1 Year



It was finally here, there was no turning back after this moment. In fact, Sykes had lost the ability to turn back the moment he proposed the project to the academic board of his hometown. Sitting on his desk was a compilation of the students that were transferring to Selena Hall. The brown envelope wasn't sitting so much as squatting in a malevolent manner on his desk, hating all in the room and taunting the psychology grad.

Sykes was sure the thing sprouted a face and was talking to him. "Hey, hey, hey, ehyyyyy. heey. hey, hey you. Yeah you, loser says what.......ahh you're not fun. You wanna see what's inside. I'll tell ya! It's going to be the end of your sanity as we know it. But wait, I'm talking, so your sanity already left you it seems, just like your girlfriend.....if ya had one! Oh here's a good one, your sanity left you like your mother during childhood, boo hoo little Jeremy trying to put brave face!......but we both know how much you wanted to break down." The brown envelope was clearly mocking Sykes and his life, a hearty laugh escaped its lips as it finished it mockery and returned to being a normal envelope. The spawn of satan was gone, Sykes had taken his special medication.

It was ironic to Sykes that he forwarded this project to begin with. He was an emotional wreck trying to piece together several other wrecks, in hopes of what exactly? Sykes was not really even sure of how this would even benefit him. Pushing the thoughts away, Sykes went over to the desk and opened up envelope and ran through the psych reports given by each Academy's respective guidance councilors. It seemed as though, St. Johann and San Jose have yet to send students. Sykes wondered if they would only be pledging temporary monetary support for the project. Although, those kinds of issues don't matter much yet, he'd only have to inquire nearer the end of the term.

School term related problems before the school year even begins. What's happened to you Jeremy? He entertained his musings for a while longer then dove into the psych reports that were resting in his hands for a while now. So a schizophrenic boy genius, a xenophobic and paranoid little girl, little miss drug lord over achiever with no life, and a bona fide punk for residents trying to be helped by a psychology grad that lives up to his moniker, Mister Psycho. At the very least, things would get entertaining. Sykes stowed the files in the drawer of his office desk that contained a handheld gaming console and its charger along with several gentlemanly items and cartridges for his antique console.

Sykes left his office and proceeded to the common room. It was a day before school began but he had to be ready to welcome his new tenants, for better or worse. There was no backing out anymore. He took a seat on the couch and stared at the simple array of sandwiches he prepared for the tenants as a snack for when they arrive.

It took Sykes a while to notice that there was one missing sandwich and a sweaty looking student staring back at him with an apprehensive look on his face.
"What? I didn't expect...." Syke's voice left him and returned as he realized the situation. "WELCOME TO SELENA HALL, Mister Anderson. My name is Mister Psycho, I mean Sykes but people call me Psycho." Sykes thought it was worth it and did his best Mister Smith impersonation as he held out his hand for a handshake. At least, Sykes was hoping it was Anderson, no one else wore a cap indoors.


Mister Anderson

Jerome had said goodbye to his parents and older sister earlier that morning. Despite meeting time being 10:00am, Jerome left his house at around 8:00am. He was a punctual soul to say the least. It was life lesson ingrained in his psyche, that earlier was usually better. Another reason as to why he left earlier was that his actual residence was far from Selena Hall and he had no means of transportation except his feet. He was ashamed to admit he possessed no bike nor the ability to ride one. Walking may be longer so he accounted for that and prepared accordingly.

Jerome had left the house with his luggage and had to return because he forgot his lucky cap. Putting it on and snatching a piece of bread from the dinner table in his family's house, he left for real this time and headed to where he thought Selena Hall was located. That was a problem, he had lost the attached map to Selena Hall from his residence. It was drawn with such attention to detail you thought a professional 5 year old actually drew it, when in fact it was a professional 3 year old that did.

With the piece of bread locked in a death grip between his teeth, Jerome suddenly felt the heroine of a romance or harem animes he watched. The situation was set, the pieces were set, all that was needed was a trigger. Except there was a slight problem with that idea. He wasn't a girl and he wouldn't bump into anyone as school hasn't even started. It looked as though his little otaku dream would be pushed back just a little bit. Manly tears streaked down his cheek as he realized he was denied such an opportunity.

