
  1. fluffy11cat

    Fandom Pokemon: Ash becomes a Lucario
    Index: Nintendo, Game Freak, Creatures

    This would be a role play base off an old Idea I had for Ash and Pikachu. The Idea behind this, was the reason that Pikachu doesn't evolve, is cause he's Ash older brother, stuck as a Pikachu. He wanted to be with Ash on Pokemon journey so had to become his Pokémon. Or that was the Idea at lest...
  2. TrulyRatMan

    Multiple Settings Looking for Oc x Oc, CC x CC or Oc x CC!! CRAVING POKEMON + PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN

    Hii! I'm looking to find an rp partner who's interested in either doing an rp with one of my ocs, im in a handful of fandoms so if you wanna use a canon character with them go ahead. But i'm also up for cc x cc even tho im not in to many fandoms im interested to play canon characters for. I’m...
  3. GojiBean

    Fandom Pokémon: Legends Foretold (Battle Challenge)

    (This space is reserved for the Battle Challenge of Pokemon: Legends Foretold's opening event!) (Enjoy the battles while they last!) (Note: This thread will remain locked until the event officially begins!) @Absollover77 @MrBrown @Phayne @kasigi @asphodelus
  4. Impressing

    Fantasy Seems as if you offended such wild Wigglytuff!

    It is Halloween evening of year 2036 and most people of Manjer place are dressed of costumes as participation of Halloween, then of other people partcipating of Halloween as other participation. { Such world is made-up as such role play is of. } Resembling earth with limited similar earth...
  5. Cresion Breezes

    Fandom 『Pokemon Paroxysm』

    (@Phayne @dontPanic @AtlannianSpy @Aquarin @Marlowe @Absollover77 @Damafaud @kyuukestu @KageYuuki ) {slide=center|color=#66CCFF| DO YOU HEAR THAT? } "Heroes beyond our world, can you hear my call?" ... ... ... Yes...you hear something. Something from...somewhere. You're not sure where...but...
  6. Carnelian

    Fandom 2.B.A.Master! [ Pokemon 1x1 DOUBLING search! ]

    Hullo! It's me, Esti! Putting my general fandom thread on pause for now to search for one specific fandom! If the title wasn't obvious enough.. I'm looking for Pokemon roleplays! Not gonna run my mouth, just spit out some guidelines and such so people don't get bored reading a blurb-- All...
  7. robertelch

    Fandom Looking for Pokemon Adventure RP

    Warning upfront: Im new to roleplaying and english isnt my first language so excuse any errors please. Looking for a Pokemon Adventure RP where you would be playing a rather poor Trainee with me being your filthy rich best friend and we are going together.
  8. temporarybliss

    Fandom Pokemon Prophecies

    code by nine lives ♡ fonts used: main title & tab titles subtitle/subheaders body text to replace fonts, replace them here, then search up 'font-family' and replace them there too between the ''! ----tabs---- ----tab one (cover)---- ----text effect thing...
  9. Impressing

    Fantasy Such Pokémon Ocean Cruise and Lake Camping Role Play of autumn.

    I shall create the world map and other essentials tomorrow, though I am wondering who would exist fond of such Pokémon role play of cartoon aesthetic where such characters ocean cruise of big ship, and then camp. Some could exist of new where cruise ship arrives island as new home, some could...
  10. Cresion Breezes

    Fandom 『Pokemon Paroxysm』Character Sheets

    “(Put a character quote here, sum up and show off their vibes.)” (Pictures should be digital art, anime style, no size limit or anything that size is just random. If you wnat you can add description of details not seen in picture, other things like height etc.) Name: Gender: Age: (16+)...
  11. Cresion Breezes

    Fandom 『Pokemon Paroxysm』(Post-apocalyptic semi-mechanic based Pokemon RP, Closed)

    Currently Closed. "Heroes beyond our world, can you hear my call? Please, I beg of you, hear my voice! Hear my voice, and deliver our world from this calamitous fate!" You wake up in a place...your memories are hazy, but it seems like you have fallen through some sort of portal. You rummage...
  12. GojiBean

    Digital Pokemon OC

    Okay. Normally I don't share art since I'm not very confident in my art skills. But this time I actually think something turned out nice, so I thought I'd share and see what folks think! Credit for the face, namely the eyes and shape of the head, and the hairstyle goes to Skchkko whose art I...
  13. GojiBean

    Fandom Pokemon: Legends Foretold (Kanto)

    (Logo created using: Pokemon 3D text | Text Effect Generator | TextStudio) Time: 7:03am The morning sun creeping over the horizon. A cool, gentle breeze flowing through her hair. The sound of the city sleepily rising with the dawn. The road to Celadon City lay just beyond the horizon...
  14. AngelCloud

    Fandom Pokemon rp anyone?

    Ah, the world of Pokemon. Likely the most well known franchise in the history of ever. And i have a craving for it. So! Let's get right into the Pokemon searching and start catching them all shall we? First and foremost while i have yet to play every single main game in the franchise, These...
  15. temporarybliss

    Multiple Settings Help! Which group should I make???

    Hi all! I have two very different ideas for groups that I'd want to make, but really don't have the time to run both rn. So, please help me decide! 1. Pokemon Destinies - A story based Pokemon roleplay with a set plot that also allows for world building, relationships and lots of pokemon! 2...
  16. GojiBean

    Fandom Pokemon: Legends Foretold (Characters OOC)

    @Life. @Levi_Ijin @Phayne @kasigi @PainterFight @MrBrown @asphodelus @RulerOfChad Here is the Characters OOC page! When ready, please post your characters here and please be sure to follow the guidelines in the coded Character Skeleton. Remember, paragraph format for Personality and Bio. And...
  17. GojiBean

    Fandom Pokemon: Legends Foretold Interest Check (CLOSED)

    HOYO!! I'm a glutton for punishment, it seems. Lol. Anyway, welcome to my Pokemon: Legends Foretold Interest Check! By the by, this RP won't be closed for entry. Anyone is free to request to join at any time. However, please be mindful that you will not be allowed to simply start posting in...
  18. Foster

    Fandom Origea region, come explore a completely new Pokémon region! (18+ closed for now!)

    https://www.rpnation.com/threads/origea-character-sheets.531020/ Hello one and all, it's your boy Guzma Foster, back from a very lengthy hiatus. Whilst I've been away from RPN I've been working other things, the biggest of which is a fan made Pokémon region for me to use as the basis for a...
  19. aspennotdental

    Fandom pokemon cc x cc interest check for 1 on 1!!

    hello!!! my name is aspen and i am very much interested in a 1 x 1 pokémon roleplay with canon characters! i want to be clear i am not interested in roleplaying as actual pokémon, moreso the human characters. specifically i am hoping to do a raileon (raihan x leon) or a raipiers (raihan x...
  20. Lyra1177

    Fandom Romance Pokemon RP: Silver x Lyra

    Plot: Lyra has been sheltered in her small town for most of her life. Because her parents had always made things easy for her, she didn't leave for her pokemon journey until she was a bit older than most. She just turned 18, watches several groups of kids leave town, is getting restless and...