her feet. She always thought it was just her imagination and that none of the stuff actually happened, but when her mother found Imogen completely dry while she was playing outside in the pouring rain, she knew exactly what was happening. Even though the changes were minor Adeline knew it was the Magic running through Imogen's veins that made her husband have to cut the grass every day.

When Imogen was close to turning 11, her mother already packed her bags so that she could go with her aunt and brother. Imogen had been excited about finally joining her brother again, but her excitement vanished when Imogen found a letter from Hogwarts addressed to her. Imogen was astonished by the fact that all her grandfather had told her was real. Imogen hid the note from her mother and on the next trip to her grandfather's house she showed him the letter. Grandpapa Oswald was thrilled that his granddaughter had been accepted to Hogwarts. "This calls for a celebration!" He yelled grabbing her hand and running up towards the attic.

Imogen was very surprised of being taken to the attic. Her grandfather had always told her it was off limits, but now he seemed delighted to sharing his special place with her. Grandpapa Oswald's attic was just like any other attic, filled with old furniture and dust. Grandpapa Oswald made his way to a rustic old trunk and began rummaging through it until he found what he was looking for. He took out two robes, a small one for Imogen and a large one for him, two hats, and two wooden sticks.

Grandpapa Oswald put on a robe and hat and started swaying his wooden stick around. "Hocus pocus rat's tail and lotus."Imogen immediately jumped on board with a smile on her face, putting on the robe and hat and also waving her stick around. Grandapapa Oswald and Imogen laughed and played pretend wizards until Adeline appeared at the door of the attic. She was outraged at the scene she was seeing. Grandpapa Oswald and Imogen where in the middle of a magical duel each standing at either side of the attic pointing at each other with the wooden sticks. Imogen's mother ripped the robes off of her daughter and left with her furiously muttering about sending her off to her sister's house later that night.

Imogen protested that she wanted to go to Hogwarts and learn to be a wizard like her grandfather, but her mother kept denying the existence of Magic and Hogwarts. Once they were home Imogen was sent to her room while her mother arranged for her to be taken away. Imogen had a different plan though. She would run away, just like Grandpapa Oswald had when his parents didn't like the idea of him being with Grandma Clarice. Imogen grabbed her DC Universe backpack and began stuffing her action figures and cars in it, thinking those would be the only things she would need. Once her bag was full, Imogen opened the door of her room to find her father standing on the other side.

Gulliver and Imogen talked for hours about Hogwarts and Magic hoping that Imogen understood why her mother had hidden the truth from her and the reason why she didn't want Imogen to go. Imogen understood that there had been a really bad guy, and that a really big fight had happened, and that it had been really dangerous, but she didn't understand why her mother was still scared if the bad guy had already been defeated. Gulliver tried to explain that there was still fear of him returning or there still being other bad guys, but Imogen had her heart set on going and didn't care if the bad guy returned.

That night Imogen's parents had a strong discussion about Imogen's future and it was decided that she would go to Hogwarts for a year until they found another school for her to attend. Imogen wasn't all that convinced, but if it meant going to the school her Grandfather had, then she would agree to the plan her parents had made. Imogen was looking forward to going to Hogwarts awaiting the day of departure with great anticipation.

Imogen is now on her seventh year in Hogwarts and she loves it there. She now understands to a full grasp of why her mother had disliked being in Hogwarts. She understood that there were still wizards that didn't approve of having muggle blood in the family and that since her grandmother was a muggle she was frowned upon by many, but Imogen didn't let that affect her. She attends Hogwarts without a worry that she's a half-blood since many great witches and wizards have been half-bloods.


Imogen's sister, Arabella, also attends Hogwarts. She is a Hufflepuff. (NPC)

Imogen's brother, Layton, never learned magic. He lives in America and works for a large corporation. (NPC)


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Marseline Elaine Marie




Marseline stands at approximately 5’3”, an average height for girls her age. Her hair falls down to the middle of her back, and is hardly ever seen in tangles or knots. Despite her short height, she has a more sporty body type. A lean build is the outcome of countless years spent playing muggle games outside of school with friends of hers, her favourite being the game known as soccer. Her light hazel coloured eyes are usually outlined by a dark brown eyeliner, and her eyelashes fan out to a length that most would envy. When she isn't wearing her school uniform, Marseline is usually seen wearing whatever is in style in popular muggle culture.

