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Fantasy Closed

Matthias fiddled with a pendant on the left of his chest for the 1000th time. He wouldn't exactly say he was worried, but there was a definite fluttering feeling deep in his stomach. It was unlike him to be so fidgety. He'd visited other kingdoms before, met with kings and queens before, but none of those moments in the past gave him this feeling. A feeling of slight nervousness, excitement, and dread. This event actually meant something. If he failed to show good manners in the past, it was easily fixed. But in this case, it was different. His kingdom, his people, counted on him to make a good impression.

He took a deep breath and recited the proper mannerisms for meeting royalty again in his head. Everything should go fine. His reputation was spotless, his charm was universal, his name was appraised, he knew everything would be alright. Matthias straightened his shiulders and placed a polite smile on his face, just like he practiced back at the castle. Again he reviewed the notes in his head. "Jesus, I'm gonna have a heart attack and they haven't even said my name yet." He muttered to himself, straightening the pendant again.

Matthias looked over to his brother and sister. They seemed fine. Of course, they're fine, you're just overreacting, you idiot. You've done this hundreds of times, get it together, Matthias. He thought to himself. He was fighting the urge to take a glass of wine. It would calm his nerves, sure, but he wasn't about to risk being drunk when meeting other nobility. What a nightmare that would be. He shifted his feet and chose to just focus on the beautiful decor of the castle, counting how many candles there were or how many flags were red. It was something he did when he knew he was freaking out.
"Your Majesty? The guests are arriving, his Majesty the King is..." The young maid quieted down when the statuesque blond noblewoman turned around to face her, brandishing a sword. "About time! Tell my husband to make himself useful for once and greet the guests at the entrance, I'll deliver the greeting speech myself and I want a scribe in the room to write it down, might come useful for my dear supporters outside the castle..." The Queen said while putting down the sword in an ornate stand, along with the other many she owned in the armory, a majestic room full of deadly weapons and precious tapestries recounting the military history of her country, and there was one in particular that featured Queen Semiramis herself, clad in battle armor, holding a sword and striking a triumphant pose over the ruins of a castle.

Semiramis hated that particular tapestry, and it was only a matter of time before she would cut it into pieces in a fit of rage, but it wasn't the right moment, she thought as she put down the polishing oil and cloth and wore her most elegant pair of gloves, the last thing she needed was bad press from appearing like a screaming wild beast in front of her "peers", oh how much she wanted to scare them into submission! To grab them by the heads, to cut their throats, to impale their skulls and crown herself absolute monarch of the whole world. But she also didn't had time for such wild flights of fancy, as her "ladies" in waiting were patiently waiting for her just outside the door.

"Oi Boss, buncha fancy pants are just outside the castle, and ev'ryone is waitin' for ya in the lobby" The oldest of the trio of young women was wearing an elegant black gown and perfectly styled hazel hair, an elegance that clashed with her reek of tobacco, cheap wine and the unmistakable "scent of the street".
"Thanks for the information Phyllis, if you don't have anything else that could be of use you should wear some perfume before any of those fancy rats complain about the smell." The Queen said with a slight grin as she walked down the corridors followed by the three ladies. "Aw whatcha worring about boss? They'll stink of booze anyway in an hour tops! The wine's good, first hand experience if ya catch my drift!" Phyllis said with a laughter that was cut short as they saw the king right on their path. The ladies, showing uncharacteristic politeness, bowed before him. The Queen stood upright, looking down on her husband.
"Berwin, glad to see you're ready to receive the guests, I'll be in the dining room to make sure preparations are ready in time..." She said with a polite smile, albeit with a rather cold tone.
Guinevere shifted awkwardly in her dress. It was lighter and less decorated than perhaps a princess should have (she’d tried on heavier and was barely able to move) but the gold embroidery and jewellery covering the red and white dress still made it difficult to stand in. She knew from experience she couldn’t show this when the guests arrived so she allowed it while she was standing in the dining room before the feast began.
Solomon walked with a leisurely but steady pace through the halls of the castle, finding his way easily enough. Socializing with all the nobles was not something he was particularly looking forwards to, and thus he had taken his time and put off getting ready in favor of tending to his plants right up until the sky began to turn pink. However, he was unable to refuse the invitation specifically because it had been given to him despite not being one of the nobles, and he was never one to be late to events.

