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  1. HiyoPuushiie

    yo yo yo!

    yo yo yo!
  2. HiyoPuushiie

    Fantasy Grand Ultima

    "then what are you doing bloody???" she said looking suspiciously at Elijah
  3. HiyoPuushiie

    Fantasy Grand Ultima

    Ferena missed a lot...She was sleeping all along in her room. Then she woke up...she went outside because she was hungry, then she saw Ejijah snicking in Caddy's room... She looked and then shouted "Bloody!!! what are you doing!!!???"
  4. HiyoPuushiie

    Academia Manatia - A Myrian Life

  5. HiyoPuushiie

    Fantasy Grand Ultima

    \(-o-)/ "really bloody......" "btw...Riko my name is Ferena...Ferena Skai, ok?" she mistakenly said Riko instead of Rika (sigh)
  6. HiyoPuushiie

    Fantasy Grand Ultima

    " you're creepy..." backing away from Elijah
  7. HiyoPuushiie

    Fantasy Grand Ultima

    Meanwhile, Ferena slams her head on the table while they're debating or something...talking about the void earlier. "well......that was tiring" she muttered, all she wants was a little bit rest because holding up a barrier is exhausting. "Elf, do you even realize what just happened earlier?"...
  8. HiyoPuushiie

    Academia Manatia - A Myrian Life

    Good job @OnyxReaper :3 :3
  9. HiyoPuushiie

    Fantasy Grand Ultima

    "Aww~ Bloody is cute but weird..." she said while still struggling to hold the barrier. (referring to Elija) and now she looked at Amelia, she was surrounded by dark and light...which worries her but Ferena trust her, she'll be fine...(she hopes) Then Elija was hit by one of Caddy's...
  10. HiyoPuushiie

    Fantasy Grand Ultima

    It's okay Rhet! :3
  11. HiyoPuushiie

    Fantasy Grand Ultima

    "oh really? It ins't a person? Then...How can we smack this void..." she said. I did read some books though....but it was all about swords, bows and elves nothing about the Void...She thought
  12. HiyoPuushiie

    Fantasy Grand Ultima

    Ferena too was almost consumed by the void but then she heard a shout. "Small One! I didn't catch your name! What is this phenomena? Why are only we glowing!?" She then snaps out of it, and saw herself glowing too. Everything around her is destroyed except the in that they are staying in...
  13. HiyoPuushiie

    Fantasy Grand Ultima

    Alright everybody is here? Say Aye!
  14. HiyoPuushiie

    Fantasy Grand Ultima

    what do you think guys? should we still wait or not?
  15. HiyoPuushiie

    Fantasy Grand Ultima

    Ferena also trembling, followed Elena back to the inn...she could feel the Trees trembling too and the ground....something was there but she was unsure. She didn't even saw the beautiful falls which saddens her. Ferena now in Alert mode, a serious face can be seen on her. While walking...
  16. HiyoPuushiie

    Fantasy Grand Ultima

    OvO oohh!!!! what is this research paper guys???? :) ))
  17. HiyoPuushiie

    Fantasy Grand Ultima

    lol xD
  18. HiyoPuushiie

    Fantasy Grand Ultima

    *drinks tea* yeah I drink tea so what xD
  19. HiyoPuushiie

    Fantasy Grand Ultima

    then what if we all die right now......
  20. HiyoPuushiie

    Fantasy Grand Ultima

    no!!! <<Resurrection>>