Search results for query: *

  1. Azurian Dream

    Fandom Persona 5: The Meta War CLOSED

    ~Where The Sun Sets On The Ocean~ @Nellancholy @Anthem @That Weird girl @Maeve Valor With Swan's orders given out in full a trigger clicked within the group as the Necronomicon shot off at full speed ahead. "Trust me I am trying to," Oracle yelped to Heartbreak fighting the mental stress that...
  2. Azurian Dream

    Fandom [IC]The Veil To Spurn: A Digimon Survivor Tale

    Vibing In the Forest Faction Team: Lounging Team: @Twist (Kimi/Tentomon) @galvanismgal (Mei/Black Gabumon) @Mirai-chan (Leonard/Dracomon) Objective: Explore, and Experience the Forrest Faction Settlement Extra Objective: Keep Mei/Dracomon out of trouble... good luck Kimi...
  3. Azurian Dream

    Fandom [IC]The Veil To Spurn: A Digimon Survivor Tale

    Main Road Event: Search Team: @Azurian Dream (Raven/Wormmon), @ScatheAriiasqDrayceon (Arii), @Matreania (Eliam/Salamon), @Anorgos (Roisin/Lopmon) @RedArmyShogun (Ji-Su/Commandramon), @Pumpkid (Impmon) Objective: Find Out What Happen To The Forrest Faction Team Extra Objective: Retrieve...
  4. Azurian Dream

    Fandom [IC]The Veil To Spurn: A Digimon Survivor Tale

    Side Road Event: Lounging Team: @galvanismgal (Mei/Black Gabumon), @Mirai-chan (Leonard/Dracomon), @Twist (Kimi/Tentomon) Objective: Explore, and Experience the Forrest Faction Settlement Extra Objective: Keep Mei/Dracomon out of trouble... good luck Kimi... Leonard...Tentomon.... and Black...
  5. Azurian Dream

    Fandom [IC]The Veil To Spurn: A Digimon Survivor Tale

    Main Road Event: Search Team: @Azurian Dream (Raven/Wormmon), @Pumpkid (Impmon), @RedArmyShogun (Ji-Su/Commandramon), @ScatheAriiasqDrayceon (Arii), @Matreania (Eliam/Salomon), @Mirai-chan (Leonard... Maybe) Interaction: Kimi @Twist Objective: Find Out What Happen To The Forrest Faction Team...
  6. Azurian Dream

    Fandom [IC]The Veil To Spurn: A Digimon Survivor Tale

    As Eliam, and Ji-su made their introductions Gabriel simply watched the new Sky Fallers. Even with a tired appearance his eyes were snapping between them all as if analyzing them on the spot from one to the next. His eyes however halted on Arii for a moment... however quickly moved to Mei who...
  7. Azurian Dream

    Fandom Persona 5: The Meta War CLOSED

    ~To Be Overwhelmed~ @Anthem @That Weird girl Things rapidly kicked off as the duo charged the spider with Panther unleashing a bright flame before taking a few hits from suppressive fire. Arachnee smiled at these Phantom Thieves as they were already near depleted ripe for the taking to snatch...
  8. Azurian Dream

    Fandom [IC]The Veil To Spurn: A Digimon Survivor Tale

    Raven watched Arii attentively like her namesake, Arii spoke venom words again with every intent on coming off hostile and unwanted. Yet this time they were different they were more dark yet Raven noticed a more calm frustration behind them. As they stood face to face with them their final words...
  9. Azurian Dream

    Fandom [IC]The Veil To Spurn: A Digimon Survivor Tale

    ~Top Of The Mountain of Issues~ Chel raised a eyebrow as Kimi interjected with another question. Turning to the card battler Chel surprisingly didn't answer immediately seemingly mulling how best to explain the answer to that question. It wasn't a stupid question by any means... but the truth...
  10. Azurian Dream