Soon enough he turned a corner, and a pair of colorfully decorated doors came into view at the end of the corridor. Solomon took a glance down at his clothing as he approached, making sure it was still just as perfectly so as when he'd left his bedchambers. Looks weren't important by their own right, but the affect they had on impressions was, as well as making sure he did not bring disrespect to the King and Queen who'd had the new clothes made for him when he'd first arrived six months ago in order that the healer of their court did not look like he had been essentially homeless for the past five years. Not fond of anything extravagant or bright colors his boots, trousers, the ribbon tying his hair, and a tightly tied wide cloth belt (that functioned like a sling to keep his left arm out of his way) were all black, and his long-sleeved shirt the color of a dark wine. Shockingly, in the past fifteen minutes, nothing about them had changed.

Out of habit Solomon gave a slight nod to the guardsmen as he passed by and entered the dining hall. His gaze flitted across the various faces, lavishments, and entertainment, taking a general stock of the going-ons before continuing to one of the snack tables. Might as well get as much enjoyment out of the event as he could.
Crystina gazed down at the silver goblet she held, observing the swirling cabernet that was freshly poured. She had situated herself a respectable distance from the King’s throne, but not so far she was to be mistaken as a guest. Her position was evident to any newcomer and reinforced for any one from Freland. Perhaps it was the web of emeralds in cascade of wealth around her decolletage. Perhaps it was the ornate dress she wore - a display of silk workmanship unparalleled with a lace overlay embroidered with golden thread.

Or perhaps it was her well known reputation as the King's Mistress and a Duchess of Freland.

Either way, when the green hues looked up around the room, she appeared to be searching as she took a long draw from the wine. They should have let it air longer… she thought absently of the harsh pepperiness before she went back to swirling it in hopes it would breath.

She didn’t know where her son was at the moment, so she stood alone preparing for what she assumed as a long evening. There were newcomers to the castle, people she had only heard of. She wouldn't deny she wasn't the slightest bit curious about meeting those who were set to inherit those lands. They would have a large role to play no doubt in the coming relations. To an observer though, she looked bored which she was sure would change.

The bastard prince stood beside his sister, Guinevere. He held a cigarette in his teeth as he eyed the cakes on the table beside him. He hastily took the cigarette into his fingers.
He was just about to shove a third peice into his mouth when his emerald eyes fixed on his sister’s expression. He laughed, choking slightly on the sponge cake stuffed halfway down his throat. He coughed and cleared his throat, “Come now, little sister. You look like a scared dog.” His low, velvety voice carried through the room even as he spoke quietly. He was about to mock the poor girl some more when he looked down at the dress, “Is that a bloody diamond?” He gaped at the sparkling things stitched into the hem of the monstrosity, “Jesus Christ Guinnie, you’re wearing a gold mine!” Klarion burst into a fit of giggles, “Can you even walk down the stairs?” His ruby sword caught the light as he doubled over in hysteria.

||Interactions: MasterRed MasterRed ||​
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Guinevere crossed her arms and pouted. “It’s my formal dress. All my formal dresses are like this. Feel lucky you don’t have to, brother.” She reached over for an interesting looking dish that she couldn’t quite guess what it would taste like, and had a bite. It was sweet, like sugar, but had the taste of some exotic spice on it. “You should try this... uh, dish, by the way. I don’t know what it’s called but it tastes nice.”

She giggled to herself and continued “I can give you even more advice as long as you don’t smoke until I’m back in my room. I don’t want to be sick at one of Papa's events again.