{Full Name}

Marseline Elaine Marie.


Mars, Lynn.

{Birthday & Age}

September 25th, 2080

She is 16 years old.







{Blood Status}



Instead of the standard owl or cat, Marseline was able to bring one of the various birds that her family keeps. A raven. The girl adored the bird’s charming personality and it’s intelligence. When around the bird, she is often seen speaking with it in the cutest voice she can muster… Let’s just say she rather dislikes people seeing her speaking with him. She named the raven Leo, for despite being smaller than the majority of owls that are kept at school he is seldom seen allowing them to pick on him. Marseline has taught the bird how to speak a few key words, like her name, outside, inside, she even taught him how to say nevermore.


Being active



Potions class

Visiting Hogsmead

Spicy foods


Fruits, specifically pears and oranges


Being too warm

Confined spaces



People with egotistical personality-types

Not being able to wear makeup





Spiders, or bugs in general with more than the standard issue of four legs.


Brushing her hair out of her face excessively when stressed,

Snaps her fingers often when irritated as a sort of stress relief,

Marseline tends to tap her nails on desks in class, which may be annoying to some.


Ivy with a dragon heart string core, slightly flexible. Marseline’s wand is a pale green colour, due to the fact that it is made out of ivy, and though it gives a significant boost to magic when paired with the dragon heart string core, it can be rather unruly at times when it comes to casting charms.


Marseline has a rather feminine personality, doesn't like bugs, hates messy hair, and refuses to leave her room without putting on some form of concealer. When she’s around someone that she isn't well acquainted with yet, the young witch is often polite and soft-spoken. However, anyone who knows her well knows that she can easily shout across the room at feasts, and will happily do so in order to get someone’s attention. Sarcastic tendencies paired with a good poker face make it hard for most to determine when she is joking, or being serious, though if you get to know her well enough you would find that she is often joking. The majority of things that she says aren't meant to be taken seriously, in fact, and it can be hard for her to focus and get serious about things, but if there is one thing that spurs her into that zone of complete and utter focus… It’s sports and competition. Marseline loves to compete with others, though thankfully she is typically a good sport.

She usually brings a soccer ball with her to school. If asks she says she’s using it for spell practice, but usually she is around somewhere quiet practicing. Introduced to the sport when she moved to England with her family, it quickly grew on her and she has been playing ever since.

{Place of Origin}

Birthplace: St Quentin, Picardy, France

Current: London, England


Marseline was born to a muggle family in a relatively small town known as St Quentin in France. She lived there for only five years, before her father was given a job offer in London. Her father was a rather successful business man, and while her family are not millionaires, they are well off in life. When she moved to the new country, it was hard for the young girl to adjust, as it would be for anyone. A new language, new place, new friends, it was all a bit difficult to take in, though thankfully, due to her young age it was easy for her to pick her life back up without too much stress or worry. As she was learning the language, it was hard for her to make friends. Before that time teacher’s had sometimes mentioned learning English, but English classes began at an older age. There was one thing that she did have in common with the other children though.

When her family moved, they moved in next door to a family with boys about her age, though they were a bit older than her. Marseline didn't have many friends, so she ddidn'toften play outside, and when she did she played alone. The two boys began asking her to play soccer with them and their friends, because they felt bad for the little girl who sat and played by herself. At first she was bad, no, terrible, at the game. Instead of fighting over who would get to have her on their team, they quietly argued about who would have to put up with having her on their team. This drove her to learn how to play, so that she could get better and become a stronger player than any of them. Eventually, over time, they did argue about who got to have her on their team, and it made Marseline proud of herself to know that she had gotten there by herself.