In fact, he wondered why he even thought of himself as the heroine, didn't the guys also have like bread death gripped between their teeth as they ran towards a goal only to bump into a lovely girl. Once more, manly tears streaked down his cheeks as he pictured the scene, bumping into a loving girl, falling in love, realizing she was from that reputed weirdo's den called Selena Hall. The tears came out in force this time as he thought about how much some metaphysical being up there was toying with his virgin emotions.

After several instances of getting lost and at one point arriving at the wrong dorm, Jerome had finally arrived at Selena Hall. He felt hungry and tired as he had been running around town for a while as thoughts swam in and out of his head at the beck and call of a higher being. He reached for one of the sandwiches on the table and took a bite. He was thinking about hurling but then someone who looked like the owner of the place plopped down on the couch beside him. His mouth was too full for him to make a proper greeting and so ended up staring at the man dumbstruck. He was sweating and not in the most presentable form for someone of higher standing than him.

Jerome half-expected a reprimand from the man and instead got a lousily done Mister Smith impersonation from that movie the Matrix. He took the hand and shook it, Jerome had no words for this occasion as he had a mouth that was filled with bad-tasting sandwich.
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Dorine removed her helmet when she entered Selena Hall. She came by feet not by bike or scooter…she just had the helmet. As long as she wore it the starship wouldn’t able to scan her mind. She’d ride a bike or scooter if she didn’t suspect her roommate of trying to kill her. She had been looking at her all strange ever since she first entered the dorm a year ago. Dorine still didn’t know why, there was nothing weird about her she was just….smarter. Sandra her roommate, among many others, didn’t acknowledge the presence of the Aliens. Foolish. Just like the people who thought she needed any help, the reason why she was at Selena Hall. She didn´t need help! Why is it that smart people are always branded as mentally ill? Exactly the reason she never told her parents...they would be in danger but what kind of help was if she was stuck in a mental hospital? But alright…she’d see what they had to say….maybe it was a trap…but she was smarter. She couldn’t rely on anyone for anyone was a suspect. Maybe they were aliens or maybe they were out to kidnap her, or maybe both! The though made her panic slightly.

She entered the room and saw the sandwiches. She walked closer to them. She lifted the top bread and inspected it. It looked okay. She moved her face closer and smelled. They smelled wonderful, someone had done a great job at covering the poison. She looked to the left and notice a boy eating it. What? They were out to trick her? convince her the bread was eatable. No way!

(long enough?)
Valentina woke that morning to the sound of her alarm blaring it's ever constant beeping at her. She rolled over and switched it off, rubbing her eyes as she brought her hand back into her personal space. She stretched gently and slowly rose from her bed, looking around her room as the sun covered it in a golden glow. She looked over to her night stand and looked at the piece of paper that was lying there, scribbled on it was a reminder that she had a meeting with the people that were supposed to be helping her with her 'problem'.

She stood and walked to her bathroom to shower and begin the day of trying not break down just walking out her front door. She lived alone for a reason, people scared the ever living hell out of her. Once she was done, she walked to her closet and grabbed out the clothes that she had set out the night before. Her OCD mother had grinded that habit into her ever since she could dress herself. She unfolded them and promptly got dressed, spraying a light mist of perfume on herself as well. She grabbed her shoes from under her bed, walked to the door and began her walk into the living room.

Valentina walked over to the her bread box and pulled out two pieces of bread for toast. She walked the few inches to her toaster and slipped them in. While She waited for them to get done, she walked to her fridge and grabbed out her strawberry jelly. She walked over to the spoon rack and grabbed a spoon out. Just as she walked back to her toaster, the toast popped up. Yes, this was her morning routine everyday since she could remember. Her previous doctors told her that it was good to have a routine, that it might help her from causing herself more mental issues. Yea right, what the hell did they know. Sometimes she felt like everyday there was some new fear out there with her name on it.