Klarion huffed, “You’re acting like its all my fault you’re sick.”
He crushed the cigarette in his hand, not even wincing at the pain. Ashes scattered to the marble floor. He crossed his arms and pouted, “I’m offended, Guinnie, I really am.” The Bastard prince turned away from her, “Besides, I’d look even better in that dress than you ever could.” He smacked his thigh, the noise echoed through the room, “I’ve got the hips for it.”
He reached for the dish she recommended him. It was gone in seconds. Klarion licked his fingers, still turned away from her. There was a pause. “Trifle.” He concluded.

||Interactions: MasterRed MasterRed ||
||Outfit: X||​
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Guinevere sighed. “I know, Klari. I’m sorry for being a bit of a burden. And,” she said, quickly cheering up, “I'm certain if you tried on one of these, you’d see why I looked like a “scared dog”. That can be arranged, if you wish.” She giggled, before reaching for another trifle. “I've got to ask the servant to make more of these.”

(Interacting. L LadyLuckTakeTheWheel )

The bastard didn’t turn to face her. He inhaled sharply, as if he were hurt, “I’m the burden of this family!” He whipped around in a mock rage, “Quit stealing my act!” He softly whacked her upside the head. He had always learned to be gentle with his sister, still didn’t stop him from doing the bare minimum he could to annoy her.
Klarion saw her reaching for another trifle and swiftly lifted the plate high out of her reach, “I don’t think so.” He raised his eyebrows, “Nice try. Didn’t you say you didn’t want to be sick?” He was much taller than his little sister and he looked down at her, frowning.

||Interactions: MasterRed MasterRed ||​
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Guinevere frowned and pretended to be on the verge of crying. “Brother, why can’t we both be the burdens? This conflict is tearing our family apart!” she said, with mock dramatics. “We'll set off a war soon enough. War of the Trifles, they’ll call it. It’ll be seen in the history books as the worst war Freland has ever seen.” She laughed. “I’ll lay off the trifles for now.

The Prince nodded, satisfied. He put the plate to his lips and the trifle slid into his mouth in one gulp.
Klarion rolled his eyes and drew his sword. With a cheeky grin, Klarion sliced at her chest. It never touched her skin. A ruby flew from the dress and into the Prince’s waiting palm. He laughed out loud, “If we are going to war I may as well lighten the load.” He took off with his sister’s jewel, “Don’t follow me down the stairs, dearest sister!”
He had the intention to go find his mother. A question was nagging at him and he needed an answer from the firey haired woman.

||Interactions: MasterRed MasterRed ||
||mentions: reinadeespadas reinadeespadas ||​
Matthias, still uneasy with his current situation, decided to move onto the snack table. Food always calmed him down a bit, sometimes he ate just so he wouldn't have to talk to other nobles. They were all quite friendly towards him, after all he was a prince, but speaking to them for too long was quite boring. They all laughed the same way, complimented him in the same way, even talked the same way. It was all very uncomfortable. Though, he wouldn't say he hated nobles. No, they were a part of this complex aristocracy just as he was. They were probably very interesting in private, but being yourself around people of power, like himself, was always a gamble. They were trained that way, just like he was. They didn't have a choice on how interesting their persona could be, they just had to be polite and likeable to all. So he understood when they all mentioned how "ornately dressed" or "elegantly charming" he was. It was all a facade, he knew that. Hell, he was fake too.

Matthias approached the snack table, first awed by all the foreign cuisine, then indecisive about which he should have. He was limited to one every 10 to 20 minutes or so, otherwise it would look as though the crown prince was a glutton. So it had to be something good or else he'd regret it for the rest of the night. He also couldn't pick anything that had spreads or jams, those might spill and he wasn't going to get a stain on him now, not after all the fuss of making everything look good. It's another reason he would avoid the wine. He stared over the food presented for a while and decided to just settle for a small slice of bread. Crumbs could be brushed off, it was a modest choice, and he liked bread.
“I would avoid the pumpernickel with your penchant for bread,” Crystina chimed in to the quiet man that approached the snack table she happened to be near.