At around the age of 11, Marseline’s wizarding powers began to awaken. Neither of her parent’s were wizards, so none of them had been expecting this. Her father made her stay in the house during the time so that nothing could happen that might expose her powers to the neighborhood, and while he scrambled to find a way to help his daughter harness her powers, she spent her days inside staring out of the window. The one thing that kept her from extreme boredom, was the birds that her mother kept with her in the house. While the petite song birds were lovely in their own way, the girl was always drawn to the large cage in the corner that had only recently been inhabited. Marseline’s mother collected and sold exotic birds like parrots, or song birds, but had been rather unhappy when she had been given a raven to take care of. The owner never came back for him.

Marseline felt a certain bond with the bird, stuck in the same situation as she was. As time passed, she spent her days with the bird, talking to him and teaching him how to talk. When the time came for her to go to the wizarding school that her father had gone through the pain of enrolling her in and possibly bribing her up the list a bit, she refused to go without the bird. Her first year at Hogwarts was filled with quite enough name calling to teach her that it would be best to sit quietly by… But when that didn't work well for her, she resorted to the only thing she had left. Determination. As a young wizard she has gotten through the years with a certain determination to be just as good as any other wizard in her class. While she doesn't go out of her way to do this, she tries her best to get around her silly nature and be serious about her learning. (Though this isn't always what happens.)

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William Wolfe Whickam



William is a tall scrawny boy that resembles more of his mother than that of his father. He has very fair skin that almost appears translucent and deep blue eyes. He has short dark brown hair which he dyes the tips of to make it seem lighter. He has a height of 6'2 (1.87 m) although appears taller because of his ectomorphic body. He weighs around 150 lbs (68 kg). Although William isn't all skin and bones, he's never been able to build up like other guys. He's not very board muscle wise and tends to slouch a lot.

His style of dressing is a bit unusual. He tends to lean in to the hipster trends of the year while keeping a preppy look. His style is more relaxed than the average prep, but he keeps the nonchalant "I'm better than you" look. William loves to dress to impress while keeping himself comfortable most of the time. He sticks to various shades of blues and purples since those are his two favorite colors, but he isn't afraid to throw the rest of the rainbow from time to time. Many people might confuse him for being gay, but he isn't. William is just metro-sexual.

{Full Name}

William Wolfe Whickam (IV)


Including all the insulting names he's come across, William hates nicknames. He would rather be called William. Not Will.

{Birthday & Age}

William was born on February 06, 2081

He is 17 years old






European White

{Blood Status}



After the family Birman had kittens when William was only a little boy, he was allowed to pick one of the bunch to keep as a pet. William chose the fuzziest looking of them naming it Waldo. William and Waldo developed a strong connection over the years. Waldo is a white fluffy birman cat with brown paws and tail. He has bright blue eyes and is incredibly fat weighing around 15 lbs (6.8 kg).

Waldo is the laziest cat William has ever seen. If Waldo isn't sleeping he's stuffing himself with his favorite brand of wet cat food. He wont eat the dry kind. Waldo is as spoiled as a cat can get. He has his own hundred dollar monogrammed pet bed and his personal supply of cat food. Waldo is the type of cat to pretend he's asleep so he wont have to chase the mouse. He loves to roll around in his bed and when he's in the mood jump onto William's bed and cuddle with him. Waldo is a sweetie. His weak spot is his left ear. Scratch that and you'll have him purring like a maniac.



*Staying in doors as much as possible

*Finding good novels to read

*Brushing Waldo's fur

*Catching up with friends

*Listening to classical music

*Dressing up for fancy events

*Spring Cleaning


*The people who bullied him

*Judgmental idiots

*Getting his clothing dirty

*Waking up with a bad hair day

*Being called gay

*Being in the friendzone

*Stuck up idiots


*Being Rejected

*Not being taken seriously

*The Dark


*Chooses his clothing the night before

*Styling his hair differently three times before choosing his usual style

*Singing in the shower


William's wand is made of chestnut with a Antipodean Opaleye Heartstring core. It is 13 and a half inches long and very flexible. William's wand is a very curious wand drawing power from the colorful personality of the owner. A chestnut wand with dragon heartstring is attracted to wizards who are overfond of luxury and material things, a perfect description of William. The wand is powerful when it comes to taming beasts.



