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Multiple Settings [ 1 x 1 ] Check meowt! (Medieval, modern, vampires, magic, etc.)

mr. lady

New Member
A little about me...

Hi. I'm mr. lady.
  • I'm thirty years old.
  • I'm a biology student with a concentration in environmental studies.
  • I have been role playing for fifteen years.
  • I prefer the male role in my pairings, but when I want to play the female role I can't be persuaded otherwise!
  • I love getting to know my rp partners!
  • I'm a Discord user. Ask me for my username. : )
Role play specifics:
  • I play all gender identities and orientations.
  • I write in third person only.
  • I will not role play anything that's non-consensual.
  • I do not play pre-made characters, including fandom stuff.
  • I'm very set in my ways. If I say no you won't convince me otherwise.
  • I absolutely hate when people use very famous celebrities for their character's appearance. (Norman Reedus, Johnny Depp, Orlando Bloom - c'mon, palls! Be more creative. I highly recommend modeling agencies.)
Unrelated tidbits about me:
  • I have five cats (two tuxedos, one black bombay, one gray tabby, and one black and white shorthair) and a mini dachshund.
  • I think moths, butterflies, and cicadas are really cool. Like, so cool.
  • I love getting my nails and hair done, and I fancy myself a makeup hobbyist.
  • I am a complete and total hopeless romantic.


  • Romance
  • Fantasy
  • Adventure
  • Medieval/LotR-esque
  • M/M
  • M/F
  • M/X

Pairings/Plot Ideas

Honestly, vampires are my greatest guilty pleasure. I love the whole idea of them, and I like to play with different versions of them. I have my own creations that I would like to role play (if anyone is willing) and would love to discuss the lore for any vampire story in depth.​

Experienced Magic User x Student
Experienced Magic User x Non-Magic User
I can play either side of this coin. Modern or medieval settings work well, imo. For the pairing with the non-magic user, I really like a modern setting with magic/supernatural entities still being considered fairytales.​

Elf x Human
Knight x Princess
Prince(ss) x Capture
King x Arranged Marriage w/M
These are my prefered pairings for a high fantasy medieval world. Knight x Princess is one of the rare instances where I want to play a female character.​

PLOT IDEA, Magic User x Non-Magic User:

MC (Garrett Dabney) is a human detective tasked with looking into a string of bank robberies that have ended in multiple murder-suicides. His investigations lead him to a watchmaker, YC, who seems like an unlikely suspect, but all the signs are pointing directly at him. There's more than meets the eye to these robberies, however. MC can feel it, but he can't explain it. YC is not only a watchmaker, but he is also a powerful magic user who understands how the dark, inner workings of the "Undersociety" have a tendency to sneak out and cause mayhem. YC isn't willing to cooperate with MC and makes no effort to hide this fact. He won't be responsible for destroying MC's already rocky hold on reality, but due to MC's stubbornness and determination...will he have much of a choice?​
(I would definitely like some serious romance in this, but it would be something that would build up over time. I already have a character created for this. HMU if you wanna do this!)​
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