He wasn't a familiar face, so she assumed he was one of those visiting royals. Though she wouldn't know which one. And well, she couldn't just stand around looking lonely for much longer- might as well mingle with the newcomers.

“It tends to dry out after a few hours and who knows how long it's been out,” she followed up, taking a few steps closer to make it obvious she addressed him.

“Pray tell, may I ask who you are?” She gave a polite curtsy, head bowing momentarily before she resumed her poised almost nonchalant manner. She gave a quick glance around the room, her gaze drifting for a few seconds that it was apparent she was was waiting for someone (her son), but not so long that she appeared disinterested in meeting the man who stood nearby.

(Interacting with Matthias DewOfTheMountains DewOfTheMountains , mention L LadyLuckTakeTheWheel )
“I would avoid the pumpernickel with your penchant for bread,”
Matthias inwardly froze as a voice addressed him. The words were casual, unlike everyone else he'd spoken to so far. It caught his attention, so he looked toward the direction of the voice and saw a woman approaching him. A lady perhaps. He didn't know much about the names and faces of the nobility of other lands, he had a hard time remembering the ones in his own kingdom, but he could guess by the other's formal attire and invitation to this event, she was probably someone important.

“It tends to dry out after a few hours and who knows how long it's been out,”
Nodding in acknowledgement, Matthias moved away from the pumpernickel and toward the rye bread. She seemed intelligent and interesting, maybe the first time he's said that about anyone in the room so far.

“Pray tell, may I ask who you are?”

"My name is Matthias Giroux, I am the crown prince of Astrya, my lady." He said politely, turning to her and giving her a small smile. There were many who knew little of him here, which he couldn't say was a bad thing. It was nice being able to loosen up a little bit and let out a bit of his inner charm. "And if I may, who might you be?"
The journey to Hoellan was exhaustingly a long one for the boy. All the way from one island to the other half of the world. However, that didn’t tamper Tenebris’ excitement for going into Freland’s court. It was his first time arriving at another country’s castle; his elder brother had done so before hand, the heir to the throne. Since the party started, Tenebris tried his best to do small talk. It’s been a while since he engaged in actual conversations with others. Some conversations were concerning how young he is for a prodigy and being adorable. After a few conversations, he knew he had to step up in socialization. How can the young prodigy of Astrya fail at something simple as talking?

He observed his siblings from afar but only checked up on them for a few seconds. He didn’t want to be seen as a weird stalker. That brother of mine better not mess things up with his mannerisms. Our kingdom will be the laughingstock for a long time.Ugh, have to talk to one of the prince or princesses here. I need some valuable information about this castle and country. His stomach rumbled and he blushed.

He awkwardly walked towards the snack table to eat something. His eyes were mainly focused upon the snacks displayed. He grabbed a plate and snatched a few bread slices and foreign cuisines. Tenebris looked up and saw his brother talking to one of the royals in the castle. Isn’t she the Mistress?
Standing next to her siblings, Camille couldn't help but wish for this to be over already. It wasn't that she minded the big, poofy dress - she actually enjoyed dressing up - nor was it the long trek to the Freland territory - it gave her some much-needed time to think. Camille's issue with Court was the stuffy royals that currently occupied the grand dining hall. They were all the same... always too prim and proper to do much else than scoff and look down their noses, unaware to the issues that went down in the lower ranks of a country. They were just boring to talk with; Camille had no interest in politics, after all.

Glancing over to the side, Camille could see her older brother fidgeting in place. Matthias Giroux was messing with the pendant on his chest, surely for the millionth time. He always was nervous around events such as this, even with his birthright as the crown prince; he'd have to fix that before being crowned king. To her left, her younger brother seemed perfectly normal. Turning back to Matthias, she quickly reached out and grabbed his hand, dragging it down from where it was surely wearing away at the shiny metal.

