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  1. The Dapper Mog

    Realistic or Modern THE WALKING DEAD - Our Broken World [IC - Open]

    Julianna With recent events, Julianna found herself distracted. Sure, she was still able to do her work without any difficulty, and she was still present in the moment. However, there were those short periods of time where she was daydreaming or simply lost in her own mind. Since she and Bella...
  2. The Dapper Mog

    Realistic or Modern THE WALKING DEAD - Our Broken World [OOC - Open]

    Suffice to say, things have been a whirl in my life and it's been hard to find time to breathe. But, I aim to try and get back on the horse. I think Josh is the only one who's interacted with my character, so let me see what I can do.
  3. The Dapper Mog

    Realistic or Modern THE WALKING DEAD - Our Broken World [IC - Open]

    Julianna Once Bella was in her arms, for Julianna, all semblance of time just seemed to fade away. Gentle caresses, skin to skin, short exhalations of heavy breaths...etc...They made their way to Bella's room, not particularly successful about maintaining a professional distance along the way...
  4. The Dapper Mog

    Realistic or Modern THE WALKING DEAD - Our Broken World [OOC - Open]

    Hey guys, I was just wondering how everyone felt about including things like flashbacks in posts? Also, if anyone wants to do any segments with Calliope (I haven't written for her yet) just let me know. Lol
  5. The Dapper Mog

    Realistic or Modern THE WALKING DEAD - Our Broken World [IC - Open]

    Julianna The raven haired woman would flash Binna a relieved smile, blushing a bit at some of her response. She clearly knew something about what was going on. Jeez, was she that obvious? The woman nervously adjusted her top a bit, following Binna's eyes and her collar to kind of hide her neck...
  6. The Dapper Mog

    Realistic or Modern THE WALKING DEAD - Our Broken World [IC - Open]

    Julianna A rush or adrenaline. A fresh drip of dopamine. Smell of sweat and something akin to lust. Surprise. Julianna herself was taken back by her brash behavior. She sas usually more composed. Calm and concise. But her need overpowered her judgment. A brief feeling of weightlessness, heavy...
  7. The Dapper Mog

    Realistic or Modern THE WALKING DEAD - Our Broken World [OOC - Open]

    People change all the time. This rp is promising, so we should have plenty of time to explore other avenues. ^_^
  8. The Dapper Mog

    Realistic or Modern THE WALKING DEAD - Our Broken World [OOC - Open]

    Oh, and also, I'm not trying to turn the rp into something it isn't. I will keep my romantic smut cooties to myself, don't worry. Lol
  9. The Dapper Mog

    Realistic or Modern THE WALKING DEAD - Our Broken World [OOC - Open]

    Feel better, Zen. Sickness is just awful, I know
  10. The Dapper Mog

    Realistic or Modern THE WALKING DEAD - Our Broken World [IC - Open]

    Julianna The giggles always made her stomach feel a little light and fluttery. Bella had such a cute laugh that matched her natural beauty perfectly, and it was always a pleasant sound that Julianna appreciated whenever she had the chance to hear it. The woman's eyes remained fixed on the...
  11. The Dapper Mog

    Realistic or Modern THE WALKING DEAD - Our Broken World [IC - Open]

    Julianna The night had been busy. Thanks to Bella, Julianna didn't have to worry about Calliope much tonight, so it gave her plenty of time to get things done and catch up on some more time consuming tasks. Presently, she was sitting at her desk, going over some last minute adjustments to her...
  12. The Dapper Mog

    Realistic or Modern THE WALKING DEAD - Our Broken World [IC - Open]

    Julianna Vacant and quiet patients weren't a problem for Julianna, not since her first few days on the job. Some people were too distracted, for some the pain was too much to allow the focus of dialogue, and others still were in the process of their trauma. The stare and look on his face told...
  13. The Dapper Mog

    Realistic or Modern THE WALKING DEAD - Our Broken World [IC - Open]

    Julianna - Faith, Nurse's Office Thus far the day had been pretty standard. Sure, it was a bit intense in regards to the team being sent out and the new people, but it still strongly beat out the earlier days of the apocalypse. The woman found herself in the Nurse's office, where she spent a...
  14. The Dapper Mog

    Realistic or Modern THE WALKING DEAD - Our Broken World [OOC - Open]

    Oh right, my bad. Yeah, let's go ahead and do that, and I'll jump back in (head first) when things advance
  15. The Dapper Mog

    Realistic or Modern THE WALKING DEAD - Our Broken World [OOC - Open]

    I'm back, baby! Work has been hectic and of course holiday blues, but, I'm ready to get back into the swing of things. What do you guys currently need from me, if anything?
  16. The Dapper Mog

    Multiple Settings Seeking Salvation (OOC)

    Just started a new job as well as some medical stuff and am SWAMPED. That being said, I still definitely want to run this, so please bear with me. I apologize and will probably add a couple more NPCs then start up an IC for us.
  17. The Dapper Mog

    Realistic or Modern THE WALKING DEAD - Our Broken World [OOC - Open]

    I have been enjoying everything so far. ^_^ Looking forward to getting eaten by zombjas. (Zombie ninjas)
  18. The Dapper Mog

    Realistic or Modern THE WALKING DEAD - Our Broken World [OOC - Open]

    Hot new post just dropped. Keep an eye out for my new album! By which I mean posts. I'm sorry, dumb joke. I'm not sorry.
  19. The Dapper Mog

    Realistic or Modern THE WALKING DEAD - Our Broken World [IC - Open]

    Julianna - Meeting Room, School Meetings like these were always uncomfortable. Julianna had never been particularly fond of stuffy board rooms and dour attitudes that were always present within them. Today was no exception. These meetings were mostly about bad news, after all, that was kind of...