She ate her breakfast quietly and then walked over to her couch to put on her shoes. She walked over to the door, grabbed her bag and kegs and walked out the door. As she put one foot out onto the pavement, her heart began to pound in her ears. Her breathing was coming in little gasps, and she kept a tight grip on the strap to her bag. It was just a few feet to her car but that walk always felt like she would never reach her car. Once she was to her car, she quickly put in the key in and drove off the meeting.

Upon reaching the building, Valentina took some deep breaths trying to mentally steal herself to get out of the car. She took one last deep breath and opened the car door. As soon as she was out of the car fear had it's grip on her once again despite no one being around. She folded in on herself as she began walking towards the building, hoping that this place would finally help her to become a somewhat normal human being. As she entered the door, she noticed two more people inside and a man. She assumed that the man was the one who was in charge of all of this and the other two were people like her, fighting to be just a normal person. She stood in a corner near the door looking down and holding onto her bag with a death grip, not daring to come any closer to the others in the room.
Chris rose from his bed and looked in the mirror. "Another day. Another fucking day." He got up slowly riseing from his beg he slowly grabbed his shorts and then slid his shirt on. "Remeber Chris your only in this program becuase your parents think your crazy." A demonic voice chimend into his head. The demon Kryptic was talking to him again. The demon had been with him since he was 5.

He opened the door out of his room and walked to the kitchen grabbing a bag of chips he slipped quietly out the back door as he slid on his hover shoes. He bagan slowly skateing toward the building he was suppose to go to. "I cant believe i have to do this damn program. Im not crazy. Kryptic your real. I know you are."

"Of course i am." Chris arrived at the school and opened the door. He noticed the others and then went and stood in the corner. "Pitiful. A school full of rejects just like me." He stood in the corner and waited for someone to say something.
Mister Psycho

It seemed as though Mister Anderson was too speechless at his perfect impersonation of Hugo Weaving. Sykes half expected the actor to go through the door and congratulate him, after which he would assimilate everyone in the room because this not actually the real world but the Matrix. Instead the person who came through the door wasn't even male, it was one of the students who were selected and transfer to the project that would last a year. Sykes has almost certain it the girl was miss Dorine Diamond, he could tell it was her with the paranoid look plastered on her face and the apparent disgust that she focused on the sandwiches Sykes himself made. He wondered that if Miss Diamond were to glare at the sandwiches long enough they might slice themselves into smaller pieces.

Sykes had an inkling of an idea as to why Miss Diamond seemed to be glaring knives at him and Mister Anderson. If her psych profile was to be believe then to her perspective everyone's an alien. Going against all instinct, Sykes dropped the handshake with Mister Anderson, raised his right hand and tried to imitate a Klingon gesture he learned from Spock back in his college days of Star Trek marathons. It seemed to have a visible effect as Miss Diamond looked like she recoiled in even more disgust at him. "Welcome to Selena Hall, Miss Diamond. Don't worry we're completely safe from extraterrestrial probing here. Have a seat and we can all begin the orientation once the rest of you have arrived." He wondered if Miss Diamond did in fact believe him, he swore there was still some mischief that laced his words.

Miss Woods arrived shortly after Syke's greeting to Miss Diamond. If Diamond was the premiere mind in the field of paranoia, Woods would be the leading expert in the field of Hermitry. It took several moments for Sykes to notice Miss Woods trying her best to blend in with the corner and maybe walk through walls.
"Miss Woods, come closer and join us. I know how much you want to be Kitty Pryde from the X-men but you lack the necessary mutagens to be able to phase yourself out of reality and walk through walls. Please introduce yourself, yes we're starting the orientation with a round of ice breakers. Go ahead Miss Woods or would you prefer to be called Miss Pryde?" He'd have to gently nudge her out her shell if he wants to even take the first step to helping Miss Woods with her problem, it wasn't a real problem per se, unlike the total attitude rewrite for the other residents, but in the long run it would be bad for her mental health.