"Would you calm down? This isn't a big deal - It's not liked you're being crowned right now, you know!" Camille laughed slightly. He would be ten times worse if that were the case.

Grabbing a flute of champagne from behind her, Camille sipped at it slightly while taking in the feeling of the room. Everything was elaborately dressed, surely to 'impress' the fellow countries attending. 'They've certainly splurged for this...' Camille though to herself, eyeing the gold-draped banisters and purple-dyed decorations. 'These materials aren't cheap.'

Other than she and her brothers, a few more royals were present in the room. A steel-faced lady was standing across the room from her. Regardless of her matter of dress, she still had an elegant air about her, and Camille could fancy a guess that this woman was the Queen of Freland. 'Hmm....best introduce myself at some point.' Standing near her were two teenagers, although the girl was more of a child. The sickly-looking girl was Princess Guinevere, someone Camille had heard of. It was always nice to know of the 'competition,' at least in the eyes of her governesses (regardless of the fact that the competition was years younger than she).

The boy, however, Camille didn't know. 'Maybe a lesser prince?' She would have to figure it out soon, but if he was present in the Court, he couldn't be of too low of a rank.

A few more people were also entering the dining hall. A sharply-dressed man with his arm in a sling, and an elaborately-dressed woman accompanied by a Lady. 'Wow... so many different people. I really need to start networking...'

[As Camille glanced back, her eldest brother had seemed to have left, conversing with a lady near the snacking tables. She thought about walking around and introducing herself to other monarchs, but, if she was being honest, she would rather just stay here. After all, it wasn't like this was the only day to converse with the others. Camille simply sipped her champagne and tried to take in the scenery.
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King Berwin of Freland
Hues of red, white, and gold had been in movement all day as preparations for the royal banquet were being set. Dozens of hands were at work to ensure that everything was perfect or else the king would have a fit, especially today. Ever since the second, the king had opened his eyes, he was filled with stress. While at the surface this celebration may appear for pleasantries, really he desired an optimal outcome of continued peace with the neighbouring kingdoms. He desired no war. Berwin needed to ensure the safety of his kingdom and if playing nice with others was a successful method then he would execute it. Although it was not like he was not excited about the idea of a banquet. This meant a crowd of people and many chances for small pleasantries and maybe conversations for humor. Nonetheless, he was still stressed about the idea, and because of his heightened arousal of emotion, the littlest of details in decoration was of utmost importance to him. Fortunately, this was not the first reception that Freland has held so the staff was aware of the king's expectations. With minimal corrections and strict commandeering from King Berwin, the decorations for the throne room were complete.

"Your Majesty, the first guests have arrived and her Majesty Semiramis has asked me to convey her order that his Highness is to greet the guests." Queen Semiramis. The familiar chronic pain of heartache pulsed uncomfortably in the king's chest as he glanced over to the servant, "Hah my plans of ambushing guests has been foiled. If I wish to sleep soundly tonight I best be greeting to the guests. You have my thanks. Now please return to your duties. Tonight must be a success." A long sigh escaped the large man's lips as he straightened his attire that was heavily adorned in similar colors to that of the decorations.

Even before she spoke, the king involuntarily shuddered as he felt the presence of the queen approaching him with the accompaniment of three other ladies. It was to no surprise when Berwin was greeted with bitterness from the woman. A small, sad smile appeared on his face, "If that is what you wish, my Queen." He never knew how to feel around the queen nowadays. One part of him wants to try and continue helping Semiramis, but then another part of him is defeated and scared on how to approach the woman. Berwin always has this turmoiling burden knotted inside of him, but at least for tonight, he didn't want to wallow in it. Without waiting for more pain to infiltrate his heart, the king walked away and headed towards the entryway.