William is a flamboyant boy who's always in the search for excitement. He has a bright personality and is willing to strike up a conversation with a complete stranger just for the sake of not being bored. He has a funny personality that he loves to show off and is always in the mood for a good joke. Unlike his parents, William isn't big on his family name. He does come off as a spoiled rich boy at times, but honestly who wouldn't turn down money if it was offered? William loves living comfortably, but he doesn't let all the money get to his head...most of the time.

Many people thought William would end up like both his parents. Cold, distant, muggle hating, death eaters, but William was the contrary. He has a warm heart which he presents as his best trade. He isn't quick to judge and believes there is a second side to every story. William is a loyal guy who will stick to a single group of friends his entire life. Although he is very sociable, only a select few are worthy enough for William to call his friends. William isn't very competitive. In fact, he tends to stay out of arguments and competitions. They stress him out and stress leads to wrinkles.

{Place of Origin}

2nd Bedroom, Third door to the left

27 Hill St, London W1J 5LP, UK


Wilma M. Whickham French (Pure-blood)


William W. Whickham (Pure-blood)


Wren W. Whickham (Pure-blood)

Wendolyn W. Whickham (Pure-blood)

Mother's Parents

Persephone F. French Larington (Pure-blood)

George E. French(Pure-blood)

Father's Parents

Winifred P. Stonewall

William W. Whickham (Pure-blood)

Father's Side: The Whickham family is proudly known for their 3 W names. The initials of every born member of the Whickham family are W.W.W. Starting with William's great grandfather. William Walter Whickham. Both of his children's initials are W.W.W. as well as his children's children. It is a proud tradition William Walter created. It is rumored that the Whickham's aided the Dark one, but there is no strong evidence to support it. The only reason why the rumor started was because of the Whickham's strong hatred towards muggles and their long history of being in Slytherine.

Mother's Side: The French family was one of the few prestigious family that had nothing to do with the war. Mr. and Mrs. French didn't want their only daughter, Wilma to affiliate herself with the dark arts. In order to keep her away from everything the French family moved to America and sent Wilma to the witch school over there. When the war was over, the French family returned to London and helped with the reconstruction. The French Family was known for their charitable work throughout the ministry of Magik. Ms. French was even offered a place as head, but he declined saying that too much power would lead to ruining his honorable family name.


William is the first born son of the Whickham household. Along with his younger twin brother and sister Wren and Wendolyn, the trio make up the children of Mr. and Mrs. Whickham. Despite the fact that Mr. Whickham spend all his sweat and tears into raising William as the heir of the Whickham fortune and fame, William wasn't interested in carrying the Whickham family name. William's personality was leaned more towards his mother's side than his father's. Mr. Whickham found William as a disgrace and if he had been allowed would have disowned him. However Mrs. Whickham was very protective of her little boy.

William grew up with the care of his mother and the rejection of his father. When Mr. Whickham noticed that William wasn't fit to carry the family name, he was very persistent on having a boy who would. To Mr. Whickham's surprise, he was able to bring two children to the world. Wren and Wendolyn. Both children took after their father leaving William as the black sheep of the family.

William, along with his brother and sister, attended the best private school money could buy. Wren and Wendolyn were quick to fit in, but William's naive and flamboyant nature, made him an easy target to the bullies in school which consisted of both his siblings plus a few other followers. William grew depressed as the taunting became more and more unbearable. Noticing a change in her son's attitude, Mrs. Whickham took William out of school and began a homeschooling program.

Although homeschooling helped William raise his self esteem again, Mr. Whickham was quick to tear it down. He scolded William for not being like his siblings and bashed his wife for spoiling the little brat. In his words, "William will never become a man if you keep spoon-feeding him every step of the way! He needs to grow some and become a man." William was devastated. All he ever wanted to do was please his father, but, for some reason or another, nothing was ever enough. William would never be like his father.