    Fandom [IC]The Veil To Spurn: A Digimon Survivor Tale

    "Sounds like you will be able to put those skills to test by keeping us alive its good to have you Ruth," Raven chimed to the hesitant girl glad that they had someone with medical experience in their group no doubt a much needed skill as Raven knew only first aid at best. The dark skinned girl...
  11. Azurian Dream

    Fandom [IC]The Veil To Spurn: A Digimon Survivor Tale

    ~The Sea of Things To Come~ @ScatheAriiasqDrayceon @Scatterbrain @Twist @Anorgos @galvanismgal @Mirai-chan @Pumpkid Chel watched Arii with a attentive focus from what Betamon had shared the fake digimon seemed obsessed to claim Arii no matter the cost much like how the one she had watched...
  12. Azurian Dream

    Fandom [IC]The Veil To Spurn: A Digimon Survivor Tale

    ~Unusual Change of Circumstances~ @Scatterbrain @Twist @Mirai-chan Hilarious albeit a bit cruelly Chel herself didn't think nothing of the kiss she had given to Leonard as she profusely finished making some details notes in her notepad before slamming it shut as she turned to the sleeping...
  13. Azurian Dream

    Fandom Persona 5: The Meta War CLOSED

    ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ~Interrogation or Confession~ @Maeve Valor At first it seemed she aimed...
  14. Azurian Dream

    Fandom [IC]The Veil To Spurn: A Digimon Survivor Tale

    Rescue Party Team: @galvanismgal (Mei / Black Gabumon) / @Venchi1986 (Elecmon) / @Anorgos (Roisin / Lopmon) / @Pumpkid (Ruth / Impmon) / @ScatheAriiasqDrayceon (Arii) @Azurian Dream (MetaSeadramon) MetalSeadramon awkwardly listened in on all the conversations taking place on his back coming to...
  15. Azurian Dream

    Fandom [IC]The Veil To Spurn: A Digimon Survivor Tale

    "Raven Clow" "Wormmon" (Yet again props to @Pumpkid these character art renditions and coloring of the digivices are so freaking amazing.) ...................................................... Beach Fight Team @Azurian Dream...
  16. Azurian Dream

    Fandom Persona 5: The Meta War CLOSED

    ~Disturbing the Disturbed~ @Maeve Valor @Anthem @Nellancholy Cryptic could only watch out in the distance as Tragedy, and Countess continued their bloody dance. The smaller boy was still pretty far away, and with such constant movement he wasn't going to catch up anytime soon. Quickly this was...
  17. Azurian Dream

    Fandom [IC]The Veil To Spurn: A Digimon Survivor Tale

    As Raven got over her initial shock of Wormmon she watched the chaos of dissociation, or more so high acceptance of the situation different between everyone she had fallen with, and reaction to their... Digimon. Her brother would be so jealous of this situations... she hoped he was okay, and not...
  18. Azurian Dream

    Fandom [IC]The Veil To Spurn: A Digimon Survivor Tale

    Chel was immediately to laugher at the first question to escape the group's mouth Mei in particular about economic stability, or lack of to be more blunt. It was followed by a more direct approach to her partner in a way that was meant to derive some sort of offer or gesture. Chel could tell Mei...
  19. Azurian Dream

    Fandom [IC]The Veil To Spurn: A Digimon Survivor Tale

    Raven watched as one of the fellow victims went blazing about as if looking for something to hide behind or latch to. Another girl screamed about evil, and hell acting as if they were all dead. This was a pretty chill hell so far to be honest if that was the case. As Raven stood up as another...
  20. Azurian Dream

    Fantasy ⊞Mistwalker Logs

    Octavius "Oct" Halbervi - AIMC Mistwalker Squad No.13 Airship, Open Skies, Northwest Gerralia "Well this is not what anyone could have guessed," Oct mumbled in surprise to the girl dropping from the tree fully decked out in AIMC gear with a Squad number that for all intents and purposes... did...