While the presence of the queen had unsettled him, Berwin decided to worry about that matter later. All of his earlier excitement was flooding back into his mind with each step he took. So he might not be able to jump out and scare the initial guests of the banquet but this did not mean he couldn't attempt at his antics for the rest of the evening. With that thought in mind, a happier, genuine smile shined on his face as he stood at the entrance and greeted as many faces as he could.

As time passed, more guests began to arrive in larger clusters, eventually, the numbers were reaching the point where the king couldn't personally greet all the guests. "Your Majesty, it appears as though the majority of the guests have arrived. It may be an appropriate time now to formally welcome the guests." Berwin looked over to the guardsmen who had spoken, and a small light of recognition shined in his eyes, "Why am I glad to see you Wellington. You are working hard as always. Greatly admirable." The guard released a small huff of laughter, realizing that the king was getting distracted, "Your Highness, the speech."
"Oh right. Well, I shall take my leave now. Work hard, my friend," the king hastened his step towards the front of the throne room, weaving in between the huddled group of royals. His eyes were searching the room for the queen once more. He knew that it would probably be best to have the queen at his side when he formally greeted the guests, but he was unsure of where she was at. As he reached the space where the thrones sat, Berwin still couldn't find the queen. He walked up to the nearest servant, "Please tell Queen Semiramis that I request her presence for the formal greeting." To indicate that he heard the king's order, the servant bowed slightly before walking off to fulfill his task. Hopefully, the queen would accept his request, Berwin wanted to show that Freland is standing as strong as ever. But the only way that they can represent it tonight is through the unity of the king and queen. Even if its only on the surface, Berwin needed Semiramis at his side. His status of commitment was already strained with the affair he had with Crystina, and with the attendance of his mistress and bastard son tonight, the more the sense of urgency Berwin had to show the strong bond the king and queen should still have. Even if it is all a lie.

PsychicSoldierAthena PsychicSoldierAthena

Location: Corner
Mood: Peeved
Interactions: N/A
With: N/A
Clothing: x

Ugly, hideous things. All of them, basked in their own greed. They didn't know what it meant to suffer. They'd never know.

Snapping her gaze away from the glass of wine she held, Genevieve offered a polite smile to the man speaking with her. Her lips barely pulled back to reveal perfectly white teeth, the ideal coy smile. It was enough to cause the man to grow rosy in the cheeks, his plump gut shaking with laughter as he told a rather unfunny joke. In her mind, Genevieve contemplated breaking the glass she held and stabbing herself through the throat. The man was quite round with wealth, his several chins pressing together as he smiled greedily at her. Like she was a fruit rip for the taking, dressed up all pretty for him.

If she were in charge, he'd be one of the first to go. Sent away to a low income village to starve away the fat he had collected for the years. He ate so much, yet gave so little. It disgusted her.

As he continued to ramble on, Genevieve once again became lost in her own thoughts. Why was she even here again? Sure, there were practical purposes for her to attend the ceremony. Not to mention she was more or less required to be in the room. But the entire display was revolting. The royal children flitted around like flies, wallowing in their own terrible sorrows. How awful it must be to be the richest family in the country, but you're stuck with the sniffles!

Genevieve could only scoff at the notion of it all, much to the dismay of the jolly man speaking to her. With a firm glare and a nod, he was dismissed with a loud 'hmpf.' How could such a pretty woman be so cold? Even her thick brows seemed to be constantly weighed down with disdain, a frown now tugging on the corner of her lips. The child she was supposed to be watching was no where in her sights, but she didn't care all too much. Let her get drunk and wild, perhaps a scandal will occur. That'd be too easy for Genevieve, though. Nothing comes easy.

She knew that well enough.

Turning to place her glass down on the table next to her, her gaze returned to the room. How many damn children could possibly be in this room? Most were starting to stuff their faces, but Genevieve couldn't afford one bite. Anymore, and she may just burst out of her tight dress. A clinched waist came at a cost, after all.


