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  1. beautifulsweetsong

    My Super-natural friend

    "Yeah." She mumbled, smiling slightly. Sammi pushed her hair back and stretched her arms upwards.
  2. beautifulsweetsong

    Fantasy Living Like Two People

    ((The High Rulers are the Queens and Kings of Fable Lands. There is one for each kind of species. High Ruler of Elves High Ruler of Demons High Ruler of Angels High Ruler of Werewolves High Ruler of Vampires High Ruler of Faeries High Ruler of Dragons High Ruler of Phoenixes...
  3. beautifulsweetsong

    Fantasy Living Like Two People

    ((Yeah no biggie. ^^; I will try to get a brief run down of them all in the morning when I finish a project for a professor tomorrow. @w@))
  4. beautifulsweetsong

    My Super-natural friend

    Sammi gave a small groan and leaned against Arthur, "Five more minutes." She giggled.
  5. beautifulsweetsong

    Fantasy Living Like Two People

    ((They will be brought into the throne room to introduce themselves and afterwards the High Rulers will introduce themselves soon after.))
  6. beautifulsweetsong

    Fantasy Living Like Two People

    ((COLLEGE STUFF, DAMN. Being a first generation college students put a lot on my shoulders. ; ; Hi guys! I am so freaking sorry for my absence, but I came to a conclusion and we'll start off with them meeting the kings and queens. I'll give furthermore details in the morning when I'm actually...
  7. beautifulsweetsong

    My Super-natural friend

    Morning came around and Sammi woke up to Knight scuffling in the room with a tennis ball he found. She sat up rubbing her eyelids and smiled, "Morning Knight." He gave a bark, tail wagging.
  8. beautifulsweetsong

    My Super-natural friend

    Sammi gave a yawn and smiled before closing her eyes, "Good night Arthur."
  9. beautifulsweetsong

    My Super-natural friend

    Sammi got comfortable and turned her blue eyes to him, giving a small smile, "Man, when was the last time we shared a bed?"
  10. beautifulsweetsong

    My Super-natural friend

    She let out a yawn nodding her head, "Yeah, we should."
  11. beautifulsweetsong

    My Super-natural friend

    She stopped dancing her fingers in the palm of his hand and just rested her hand on top of his, Sammi gave a giggle, "Your hand is much bigger than mines, I just realized that."
  12. beautifulsweetsong

    My Super-natural friend

    Sammi gave a small smile and then began to dance her fingers in the palm of Arthur's hand.
  13. beautifulsweetsong

    My Super-natural friend

    "I've done it in the past if you remember the few days of school in the past when I didn't show up at all."
  14. beautifulsweetsong

    My Super-natural friend

    "Aye don't worry about it," She smiled and curled up close to Arthur.
  15. beautifulsweetsong

    My Super-natural friend

    (So sorry! I've been busy with my first semester of college and being new to it all has kept me busy and not just that but work, so apologies for the wait!) "Mmm, if you're not going out either, we should go to town then while he's up at the school. We won't be bothered there," Sammi smiled...
  16. beautifulsweetsong

    My Super-natural friend

    Sammi gave a sigh of relief and got up to open her blinds, the moonlight pouring in. Knight took a spot on the rug in the middle of her room and he did a couple of circles before plopping down comfortably. The female took a seat on the bed, and then plopped down, letting out a deep sigh, "Well I...
  17. beautifulsweetsong

    My Super-natural friend

    "Yeah," Sammi nodded her head, smiling before she took a seat beside Arthur and murmured, "Will you sleep by my side? At least tonight. . .it'll make me feel protected?"
  18. beautifulsweetsong

    My Super-natural friend

    "Yeah, it has been." She smiled slightly, rubbing the back of her head. Knight gave a bark to him, tail wagging.
  19. beautifulsweetsong

    My Super-natural friend

    Sammi gave him a peck on the face and Knight licked her face, she giggled pushing the dog's snout away. He gave a friendly growl, tail wagging.
  20. beautifulsweetsong

    My Super-natural friend

    Sammi laid down on the floor and Knight came to rest his head on her stomach, she gave a laugh and stroked his ears, "I'm glad my parents found me a companion."