ocs only

  1. m6rgolis_

    Multiple Settings fami's roleplay request. <3

    Hello, friends! <3 I'm looking to write some nice romance, or something slice-of-life with a partner. (OCs only, please). I'm heavy into writing in a semi-literate, or novella style with someone. (About 1000 words, and more!) Please be prepared to alternate writing scenes and action with me in...
  2. raucous

    Multiple Settings [[20+]] [looks directly into the camera] do you think Margaret Thatcher had gaslight gatekeep girlboss power?

    heyo, nice to meet you, I'm raucous in both name and spirit. I have brainworms that make me wanna write weird little fictional characters. happy to do it in DMs, a thread, or even Discord if that's more your jam. do be aware that I am 24 and uncomfortable RPing with anyone younger than 20. as...