The bastard prince burst into the grand hall. He was laughing and clutching something in his pale hand. As soon as he realised he wasn’t alone, he straightened. His emerald eyes spied his mother, then the snack table.
Sauntering towards the snack table, he saw them. The cakes. Dozens of them. Some delicately adorned with spices or flour.
He snapped to attention and turned to his mother and the man she seemed to be talking to. Klarion took a glass of red wine and swirled it, thoughtfully, “Well hello there, dearest mother. Who might you have snagged here?” A sly grin spread across his face.

||Interactions: reinadeespadas reinadeespadas DewOfTheMountains DewOfTheMountains ||
||outfit: X||​
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Crystina smiled warmly at the Crown Prince as he introduced himself, noticing another hovering behind the young man. She raised her glass ever so slightly to the Crown Prince, taking a sip before she answered. And just as she was about to, she saw a flurry of red velvet burst through the door and head straight to the table nearest to her.

Ah, finally, she thought. The last time her son was late, he reeked of smoke and managed to drink half his weight before the party. Crystina, who only acted in anger in private, had certainly given her son an earful and forbid anyone from assisting the hangover that was sure to follow. Hopefully he had learned. Doubtful.

As he approached her, and the table, one may take notice that the warmth in her smile was matched by her eyes. The affection she bore for her son only took a few seconds of observation to understand.

"This," she gestured to Matthias, "is the Crown Prince of Astrya, Prince Matthias Giroux," she responded to his question, ignoring the implication, "He may teach you yet something about punctuality."

Prince Klarion may never sit on the throne, Crystina had long ago come to terms with, but so help her God, he would find a way to act like he could. Still, she couldn't help but appreciate his free spirit. He was born into a position that afforded it, unlike herself. Even after her first, and only, husband had died, she was still shackled to society's expectations.

Turning her attention back to Matthias, she answered his question, "Call me Crystina. I'm simply a Duchess, and this is my son, Prince Klarion." She left the weight of the implication weigh in the air. Would it make him uncomfortable? Or, would all the etiquette in the world spare him the awkward beats as he surmised her true position in this household?

(Mention: NextGenRolePlayer NextGenRolePlayer
Interacting: L LadyLuckTakeTheWheel and DewOfTheMountains DewOfTheMountains )
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"Well hello there, dearest mother. Who might you have snagged here?"

A male voice from behind said, startling Matthias. As if the nerves of being here weren't enough, I'm now being ambushed by other nobility. He composed himself again, taking this time to enjoy a bite of his previously neglected rye bread. The food would hopefully ease the alarms going off in his head.

"This is the Crown Prince of Astrya, Prince Matthias Giroux. He may teach you yet something about punctuality."

He chuckled at the last comment. Oh, if only she knew. Matthias heavily relied on others to make sure he got to events on time, whether that be the servants, guards, or siblings. Though, he always managed to remember other things. Things that were important to him, such as the summer solstice or the birthdays of his brother and sister. Point is, he wouldn't be able to teach anyone about punctuality.

"Call me Crystina. I'm simply a Duchess, and this is my son, Prince Klarion."

Ah yes, he recognized that name. Prince Klarion, the bastard prince, and Duchess Crystina, the king's mistress. Oh, what trouble he would be in, his mother is going to be absolutely livid when she hears about this. It was a political misstep to be talking to these two, he knew that, he could easily offend the queen or upset the king. However, Matthias was a man of a strong moral code, he would not disrespect these two, especially the prince. What happened in the affair between Crystina and King Berwin was unclear, so there was no deciding who was to blame. The prince, he refused to refer to Klarion as 'bastard', he truly felt for. It wasn't his choice to be born from an affair, and yet everyone was so quick to blame and disregard him. It made Matthias's blood simmer in annoyance, how was someone meant to prove their worth if they were never given the chance to?

