Search results for query: *

  1. animeloulou

    Realistic or Modern The Bad Boy and the Good Girl

    He took his time getting to the campus and to the class. He wasn't the type of guy who was overly concerned with being early to anything educational. Maybe if he was more concerned with the material being taught... He spotted her straight away. Being the meticulous student that she appeared, he...
  2. animeloulou

    Realistic or Modern The Bad Boy and the Good Girl

    He watched as she gathered up her belongings and began to leave, nodding farewell as she walked away. He stared down at the notes she had left, sighing as he twiddled the pen between his fingers. He hadn't meant to continue the conversation with her. Normally in that situation, he would just...
  3. animeloulou

    Realistic or Modern The Bad Boy and the Good Girl

    He watched her talk about her family, who from the sounds of it seemed like the picture perfect family that you'd see on TV shows. Too perfect. He wasn’t going to tell her that, so instead he listened as she explained her motives. "Seems like you've got your mind in the right place, unlike some...
  4. animeloulou

    Realistic or Modern The Bad Boy and the Good Girl

    A chuckle escaped his lips. It sounded hollow and bitter to his ears, but he continued on regardless. "I'm majoring in Business Administration and Management... Yes, hold your excitement, it's as thrilling as it sounds. I hate it. As for after college... well let's just say I won't be going...
  5. animeloulou

    Realistic or Modern The Bad Boy and the Good Girl

    He pulled out his own notebook, which had been barely used, and a pen from his backpack and placed them on the table. Nodding a little in thanks, he proceeded to copy down the words and the diagrams. He wasn't in the mood for talking, but the silence that settled between them unnerved him. She...
  6. animeloulou

    Realistic or Modern The Bad Boy and the Good Girl

    From his vantage point underneath one of the countless trees on campus, he could see quite a lot. Countless individuals rushing to get to class, relaxing, having social lives... He figured that it was going to be like this for however long he'd be here - didn't mean he'd have to get used to it...
  7. animeloulou

    Fandom Power Rangers: Rebirth (OGSG x animeloulou)

    Suzy couldn't help but bow slightly as apologies flew from her mouth. It was a stray habit that always seemed to appear whenever she was being reprimanded, kind of like right now. At home, it meant something to her cultural heritage. Here, however, she just looked stupid. "Of course! One beer...
  8. animeloulou

    Fandom Power Rangers: Rebirth (OGSG x animeloulou)

    Justin sighed as he made his way into Angel Wings. If this was high school, he would have been the guy that everyone wanted to be with, as a friend and as a one night stand. Instead, he was the one who was slinking into the club, as if he had missed the invite. Nevertheless, he plastered on his...
  9. animeloulou

    Fandom Power Rangers: Rebirth (OGSG x animeloulou)

    "Did it ever occur to you, Cammie, that maybe I really don't want a guy to notice me tonight?" Lauren spun around on her desk chair, just finished with the mini mirror in one hand and the mascara wand in the other. She was clearly dressed for the occasion with a simple little strapless black...
  10. animeloulou

    Curiosity killed the Cat (1x1 w/ animeloulou)

    Maybe it was her Asian features or maybe it was her painfully obvious lack of grasp on the English language. Maybe it was both, So Ra wasn't sure. Whatever the case, the man had come to the realisation that he couldn't go wrong with adding a few hand gestures to his words, to which she was...
  11. animeloulou

    Curiosity killed the Cat (1x1 w/ animeloulou)

    Lizzy nodded happily as she scribbled down the request, making her way behind the counter as she began to make the young man's drink. She nearly jumped a mile when a silent So Ra appeared behind her with an apologetic pat on the shoulder. "Thanks for helping me out... My Mother..." Lizzy let out...
  12. animeloulou

    Curiosity killed the Cat (1x1 w/ animeloulou)

    So Ra had just finished dealing with another customer who had entered, returning to the counter for a just a moment until she spotted a movement in the corner of her vision. The young man seemed to be ready to order. She was about to visit his table when Lizzy shouted from the office, just loud...
  13. animeloulou

    Curiosity killed the Cat (1x1 w/ animeloulou)

    She had approached the man, like Lizzy had instructed, asking politely if he needed any help, yet once she had done so, the young man had completely froze, staring at her such in a way that So Ra felt as if he was taking in every part of her. It was a little strange, actually, if she could say...
  14. animeloulou

    Curiosity killed the Cat (1x1 w/ animeloulou)

    Glancing out of her apartment window as she popped the last nondescript hair-clip into her hair, So Ra let a small smile pass by her lips. Rain, again... It was strange, the sound of the raindrops softly making contact with the glass had once seemed to be painfully obvious in her mind, but as...
  15. animeloulou

    Wait... (An animeloulou & FreeMustang RP)

    (Some inspiration :P )
  16. animeloulou

    OHSHC - Between the Lines

    Mori didn't know what to say or what to do. Those men had... No. He wouldn't let his mind imagine. It hurt him, angered him just thinking about it. Instead, he pulled away from her, just enough so that he could cup her cheeks with his hands. He spoke to her in a pleading voice, trying...
  17. animeloulou

    OHSHC - Between the Lines

    Mori watched Asuka as she curled up her knees to her chest, as if she was trying to make herself as small as possible. As if she wanted to disappear. So he crawled over to where she sat, her body hunched over as she pressed her face to her knees, making the words she spoke muffled. He strained...
  18. animeloulou

    OHSHC - Between the Lines

    Mori stayed silent as Asuka spoke, struck dumb by the sheer extent of what could have happened to her during those few months that they were apart. Once she had finished, he raised his head, casting his gaze in the direction of her fragile figure. "I never said that! I... I just want the old...
  19. animeloulou

    Junpei x Chidori - Persona 3 RP :)

    As she lowered her gaze and began to walk down the street, she paused momentarily. She wasn't exactly sure where she was supposed to go. After all, her memories of her usual routine were 2 years old. However reliable were they? Trying not to be disillusioned, she spun around to walk back to...
  20. animeloulou

    OHSHC - Between the Lines

    "Why?" The word rolled off Mori's lips softly, coming out as a question as he stared down at the cold, hard concrete floor. "How the hell did you get mixed up in all of this? What happened to the waitress that I knew and lov... Whatever happened, I can help you! Just please don't try and do...