Sykes already signaled the ice breakers to begin once he saw Mister Elric go through the door. Mister Elric's arrival was heralded with an insult to the people in Selena Hall. After his little one sentence insult, he began mimicking Kitty Pryde as well.
So Shadowcat is more popular than I thought she'd be. "Mister Elric, I shall tell you what I told Miss Woods over there. I know how much you want to try to become Kitty Pryde, but you lack the necessary mutagens to be able to walk through walls. Also, the fact of the matter is you have to lose your manhood to even begin walking down that path. Sex change is very expensive but if you share the same dream with Miss Woods I'd be happy to point you to......an expert in that particular field. Now come closer, Miss Woods was just about to introduce herself." Mister Elric would prove to be another difficult case as well but Sykes was confident it'd be smooth sailing once he smashes that outer shell of pride that surrounds Mister Elric. Once again a Ph.D in Paranoia, A leading mind in the field of Hermitry and the embodiment of Pride for residents. He could not pinpoint just what was the specialized field of weirdness Mister Anderson belonged to, either he really didn't belong to one or he is a master of all of it.

"Wilkommen to Selena Hall, students. Letsu Havu a goreytto yearu. Now then miss Woods, you were abou' ta introduce yaself?" Spurred on by his earlier success with Mister Anderson, Sykes decided to see how many accents he could cram into one statement.
Oh god, it was a trap…for sure. She breathed deeply looking at the odd gesture. she hadn’t seen it before, maybe this man was from a whole other species. He however told her she was safe here, he even mentioned the aliens. What was all of this nonsense? She slowly walked to one of the chairs and sat down, of course as far away from the man as possible. Dorine shifted her eyes across the room. One door, four windows…her only ways out. If it ever had to come to escaping she knew what she had to do.
Valentina flinched a bit when the man in charge brought his attention to her. She chewed on her lower lip in nervousness and ran her fingers along the strap of her bag. She was trying to get her voice to work when another student walked into the room and stood on the other side of the door and against the wall. She only looked up briefly to catch him in her field of vision,it made her feel better this way, she didn't trust one single person in the this room. She chuckled a bit in her mind at the Kitty Pryde joke that was pointed at her. She wished she had some form of powers like that,even with being a mutant she would be more normal then what she was right now. She sighed a bit when she noticed that she just compared her human life to a completely fictional character,and what was worse was that she thought a life as a freak of nature was more comforting then the life she had now.

She had a feeling that the guy wasn't going to let him out of her sights until she came forward and introduced herself. Did he realize just how hard this was for her. She felt like she was going to have a heart attack right here on the stop. This is the most people she's ever forced herself to be in a room in and it was not boding well for her. She slowly put one foot in front of the other and began to make her way over to the small group of two students and the director of all of this. She took the chair most furthest away from everyone and sat down in it. She took a deep breath held for a moment. Well the time was now or never ans she really did want to get better.

".....Uhm..hel-hello,my name's Val--Valentina Woods. Uhm....it's a..it's a pleasure to meet you". She had to stop herself right then and there before she passed out from forcing herself to talk more then she was comfortable with. She still continued to look down at the floor and fidget with her fingers. She just hope that this was good enough for the director,because she wasn't so sure if she could make herself talk more then what she had.
"If I wanted to walk through a wall couldn't i just blow it up?" Chris smirked as he pushed off the wall and took a seat. He began to mumble to himself and tinker with a few electronics that he pulled from his pocket. He looked up as the girl began to speak and when she was done he decided he might as well get it over with.

"Hello. My name Chris." He spoke softly to the group. His voice cracked a little turning a little demonic. "And i am Kryptic. The demon guardian." His voice cracked again returning to normal. He then sat back down and began mumbling to himself again.
Dorine glared at this guy...called Chris. Alien, obviously. She wasn't sure yet about the girl, she seemed human,maybe...just maybe.

She took a deep breathe. 'I'm Dorine,' she said curtly. 'I'd be social and tell you more but...' she smiled.'I don't trust any of you.'

