Eldritch Member
OsvaldSalt: Need to make a chalk circle all around my home.
Normally Leo wouldn't believe something like was required for a game but he did just see a paintbrush and inkwell appear out of nowhere. For once he didn't envy Osvald for his house but he did wonder how Gyro managed to encircle his boat not to mention Sara and her entire Apartment Complex. He grabbed the paintbrush and inkwell and not wanting to walk any more than he had too went outside through his window.
As he drew the required circle around not just his house but the yard as well he realized the fence meant that he couldn't draw it perfectly and hoped that wouldn't be an issue.
It didn't take him long until he was done but he hoped that the fact it was a bit lopsided on o one side didn't ruin things. Using the same window he left through he went back into his room to check up on his computer.