dice system: dnd5e

  1. Shadeofshade

    Waterdeep Dragon Heist (Closed)

    Due to some people dropping out I have at least 2 spots for players. Please read the thread Waterdeep Dragon Heist (closed) and if interested then please let me know.
  2. ElegyHydrangea

    The Last Stand

    Cataclysm has struck. A magical prison holding some of the most dangerous and vile creatures known to existence has been destroyed, making way for a terrifying Legion to quickly ravage its way to the conquest of the Plane of Khalamir wherein it resides. The Legion's ultimate aim? To seize the...
  3. HexDreams

    Noob DM looking for Noob players (closed)

    Hello! I'm Hex, a noob DnD Dungeon Master looking to start the Mines of Phandelver starter campaign with a few players. It will be play by post, and some parts of it will require you to be in a discord server where we will handle rolls and such, so please be sure you're okay with that before...
  4. ElegyHydrangea

    Godspeed! - IC Thread

    @Chordling @PatriasLover @Psychie @Idea @Sherwood @Junn @Ian Temero Lore Doc ————————- All of you have just received a mysterious invitation to the Qymu Principality - specifically, a hilltop manor operated by a cryptic individual whom little is known of except for his name - Lord Wesley -...
  5. SpazTheButcher

    Looking for people who want to use brute force and similar tactics to slaughter their way through a dungeon

    As the name suggests, I am starting a 5e campaign. I have a homebrew world, and lore and the whole spiel. Just a heads up the first mission will gauge where you all are as players. The last group didn't do to well (We had a 20% casualty rate, which is not entirely my fault), so I am still...
  6. Chordling


  7. Junn

    D&D 5e: Seeking DM and Players! PbP

    Hello, hello! The name’s Junn, and I’m looking for a few other players as well as a Dungeon Master for a 5e game! I personally don’t mind what the game is, be it a homebrew of some kind or a pre made campaign. I have experience with D&D and consider myself to be pretty flexible as far as roles...
  8. PatriasLover

    God is dead, but the Revolution Lives

    One by one, the four adventurers filed into the back room of a small tavern, into a room clearly meant for storage. The cold stone walls, roughly hewn, were covered in a row of floor-to-ceiling racks, filled with balls of mead, wine, as well as other spirits, most labeled in common. the setting...
  9. PatriasLover

    God is dead, but the Revolution lives

    Sup comrades! My name is Patria (they-them pronouns please :D)) and I shall be your dm! however before we get into the world, I must give a TW. This game is one that covers very touchy things, such as religious and racial persecution. For those of you who are triggered by this, I completely...
  10. Idea

    Storm Over Rivayle

    Storm Over Rivayle Nearstream Camp Travel by cart might not be the most comfortable thing in the world, but it was certainly easier than having the whole group come by horse and without question more affordable than either that or taking the Magitrain to get here. That later point was...
  11. Idea

    Storm Over Rivayle (D&D 5e Campaign) (Currently Full)

    Rivayle, land of bullets and sand. It is a dog eat dog world, and at the top of it stand the three demigods known as the titans: Through the terror she so loves, Nahtnaught, the Titan of Force, reigns over the outlaws and the unwelcome in polite society. The law in turn, is commanded by Vincent...
  12. BittyBobcat

    Travelers of Ragoreth

    It does not rain in the city of Theb. Floodplains may leave windows facing walls of water for weeks on end and the mud-caked ground may arguably be more liquid than earth, but these are all problems of the outside—it does not rain in the city of Theb. The glistening mountain of a city is...
  13. skydude808

    LFG as player or beginner DM

    LFG as player or begginer DM.
  14. skydude808

    Lost city of the Dragon Queen

    Hello, I'm working on a DND campaign and would love some people to help me test it out. Deep in the Kalizar jungle, the city of Telepo stands at the base of an extinct volcano. For the last fifteen years Telepo has seen a period of unprecedented growth going from a simple town to a large city...
  15. BittyBobcat

    CLOSED Travelers of Ragoreth - Post-apocalyptic DnD 5e Campaign (DnD Newbies welcome!)

    CLOSED (Credit for the general shape of the map goes to Azgaar's Fantasy Map Generator) Any child could tell you the tale of the Old Ones—a handful of beings so powerful that their disputes left scars on the world which haven't healed in the thousands of years since their creation, and...
  16. Shadeofshade

    Waterdeep Dragon Heist (closed)

    I am looking for 4-6 players to play a game of D&D so I can maybe get some more experience as a DM. The game will be: Waterdeep Dragon Heist Starting at level 1 Stats and starting gear will be decided by rolling for it. Gear you get from backgrounds are fine. Starts in winter. Anything from the...
  17. Noam

    Escape From the Abyss

    Sleep in the Underdark isn’t exactly restful. Ever since arriving here you’ve been plagued by constant nightmares whenever you close your eyes. It’s not clear if this is some kind of magical effect that the drow have placed on your cell, or if it’s just a side effect of having one of the worst...
  18. A Sparkling Zombie

    Dragon Heist (5e)

    Waterdeep: Dragon Heist Alexandrian Remix You have found yourself in Waterdeep and are in need of work, so to the Yawning Portal you've come. You have established a contact there who may be able to point you to someone in need if you ask, or perhaps the contact has already notified you about a...
  19. Noam

    CLOSED: Escape From the Abyss: a 5e Underdark PBP Campaign

    Captured by the drow! You wouldn't wish this fate on anyone, yet here you are--locked in a dark cave, the cold heavy weight of metal tight around your throat and wrists. You are not alone. Other prisoners are trapped in here with you, in an underground outpost far from the light of the sun. You...
  20. Oumscar

    Call to people who like DND!

    Waaaaaassup ya'll! I'm looking for a group of 4-5 people to play in a 5e campaign I've been wanting to DM! I'm super excited for this, so I didn't have the patience to write out a whole thang, but here's a brief summary of what I had in mind: The city of Nightfall was the shining capital of...