magical girls

  1. Yunn

    Multiple Settings สš๐ฏ๐ข๐ซ๐ญ๐ฎ๐š๐ฅ ๐š๐ง๐ ๐ž๐ฅ ๐ฆ๐š๐ค๐ž๐ซษž

    text text header โ€virtual_angel_maker.exe NEW FILE? BASICS ANGEL EXTRA tabs start NEW FILE? BASICS ANGEL EXTRA fa-play supersonic - little winters virtual angel maker Welcome to the virtual angel maker! This is the main...
  2. Yunn

    Multiple Settings สš๐ฏ๐ข๐ซ๐ญ๐ฎ๐š๐ฅ ๐š๐ง๐ ๐ž๐ฅษž

    ไบ‘ / YUNN fa fa-signal fa fa-wifi fa fa-battery-half fa fa-lock 0:00 DAY MONTH YEAR VIRTUAL ANGEL AI I finally found you, my angel! virtual angel fa-globe shin sekai fa-sticky-note-o notes fa-play fa fa-user-circle characters fa-comments-o ooc...
  3. LuvMeLuvMe

    Multiple Settings Mahou Shoujo Wants! (action preferred)

    to be completely transparent with everyone: I want to write this genre as an excuse to create female characters with cute/badass personas that fight and beat things up. if you're still following - hi! I am an 18+ writer who likes anime, manga, comics, and other animated stuff! my interests...
  4. palmrrmountainpeak

    Fantasy Who wants to make a vegetable/fruit themed magical girl world with me?

    Hello, Hi, What's up? My name is Palmer, I am 28, I'm semi lit, I've been rping for 10+ years but haven been extremely active on here I've tried to find someone to rp with but it's been a struggle, so why not throw my hat in? General Info and Rules Please be 21+, it's just a preference as I get...
  5. Lordxana0

    Fantasy What Do You Mean I Have To Save The World Again? (a magical girl fantasy Isekai interest check)

    The evil organization has been defeated, the invaders have been repelled, the demons have been sealed back in the underworld. Across multiple timelines magical girls stand triumphant against all enemies of peace and freedom. With the end of their battles against the forces of evil they prepare...
  6. BattleshipNewYork

    Multiple Settings The Eternity War OOC AND PLOTTA!!!!!! (CLOSED)

    Haii! WELCOME TO ZA OOC MAI Frien- *Gak Cough, Cough, cough* sorry to happy at the moment lol. anyway here's the uhhh THREEEEEAAAD
  7. BattleshipNewYork

    Multiple Settings The Eternity War (Mahou Shoujo / Reincarnation) (CLOSED!)

    "โ‚›โ‚’ wโ‚•โ‚โ‚œ แตขf แตขโ‚œ'โ‚› โ‚ gโ‚โ‚˜โ‚‘? โ‚โ‚—โ‚— แตข โ‚•โ‚แตฅโ‚‘ โ‚œโ‚’ โ‚›โ‚y แตขโ‚› แตข'โ‚—โ‚— wแตขโ‚™." -๐•ฑ๐–†๐–š๐–˜๐–™ All there's a saying of there being two forces both War and Games? But what if that war was a game? A game between two divine beings? Here's the Story of MAGI. A Story of what to believe and your choices. Backstory Long time...
  8. BackSet

    Realistic or Modern Rosemary Academy Student Dossiers (CS)

    Note: Do not post your character sheet in this thread unless I approve it. Thank you. Thaumetic Warrior Categories Explained: There are three categories of Thaumetic Warriors: Powerhouse, Defender, and Wild Cards. The three categories are described below: Powerhouse: Powerhouses are defined...
  9. BackSet

    Realistic or Modern Rosemary Academy for Thaumetic Warriors (A Magical Girl/Boy RP) [Interest Check] [FULL]

    There is great debate among historians as to how long Magical Girls have been around. Some say that Magical Girls have been around as long as humanity itself and the tales and myths of long lost societies were, in fact, stories of Magical Girls fighting monsters or each other. Others believe...
  10. Paradox9

    Multiple Settings Looking for Panfandom or Animanga friendly RP with Depth and Vision

    Preferences: Forum RP: A complete forum is a sign of effort from a rp creator to me. So it will always take precedence. The freedom to rp in various threads and enjoy evolving storylines that can carry over between threads has always been a draw. I don't like 1x1 unless it's part of a larger rp...
  11. TanteRegenbogen

    Fantasy Magical Girl Disaster: Reboot [Out of Character]

    This is where out of character stuff, discussion and lore goes in.
  12. TanteRegenbogen

    Fantasy Magical Girl Disaster: Reboot [Characters]

    Character template for magical girls: Name Member name Age (18 - 25) Gender (female or femboy) Appearance Freetime Clothing Member color Personal mascot Wand Weapon Personal abilities Personality Background Character template for villains: Name Villain name Age: (at least 18) Gender...
  13. TanteRegenbogen

    Fantasy Magical Girl Disaster: Reboot

    Note: Rebooted since most of the original roleplayers dropped off but there is still interested by new roleplayers. Some changes are made. Plot: Magical girls and the villains enjoy special powers such as identity concealment so that they aren't recognized in their daily lives when out of...
  14. AriAriAbabwa

    Realistic or Modern [CLOSED] Cosmic Crusade: a Magical Girl RP!

    // Header --- (Setup) // Header --- (Left Side) COSMIC CRUSADEMAGICAL GIRLS GALOREANIME INSPIREDSUPER-POWEREDMAHOU SHOUJO // Header --- (Right Side) // Second Page, Interest Check --- (Setup) // Second Page, Interest Check --- (Image) // Second Page, Interest Check ---...
  15. Dawnsx

    Fandom Puella Magi Site: Interest Check [CLOSED]

    ๐ฟ๐ธ๐น๐‘‡ ๐ต๐‘‚๐‘‹ < Back Xxx~Elena~xXX fa-solid fa-user Online Now! Last Updated: July 08, 20XX Send Message Instant Message Subscribe Roster: 4/5 ๐‘…๐ผ๐บ๐ป๐‘‡ ๐ต๐‘‚๐‘‹ July 06, 20XX Hunt Recruitment!! Hello to everyone who is reading this post (=^x^=)!! My name is Elena, and this is actually my first time...
  16. SweetsxGiggles

    Multiple Settings Magical Girl one x one? Fandom or not!

    Hiya! Iโ€™m in a huge magical girl mood! So Iโ€™m here lookinโ€™! I donโ€™t mind threads or messages, although messages could be easier! I am a 28 year old who loves to draw, and do rps! Although I havenโ€™t done rps away from friends in a while, so please be patient with me! C: Iโ€™m happy to bond over...
  17. redraider

    Realistic or Modern Magical and Middle-Aged

    Gm placeholder
  18. Vimi

    Realistic or Modern Tinted Mirrors

    Twinkles of starlight danced across the night sky, twirling around each other in a dance of eternity. In perfect harmony, choreographed throughout eons they inspired wandering eyes to glance up and wonder. She stood far below, pale arm reaching up, dipping into the pool of darkness. Yet, her...
  19. TanteRegenbogen

    Fantasy Mahou Shoujo Disaster [Characters]

    Character template for magical girls: Name Member name Age (18 - 25) Gender (female or femboy) Appearance Freetime Clothing Member color Personal mascot Wand Weapon Personal abilities Personality Background Character template for villains: Name Villain name Age: (at least 18) Gender...
  20. TanteRegenbogen

    Fantasy Mahou Shoujo Disaster [Out Of Character]

    This is the out of character thread for Mahou Shoujo Disaster. Please ask questions or voice ideas here.