In the year 2024, humanity was cursed with the gift of magic. The average human could now wield incredible power, enough power to rival the machines of war known as AWU's or Armored Warfare Units. Order fell, as entire continents became engulfed in war. After 15 years, and over 2 billion dead...
Yggdrasil City
Yggdrasil City, the capital of Vital for beginning trainers, a tourist attraction, and where several events take place. Today happens to be the annual gathering between the President and the Cross Agency at headquarters. The Elites have gone ahead to attend the conference leaving...
You are dead. At least you were. You lived your life, perhaps it wasn’t all good. Maybe you were a terrible person, maybe you just made some honest mistakes. Whatever the reason your soul was bound for an underworld that was not gonna be pretty. Yet as your soul hurtled towards the gates of Hell...
Hello! My name is Hein/Haine. I'm 28yrs old, nobinary(he/they), a barista working on my graphic design degree, portfolio, and expanding my art skillset! I'm looking to starting rping with other people again!
I’ve been roleplaying for over 15 years. I took a break from new partners and now I’m...
Somewhere in the Shining Park suburban housing development, in the city of Sunset Gates...
"GAHHH THIS GAME SUCKS!" Renee Walker wailed, tossing her phone into the fortunately rather soft carpet of her bedroom floor. "A hundred rolls and the best you can give me is a shitty dupe of US Dollar...
Of the many legends told concerning ancient days, one period stands out for the epic clashes between great men and women, Heroes and Villains alike. And though called the Righteous Age, in truth it was a time of pure might. One where wrongs were commonplace and those that defended the weak were...
Character Sheet
Here is the Character Sheet! If you want to be a spy for Team Eclipse P.M. me for details. I will be adding your character to the Roster once completed and accepted. You can design or add whatever you want to it as long as it has the following requirements.
If you're curious...
Hello theydies and gentletheys!
I recently got a vague idea for an old western style rp with the twist that its also a fantasy. Think Red Dead Redemption meets lord of the rings or some other fantasy-genre media of your choice lol.
So far I have humans, Elves, and centaurs for Playable Races...
Hullo everybody, I've been dipping my toe into 1x1 stuff more frequently after a long period of mostly sticking to group RPs. At this juncture I thought it would be helpful to put up a search thread and hopefully meet some partners with similar tastes. I am in my late (late) twenties, LGBTQ+...
Vital Region
The Vital region is a large continent, home to a prodigious cherry blossom. This tree is the essence of life. It gave birth to four legendary Pokémon to protect it, and maintain order. All four Pokemon eventually became known as the embodiment of seasons: spring, summer...
For eons the Mortal Realm was a deadly and inhospitable battleground, where Demon Lords sent forth their minions through cracks in reality to reap the souls of humans. Different Demonic Realms clashed and fought over this precious commodity, and humanity could do little more than suffer beneath...
Welcome to the kingdom of Rotix.
For one reason or another you are on death row, ready to face the death penalty. However you are saved by the bell when portals to an all consuming void begin to appear around the kingdom. These void pits are home to some of the most disgusting, despicable...
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***to use either title, make sure display:none is on the title you are /not/ using and not on the title you /are/ using
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Hello! My name is Dvds12, and I am a 24-year-old female who uses She/ Her pronouns. I am looking for a couple of new rp partners who share my love for world-building and storyline creation. I love romance, action, fantasy, and Slice of life.
About Me:
My average post length is 2+ paragraphs...
Hi this is just a simple roleplay search. I'm looking for somebody to roleplay with. I like doing male and female pairings with a female writer playing the female character. I roleplay on mobile so I hope that isn't a problem if it is let me know. I'm pretty literate and I'm good at grammar and...
“Let’s take it from the top, shall we?”
“Understood, ma’am.”
Holoscreens and consoles across the cabin began to light up, a sweeping flash of color filling the room as the cyborg laying on the table swung her legs off and sat up. As her pink hair swung down to hang in front...
Hello this is Shadow and I am looking for people who are interested in doing a Yu-Gi-Oh Arc-V RP with me. The idea I have in mind is a Isekai setting and I am ok with it not being one, but I already have a prompt all made for it if you desire along with a little thing to help us.
Plot: We were...
It was chaos. Shots were fired on both sides; one was pinned down in the woods by the other. A small family isolated from the rest of their group; doing their best to stay alive. Filthy, exhausted, pushed to their limit. One was too slow to react...The sound of a bullet echoed throughout the...