1 x 1 or Small Group sought.


Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
I mainly avoid Fandom or anything Canon. If it hasn't come out on DVD I probably haven't seen it. Most of the anime everyone here watches I haven't. (I tend to only get complete series on DVD.). I avoid dark, depressing RP's. (I have lived through enough of that in real life. I don't care to relive it in an RP... part of a character's background? Sure.)

I love sci fi, post apocalypse, superheroes, fantasy. I tend to leans towards exploration, building (or rebuilding), etc. In short I am usually planning and creating.

The main thing I am looking for is a 1 x 1 partner than can write more than a single paragraph.

Here is a link to a number of RP concepts I like.


Also my Fate of the World and Only Superhuman series are good. But the RP needs to not get overly complicated.
Hey Mith, I'm down to play pretty much anything you mentioned. I've been feeling the sci fi lately. I can't guarantee a reply a day (work schedule is really random and includes a lot of 10-15 hour days) but when I'm not working all I'm doing is writing.
Well, Sharlene and I are a trucker team, so I understand work schedules being a pain. We work a 70 hour week. Anyways, feel free to look over the list at the link I gave to see if any of those are of interest. Most were written more for groups, so would likely need some fine tuning...

I do have other sci fi settings as well. Or if you have something along these lines, toss it out there.
Holy crap the First Contact idea looks fantastic. If that one were to happen, I would join the heck out of it.
Yeah, I am guessing you mean Genesis II. I have done many, many versions of the First Contact with that race. They were actually 3 races, that once warred on one another. The first paragraph is actually an adaptation of the intro to James Axler's Deathlands series (a graphic audio production put out by Harlequin Corp.)
That would be the one! I'd been just scrolling through and forgot the titles were under the pages. I don't think I know Deathlands; I'll have to check it out.
Deathlands (and Outlanders) are sold at most truck stops. But they are kinda expensive - and not really needed for Genesis II. Your character will be called an Outlander by most people in Villes. And most villes distrust outlanders, sometimes killing on sight for no reason. This is actually one of my darker settings.

Now I could use a different alien race.

I could also run my Deathlands RP. That one is a little more like Gamma World (an rpg put out by TSR around the time of AD&D 2nd ed). However I use a bit more sci fi and get a little grittier.
Dark doesn't bother me much. A little darkness in the world makes it that much prettier when the light shines through. Whatever you go with, I can adapt to. I never played Gamma World but tabletop rules usually only translate loosely to forums so I don't anticipate that being a problem. We'll be playing the aliens, then?
No, the humans. In short you'd be one of the first humans they select to contact (capture like an animal?)

I also added a few more RP descriptions at that link.

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