He placed a bright smile on his face and turned to the prince. "It's very nice to be of your company, your majesty." Matthias said politely, holding out his hand. He would treat the bastard prince as what he was, a prince. There was no need for all this unnecessary hostility towards a man that never once received an ounce respect in the first place.
Solomon lingered by the snack table, perusing all the small delicacies they had offered. Various breads, cakes, wines, berries, chocolates, and more were lined up in a lovely display, everything looking more or less appealing. While he decided on what to grab, he heard a familiar voice.

“Come now, little sister. You look like a scared dog.”

Prince Klarion, of course there was no better time for him to harass his sister than this event, in front of all the visiting nobility. The corner of his mouth tugged back in concern and Solomon turned, about to intrude to stop for both the prince and princess' sake, but Guinevere was giggling, and seemed to not be too bothered by her brother's antics. Best to just let them be, then.

Solomon returned his gaze to the food, and on a whim picked up a parfait contained in a fancy glass with three fingers, and a spoon in between his ring and pinky. A ways down the table stood a young blonde-haired woman in an elegant blue and gold gown sipping champagne. He hadn't kept up closely with politics in awhile, but he'd recognize any of the monarchs' children. If he was right, she'd be staying in Hoellan for awhile, so he might as well introduce himself. He walked over, parfait still in hand, and gave a slight head bow.

"Your Highness, Princess of Astrya. How are you enjoying the event so far? I am the healer of this court, so it seems we will be seeing each other around the castle from now on."

deianeira deianeira
Semiramis felt somewhat complacent at her husband's cooperativeness, she deep down felt a bit of guilt by treating him so coldly, the man who was loved by a young and laughing woman, the man who gave her a child... The man who betrayed her with a scheming wench, the man that had the audacity to let a pathetic weakling of a bastard son live in her palace, the man she was growing, day by day, to despise, to dismiss as a pathetic excuse of a leader, the man... She snapped back to reality, a maid meekly told her about her husband's wish to join him in the throne room and deliver her speech. She was in the dining hall, surveying together with her ladies in waiting valets, maids, servants and even scribes, just as she ordered.
"Oi Boss, yer good? Ya.. kinda spaced out?" Mary, one of the ladies in waiting, said to her Queen. She was the youngest and taller of the trio, yet she was the softest and most naive, and despite her age she still had none of the curves of a woman. Semiramis just smiled sweetly.
"I'm fine, thank you, I want you and your sisters to patrol the throne room, see any suspicious activities" She ordered before taking her leave, her ladies in waiting still somewhat concerned about her behavior.

All the guests were there, along with the King, sporting a smile. Semiramis forced herself to smile, trying her hardest to look sincere and to not let her real mood slip as she greeted politely her guests. Scribes hurried with pen, ink and parchment as the heralds sung the Royal Anthem, guards in ceremonial uniforms marched at the side of the legitimate monarchs of Freland, holding flags bearing the Frelandian golden double headed eagle, but a couple of guards were instead holding a new flag, a single black eagle with its majestic wings spread open over a crimson field, clutching in its claws a laurel wreath.

Queen Semiramis was holding King Berwin by the hand, apparently like a normal, happy couple. She was doing her best to restrain herself from crushing his hand, humiliating him in front of so many people.
"We're so glad that you came to join us in banquet in this most auspicious day, my esteemed royal peers, I look forward to make merry but also to improve the relations among our nations." She cleared her throat, taking a moment to observe her peers and study their reactions. "We Frelandians are thankful but also honored to have such loyal friends, but as friendship is a two way path, we take pride and honor in our duty as protectors of the peace. For you see, today me and my dearest husband" She looked at her husband, with a warm smile, but an icy stare. "have decided to celebrate the order and stability of our mighty nation, for many years Elamite bandits have rebelled against our rightful rule, and terrorized our hard working citizen, killing, stealing and destroying homes!" her tone became grim, before she flashed a prideful smile. "But we prevailed once more against them, and the bandits, along with their sympathizers, have been reeducated. I personally gave them new reasons to join Freland as honest citizen..."
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