She rolled her eyes. 'And of course you already know everything about us,' Alien! she added in her mind. 'So. why. even. bother?' Dorine said viciously as she narrowed her eyes. She was out to make him angry.
Mister Anderson

"So uhh, my name is Jerome. Umm I was sent here for some reason I can't comprehend at the request of my guidance councilor. I'm from the De lo Sol Instegrated School or DLS-IS. I hope to be better acquainted with you guys?" The intense greyness of his life left him wanting for something interesting to happen so he could stick some more stuff to his introduction but the fact of the matter remained that he was an average performing closet Otaku student. He was almost certain no one would get his logic despite everyone having their own definition of "logic." Jerome wondered why his introduction sounded more like a question in the end, he could only guess it was due to uncertainty, everyone was hostile at everyone at least as far as the students go.

He managed to dispose of his sandwich a while ago while Mister-Smith-in-training was occupied with poking fun at the new comers. That was a bad tasting meal and feared for his life and that of the rest of the residents if they left the cooking to the headmaster of the dorm. For all Jerome cared, Sykes should have been charged with taste bud manslaughter due to that sandwich. This is what allowed him to speak and why he was the last of the four to introduce themselves. So I've got a possessed a**hole of a genius, a paranoid xenophobe, and what looks like the perfect model for a class representative right up until she started stuttering and visibly showed no confidence in herself, for dorm mates headed by a guy who looks like he'll never take anything seriously. He took stock of the situation himself and felt like this was some bad joke as an answer to his prayers about getting a more interesting life. He was the last among them to do an introduction and waited for what came next.

Mister Psycho

Sykes had the courtesy to wait out all the introductions from everyone in the room before he decides to put forth his thoughts. Sykes had to bite back the urge to start a debate with a counter-argument against the boy genius something along the lines of "If you blow up the wall, the wall will no longer exist therefore you cannot walk through the wall, because anyone can walk through a nonexistent wall." He'd have to stand down and let the little sh*t have his spotlight time as he went about with his somewhat short and weird introduction, not that Sykes had an inclination to hit wannabe girls. Next up was Miss Diamond with a simple yet clear sign that she does not trust anyone here in the room. For all Sykes knew she might have been an alien as well with the almost mechanical as a matter of fact delivery of her introduction and the sheer aggressiveness of her closing. Do all Don Basco students have superiority complexes or just these two? Lastly, was Mister Anderson's it was just a simple hi and little about his school life and what he expects with regards to the program though it seemed like he was meekly begging the group to get along.

"Alright, first up, Miss Woods fantastic work taking the first step to shattering that shell of yours. Next up, Mister Elric if you blew up the wall there would be no wall to walk through which defeats the primary purpose you gave blowing up the wall in the first place and would you like me to call an exorcist? I'm sure we could make your friend sound a little happier, although a snickers bar works wonders as well. Miss Diamond, because a brief introduction from the person's mouth can tell me more about the person that a hundred hundred-paged essays about said person. Mister Anderson, was that a question? If so, I'm pretty sure you guys will. Now that that's out of the way you may bring your belongings up to the second floor, claim whichever room you want to be in. Unless of course you guys would like to keep this bachelor company?" He addressed each of them in turn, making sure he was facing them and staring them in the eye, doing what could not break eye contact. It wasn't just about curing these children, it was also about sending a message to the academic board and most likely to the world that he can do this. But it all boiled down to wanting the message to be sent to his mother via Heaven's version of FedEx.

This'll be a long year and life starts now. I need to prioritize them accordingly, first up would be curing Miss Diamond of her paranoia. But how? Alternatively, I could focus on Miss Woods first, I could just flip a coin and see what happens. In any case, our lives together starts today and lasts for a year. He gave them the order to go up and get settled in, he'd be doing another ice breaker exercise soon, once he's figured out what it'd be. It almost slipped his mind that the children may not have had their breakfast and excused himself to go prep up a large brunch for everyone in the kitchen, it seemed a bit late for a breakfast and somehow too early for lunch.

Dorine grabbed her helmet and backpack from te ground. 'we do have our own rooms,I hope?' she muttered before leaving the classroom and heading upstairs. She used to share a room before and that didnt go too well. And she really didnt feel up to sharing one with one of the others...if they were aliens it could be dangerous. But that was yet to be proven.

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