When William received his acceptance letter from Hogwarts, Mrs. Whickham was thrilled. She hadn't got the chance to attend Hogwarts, but from what her husband and acquaintances would say, it seemed like a dream school. Mr. Whickham was also a bit enthused by this although for the wrong reasons. Mr. Whickham saw William's acceptance as a chance for his first born son to redeem himself. If William was placed in Slytherine, just as his father and great grandfather were, Mr. Whickham was sure the house influence would shape his son.

However when a letter came from the school congratulating both parents for raising a Hufflepuff, Mr. Whickham was enraged. Not only had his son not continued the Slytherine Legacy, but he was place in what he considered the most inutile house of them all. He demanded for the re-evaluation of his son's house placement, but the Head Master wouldn't hear of it claiming that the sorting hat was never mistaken and that there was no shame of being a Hufflepuff.

When William returned home after his first year of school, he had become a completely different person. He had gained the self confidence he lacked and the bravery to confront his father's close mindedness. Mr. Whickham however took his new attitude as one of rebellion and weakness, not bravery. He said that his son's mind was spoiled by the ineptitude of the Hufflepuff house. William defended his house stating that it was simple to be cold hearted and ambitious like Slytherin's but it took a great deal of self respect and strength to be a Hufflepuff.

Tensions continued between Mr. Whickham and William with Mrs. Whickham being caught in the crossfire of the two. When Wren and Wendolyn both got their acceptance letters the tension only intensified. Mr. Whickham went out of his way to give the twins the best materials money could buy. He would spend hours teaching the two everything they needed to know about Hogwarts and the houses. He told them that the ideal house was Slytherin. "All the wizards who succeed end up in Sytherin. The nerds are in Ravenclaw. The snobby kids are in Gryffindor and the social rejects are in Hufflepuff. You guys do not want to be in Hufflepuff."

Mr. Whickham's strong work and effort was awarded when he heard both Wren and Wendolyn had been placed in Slytherin. From that moment on, it was clear which kids Mr. Whickham favored. He outdid himself for both Wren and Wendolyn and even stooped as low as to pretend William didn't even exist. For a growing teenage boy this was hard to overcome, even with his new personality change.

The tension between William and his father eventually lead to the separation of both parents. Mr. and Mrs. Whickham were two different birds trying to share a single nest. Their ideals were different, and although they had been able to overcome other situations, Mrs. Whickham would never get over the fact that Mr. Whickham would verbally abuse their own son. William took his mother's side on the argument. Like always they had each other's backs. The siblings however, with no say in the matter, had to stay with Mrs. Whickham because they were too young to decide what parent they got too live with.

A year has passed. William is in his seventh year at Hogwarts while his siblings are in their third year although they act as if they don't know each other. For Wren and Wendolyn, it is shameful to exchange words with a Hufflepuff, and for William, well it's just simpler to stay away from the two people who have made his life miserable. William loves Hogwarts. It's his escape from reality. It's the one place where he feels accepted. He has formed a tight bond with the rest of his Hufflepuff friends and he wouldn't change it for the world.


*Mrs. Whickham still goes by Whickham although she is slowly trying to bring back her own last name.

*Mr. Whickham still sees Wren and Wendolyn when ever possible. He still refuses to acknowledge William as his son.




Use a realistic IMG or GIF only. Also, include a detailed paragraph description.

{Full Name}

Leonardo Zane Lestrange





{Birthday & Age}

18 August 3rd 2080






European mix

{Blood Status}




Cat named Carmine



His cat

His friend's


Transfigure class

Spicy food

Spring time


The cold


Slytherin especially Pandora

Small spaces

Stuck up pure bloods

People who ask stupid questions



Being weak

The dark lord returning




When nervous he taps his foot

Trying to be charming puts a hand through her hair.

When uncomfortable he sighs and crossed his arms


Cherry oak, core dragon heart string,10 1/2 inches


At least a paragraph of 7-10 sentences.

{Place of Origin}

London, England


At least a paragraph with 7-10 sentences.

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