In the world of Avideanne humanity has begun to cast away their supernatural beliefs, the age of magic finally beginning to pass on. However that is not to say that all things supernatural don’t still exist, however they’ve had to hide from the wider world. Existing in small communities within...
Looking for one to two other folks, so this could potentially be a 1 on 1 roleplay. A small group roleplay would be preferred!
It is two hundred trine (years) before the Gelfling Jen and Kira reunite the Crystal with its lost shard. The self-proclaimed Lords of the Crystal, the Skeksis, rule...
September 1st, 1971, Sirius Orion Black was finally going to Hogwarts. The eleven year old boy had been looking forward to this for a long time. It wasn’t for the reason that one would think though. It was because most of all, Sirius couldn’t wait to get away from his family. His father and...
The Day The World Changed
Infected crops changed the world when a fungal infection (Cordyceps) turned people into infected. The infection starts with stage 1 runners and gets progressively worse for the person. The world changed on 09/26/2013 and a pair of childhood sweethearts living in...
STRANDED Snow swirled and gently fell from the grey sky as cars steamed slightly in the parking lot, having idled for far too long, and the cable car cables groaned in protest from use. Footprints all went in the same direction, waiting for the next available lift up the mountain, pressing...
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one x one tale by faerylunala & stormcaller...
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Welcome to 𝐃𝐀𝐖𝐍's applications! Please fill out the application below! If you do not see a role you would like to play, please DM me the role/idea you have and I'll see if I can make it work! DO NOT apply for a role you think of before contacting me! If you have any questions regarding the...
You'd think after the third time of stopping some type of massive moving automobile, other companies would take note and maybe do some recalls or repairs or something to make sure it doesn't happen again. Of course, it wasn't the stereotypical "train that's unable to stop heading for a hole in...
About me!
Hi, I'm SillyString! I'm a college student doing online RP for almost 6 years now, and I've been writing in general for much longer. I'm currently looking for a couple of people who'll RP with me and are willing to have some fun. This will be first come, first serve because I don't...
The salt-tinged air of Dragonstone swept through the chamber, carrying with it the faint roars of dragons echoing from the distant peaks. Aegon Targaryen, the Conqueror, stood by the window of his stone-walled study, gazing out at the churning sea, seeing but not entirely intaking. Thus...
Somewhere in the French countryside...
This wasn't even supposed to be his main prerogative; this was just supposed to be a scouting mission.
The two fighter planes screeched through the air in the French countryside, dancing around each other like mating birds as the bursts of their armaments...
Life in a Quarantine Zone
FEDRA ( Federal Disaster Response Agency ) runs the Denver Quarantine Zone. FEDRA seized control of the U.S. government and armed forces in order to set up the quarantine zones (QZs) and they imposed martial law. In these QZs, soldiers prevented citizens from leaving...
It's been three years since Hyzen Alanis' sister was killed in an underground fight. Felicity died in the ring while fighting an opponent that scarred the MMA community forever. Her opponent, Harper Lionel, killed her and rumor has it, the more pain inflicted, up to and including death, the more...
Finnarion Swift preferred the simple things in life. A hearty meal of fish, grain, and berries for dinner. A warm bedroll by the fire. A canopy of stars above him. These things gave him joy, true joy, in a way that other things couldn't. Fresh air, a babbling brook, warm sunshine. It was heaven...