1 year (working title)


Greetings Dear Student,

You have been selected to partake in an experiment conducted by a Psychology Graduate. The purpose of this experiment is to help you deal with your problems that might affect your academic standing as well as your interactions with society. You will be transferred to a fully-functioning dormitory funded by several private and reputable institutions as a show of support for the experiment. You will be staying there for the duration of a school year. However, you will still be attending class in your respective school, with experimental sessions held in the dorm either within the weekends or after-school hours. Do not worry about the getting to class on time as the location of the dorm is central to the five institutions funding as well as participating in this experiment offering an equal travel time of 20 minutes on foot to any academy. Your legal guardians or parents have already been informed of this development.

Attached to this letter is a brief dossier on the psychology grad, a brief description of the dorm and its house rules, and your approved psych report which was compiled by your respective guidance councilor.

  • *You can be as quirky or crazy as you want, hence why I'm only asking for a personality. You can go over the top if you feel like it too.*

    School: (Don Basco Institute, San Jose Academy, Lilygate Academy, St. Johann School, De lo Sol Integrated School, descriptions will come later. The names stated have absolutely no connection to any institution in real life, they were all taken from the top of my head.)






    Other Notes: (feel free to add whatever you think people should know about your character as well)

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School: Don Basco institute.

Name: Christian "Kryptic Demon" Elric

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Appearance: Black and red trip pants with chains all over and a black tank top. He wears hover shoes that he made himself.

Personality: Chris is a boy genius with two minor problems. 1: He cant tell you how he builds his stuff or how anything works he just knows it does. 2: He is a skitzo whos other half just happens to be a demon deemed the name Krptic for his riddled way of talking.

Approved. (Sorry i read it but it slipped my mind.)
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School: Don Basco institute

Name: Dorine Diamond

Age: 18

Gender: Female


Personality: Dorine is an einzelganger not because she chooses too, but because others choose to. She often suspects people are some type of alien and therefore her relationships are short lived.

She has many odd believes and is quit paranoia. You’ll often find her sneaking around in school.

Though her first impression might take you of guard as she seems very calm and kind.

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"Orientation"? Gender orientation? or a more general/specific overview of the entire RP?
I think I'll just slap on an "others" portion and you go add what else feel is necessary for the CS.

School- Lilygate Academy

Name- Valentina Ann Woods

Age- 19

Gender- Female

Apperance- Above ^

Personality- Valentina has a major social angxity disorder. It effects her to the point to where it's a task just leaving her room to go to class. She taken countless meds and nothing has helped so far. It's becoming such a major problem that it's beginning to effect her grades. Which is saying something because she's in the lead in all her classes. That also comes from the fact that she never goes out to parties or anything like that, so she has all the time in the world to study. She just wants to be normal for once and live a normal life.

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[ Tabs ]

[ Tab=Tabname ]

what is in tab

[ /Tab ]

[ /Tabs]

no spaces with the brackets
no spaces it should look something like this

  • what's in tab

sorry for not being clear no spaces between "[" and"Tabs" and "]" same applies for the rest of the code
anyway I should have an opening post later on 
School: De lo Sol Integrated School

Name: Jerome Anderson

Age: 17

Gender: Male




Anderson has always been a problem child mainly because he gets into a lot of fights. He has an unapproachable appearnace and never takes his cap off. He is a simply minded thug and should be handled with caution. He is even reportedly a member of a gang that prowls the town and does many unsavory activities. Some students even say he is a bad influence, making them shift their attention from grades to other interests. It is even a wonder how he has made it this far despite his good for nothing nature.


Other Notes:

The Psych profile compiled and submitted to the Academic board regarding Anderson is a complete lie. It was just the weak hearted guidance counselor of De lo Sol Integrated School that compiled a fake report, stamped and submitted to the Academic board. Anderson has never thrown a punch. He wears a light colored cap as he easily gets a heatstroke. Contrary to popular belief he is acquainted with everyone in his batch and the batches above and below him and has close circle of friends. He seeks a mediator role and usually proposes compromises to a given conflict. The security is so tight in the town there's no such thing as a prowling gang at all. He also helps his fellow students study using the best of his abilities and points them to more reliable sources if he cannot answer the question or help the student properly. He made it that far because he was diligent soul.

Of course, even the letter that was given to him detailing his transfer to Selena Hall modified by Senior Wong, the De lo Sol Integrated School guidance councilor. No one knows that Anderson was simply at the butt of an unintentionally done joke by his guidance councilor, a joke because almost everyone in Selena hall has a dimension of weirdness to them and he was relatively normal...oh well 
Welcome aboard Sol! 
Thank you Sol

enough ranting, on to the opening post 
http://rpnation.com/index.php?threads/1-year.13870/ RP

Helpful tip, don't feel intimidated just post what feels natural and please try to do one paragraph

If you're having trouble trying to make a paragraph's worth of a post, don't hesitate to PM me, we can work something out.

Or add me losg890 on skype if you have one, for more instantaneous consultation. Please, let's work together
I'm sorry to ask this again x-x

But i only got one tab down..how do you continue it all like say i did 6 tabs..what does it look like?
just add as many

[ tab=title ]

what's in tab

[ /tab ]

segments as you want before closing with a [ /tabs ]

@Jazzylegs Long enough, good work. Let's keep the OOC here as well -remembered being in an RP where he had to sift through tons of OOC before he could get to the actual thingy in between posts-

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