
  1. Elvario

    Graded [Osun City] Forging for Tails

    This RP is part of the Isekai Hell universe. Check the links above to learn more about it. The RP will follow a fairly strict 48 hour (24 hour where possible) posting time between rounds, starting directly after each narrator post. Missing a round might not be the end of the world, but it's...
  2. seasonedcat

    Fantasy Upheaved Tapestries

    "Tis a strange thing that time fellow is, no? Most see her as a forever unchanging storm, some as a tempest who they can best, and many have long since surrendered to her. Fear or loathe her; we all belong to her. If only time were as simple as what mortals think, listen close as I tell...
  3. TheTimePiece

    Graded [Ryken City] Moonlight Visitor

    Welcome! This is a 1x1 part of Isekai Hell. If you stumbled upon this and are possibly interested in joining the rping community we call Isekai Hell (IH) Feel free to check out the OOC link above! Hope to see you there. Ryken Academy Nighttime had fallen over the academy, while some...
  4. LadyOfStars

    Graded [Osun City] The Postlude

    The Sun Court Setting: Location: Osun, Country of Sol Time of Day: 9am Weather: Chilly, Clear skies The disaster in Yemaya had finally been dealt with, the monsters plaguing the city were gone and many of the people who were dead or lost were now alive and back in their city. For all the...
  5. Azukai

    Fantasy ICE - A Litrpg Urban Fantasy - IC

    Realm Industries: Core Facility - Restricted Access Wing 1:48 am May 31st, 3032 "Of all the times." A middle aged man, showing signs of nervous fatigue, was hastily jogging through the restricted access wing. Had the incident waited twelve more minutes, it would have been his replacement's job...
  6. Azukai

    Fantasy ICE - A Litrpg Urban Fantasy: Lore

    Prologue "Dr. Takumi, it is such an honor to have you sitting here today." The live reporter was beaming with excitement as she turned to face the elderly man who sat in the chair adjacent to hers. Both of them were on the exclusive stage reserved for the special guests of the 28th Fall Game...
  7. Azukai

    Fantasy ICE - A Litrpg Urban Fantasy: Characters

    Here is the template for your character sheet. You do not have to follow the template's exact layout, just make sure your sheets contain all the information fields listed below The Application Window is: October 10-11, 2031...
  8. Azukai

    Fantasy ICE - A Litrpg Urban Fantasy: OOC

    Hello, this is the forum OOC for ICE. This roleplay uses discord as its primary OOC. You can join the server below. Discord OOC: Join the ICE - A LitRPG Urban Fantasy Discord Server! For any players who do not wish to use Discord, all roleplay updates and announcements will be cross-posted...
  9. Azukai

    Multiple Settings ICE - A Litrpg Urban Fantasy

    Hello, my name is Zuki! I'm not sure if this is a popular genre here on RPN, but I'm looking forward to seeing if there's any interest. Overall, I did my best to provide as much information about the roleplay without spoiling anything I have planned for the major plotlines, but if something does...
  10. Faynorae

    Graded [The Draumur Silva] Where Reality Ends, Escapists Dream.

    "At~ten~tion! โ˜† This forum roleplay is part of the universe of [Isekai Hell]! You are welcome to join if you read all of this and that~โ™ช" Time: 20:07(8:07 PM) Weather: Unusually Cold, Breezy. Location: Borders of the Fae See, Somewhere in The Draumur Silva Mentions: Elvario Hello and Welcome~...
  11. Lucipurr

    Fandom Sword Art Online // a rp

    Sword Art Online // a rp Welcome to Sword Art Online, a virtual reality mass multiplayer roleplay playing game. LOGIN: Koneko PASSWORD: *********** Welcome! You're character is one of thousands that have been given the grand opportunity to test out a very new experience, presented by yours...
  12. Lucipurr

    Fandom Sword Art Online // An Interest Check // Closed

    Sword Art Online . . . Welcome one and all to my SAO-inspired roleplay! This will serve as a post for both the interest thread and OOC. I figured that since, canonically, SAO was released yesterday, I would start my own small SAO group roleplay. Iโ€™m taking tons of inspiration from the light...
  13. SleepyConley

    Fantasy Where The Rain is Red - Isekai - Accepting

    Where The Rain is Red Page One, The Beginning Character Sheet - OOC โ•ฐโ”€โ”€โ•ฎ โ‡ โ•ญโ”€โ”€โ•ฏ Driving late one night, a group mixed with teenagers and young adults will wreck. A random cloudburst happened and it started raining so hard the road was difficult to see. It happened so fast, nobody had time...
  14. Ploegy

    Fantasy Heroes of Prophecy RP

    Designed and coded by Nano. Please do not remove the credits or claim the code as your own work. . . . // accents in the original code: color01 = pink color02 = blue color03 = yellow color04 = white // // title + full name // Prince of ZethaCassian Galahad // main image // // black...
  15. Ploegy

    Fantasy Heroes of Prophecy | Character Sheets

    CHARACTER SHEET Name: Age: Gender: Sexuality: Relationship Status: Species: Role: (hero/party member/ect. Include region) Appearance: Magic / Abilities: Weapons: Personality: History: Extra Info: THE CHARACTERS Obrua Hero: Stella - Staff - @Spoiled Bread Obrua Hero Party: Cassian Galahad -...
  16. Ploegy

    Fantasy Heroes of Prophecy | Fantasy Isekai

    PLOT for many decades, peace had graced the land of zetha and allowed its people to flourish, however, an old prophecy stated that peaceful times would be brought to a violent end. the guardians of the land would one day turn against the people and begin to rampage, bringing hordes of monsters...
  17. Novama

    Graded [Ghenitus] Flowers for Aljee (Nova x Ety)

    Mentions: @Etymarchen OOC: You may freely use skills, abilities, and titles as appropriate outside of combat. I'll let you know when in a situation not appropriate to use abilities freely. Time: 9:00am Weather: cool and breezy but comfortable in the sun Cooldown: TLDR: Post Listening...
  18. lumbago

    Fantasy STC - IC

    coded by uxie! fonts used: title script accent special script accent header subheader/accent body to replace fonts, add/replace them here, and then in the variables below under *fonts; check uxie's tech support in nine lives for more details ( โ€พฬ โ—ก โ€พฬ ) ----background image----...
  19. lumbago

    Fantasy [CLOSED] Slipped Through The Cracks [Genshin-inspired Isekai Roleplay]

    coded by uxie! fonts used: title script accent special script accent header subheader/accent body to replace fonts, add/replace them here, and then in the variables below under *fonts; check uxie's tech support in nine lives for more details ( โ€พฬ โ—ก โ€พฬ ) ----background image----...