dice system: exalted3e

  1. Red Shadow Claws

    [DB Exalted] The Sea of Mind

    In a foreboding forest in the north-east of Creation, dwells a group of Dragon-Blooded that are unlike anything else. Their view of the world is different, and in fact, can be quite skewed. But they consider themselved to be better, more perfect, and more in control than others of their ilk. And...
  2. Sherwood

    Trial by Fire - IC Thread

    This will be our IC Thread.
  3. Sherwood

    Trial By Fire Redux - Exalted 3e - CLOSED

    I have run my Exalted 2e game of Trial By Fire for many years here, and I am wanting to try to reboot it into the 3rd edition and start over with a new band of Exalts. I am going to open this up to let people play either a Solar or Lunar. All character creation rules are as per the books. The...
  4. Sherwood

    Lunar Fury - Exalted 3e IC

    Here is our IC thread. @Psychie @Rykon @Red Shadow Claws @D. Rex
  5. Sherwood

    Lunar Fury: Exalted 3e

    This game will be my first foray into Storytelling the 3e Exalted system, so hopefully there won't be too many mistakes. This is a Lunars only setting, with the shapeshifters the star of the show. Roughly one year ago, your characters all received their Exaltations in whatever part of...
  6. Red Shadow Claws

    Exalted 3e: What Falls at Greyfalls (DB game) [IC]

    Greyfalls, the city that boasted a natural wonder of 500' tall waterfall, split around a giant stone head, where a War Manse sits. Just a few years ago House Cynis has taken control of this satrapy, and with it, control of the Golden Road. But despite that, the city isn't much to look at, in...
  7. Red Shadow Claws

    Exalted 3e: What falls at Greyfalls

    Ah.. you might have sighed a sigh of contentment at being far from your House, and all their expectations of you, but then again, they saw you as failures, and sent you to this far and isolated place called Greyfalls. Will you wallow in mediocrity, or will you strive to show them that you're...
  8. jaydude

    Looking for Exalted 3E players

    Hey all. I'm currently looking for two more players for an Exalted 3E game I'm running, ideally a Night Caste and an Eclipse Caste. In terms of plot, the Chronicle is pretty much open-ended, with what happens depending on what your characters want to do, and how the game world reacts to their...
  9. jaydude

    Chronicle of the Scavenger Lands (Exalted 3E) - IC

    1st of Ascending Air, Realm Year 768 The last thing that all of you remember is being approached by a stranger. Try as you might, you cannot recall exactly what they looked like. You can remember their gender, but their hair, their apparent age, the color of their eyes, the shape of their...
  10. WlfSamurai

    Sorrow’s Reach - Exalted 3e

    This will be our IC thread.
  11. magnificentmomo

    The Fajadi Affair of Descending Fire RY 768 (Exalted 3e Dragon-Blooded) (IC)

    A time and place of meetings: Descending Fire, where the warmth of Summer blends with the cooling of winter to form Autumn; The Northwest, where the frigid reach of the Elemental Pole of Air is washed over by the temperate waves of the Pole of Water; Finally, Fajad's South Bank Bazaar, where the...