
  1. RockNRollAllNite82

    Realistic or Modern College RP.

    @Elitope @RockNRollAllNite82 Class had let out on a Friday afternoon and the students flooded the hallway and campus of Grove State University. Some going home because they lived close to the school, some making plans with friends to go places and others went to the dormitories to unwind for...
  2. Valery...just uhm Valery

    Fantasy Looking for long-term rp partners.

    I have posted this prompt before, though it never gained much traction. So, like a broken record, I will post it again, because I like it very much. 💛 This roleplay is originally meant to take place in the late 1890s around Canada's North-west territories. This can be turned into a medieval...
  3. Stormee Fae

    Fantasy City of Atlantis: Space Adventure/Drama RP Partner Search (hmu :D)

    Hello, Friends! *** If interested, please reply on this thread or DM me. If not, please leave me a bump for visibility *** I haven't roleplayed in many years and am looking to get back into it! I have an idea I really wanna play out that I think could be a lot of fun for anyone that likes...
  4. pandakatiefominz

    Multiple Settings Winter Break Means Time to Party

    It's winter break, babes, which means I have a lot of free time on my hands which was, not too long ago, inconceivable. And as always, I like to spend that time deeply entrenched in roleplays. Remember when you were writing a novel? I ask myself. Yes, I do, but writing a novel is difficult...
  5. theparlourghost

    Fantasy Seeking Partners!

    Welcome! I have been writing off and on for nearly a decade now-- from forums, to chat rooms, discord, and beyond. I've pretty much done it all. I work a full time job on top of other social and personal responsibilities. My schedule can be kind of wonky. I try my damnedest to maintain a...