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  1. C0balt0

    [Deathwatch] Mission 01

    Initiative 707
  2. C0balt0

    [Deathwatch] Watch Fortress Erioch

    I'll be on holiday since this thursday until september. I don't know how much I'll be able to post, and for sure it won't be a regular thing. Just wanted to let you know ;)
  3. C0balt0

    [Deathwatch] Mission 01

    Initiative 429 I'll let my teamleader go first
  4. C0balt0

    [Deathwatch] Watch Fortress Erioch

  5. C0balt0

    [Deathwatch] Mission 01

    Hyrion's autosenses started to glow with a faint red light as they spotted the battered point on the rear of one of the Chimeras. The Blood Raven lined up his shot and fired a semi-auto volley, not knowing where his battle-brothers were or who was left of the original kill team.
  6. C0balt0

    [Deathwatch] Watch Fortress Erioch

    went afk for the whole week end, sry for keeping you waiting
  7. C0balt0

    [Deathwatch] Watch Fortress Erioch

    These emperor-cursed chimeras won't go down...
  8. C0balt0

    [Deathwatch] Mission 01

    Roll for Initiative
  9. C0balt0

    [Deathwatch] Watch Fortress Erioch

    You lost? EDIT saw now your focus power test :)
  10. C0balt0

    [Deathwatch] Mission 01

    Wanting to hold his last krak grenade for futures encounters, Hyrion quickly scanned his memory files, trying to figure out how to stop the tanks in a bit more refined way 6718 "Maybe if I hit them with this pointed stick they'll stop..." If I can do another action beside the Tech-Use...
  11. C0balt0

    [Deathwatch] Mission 01

    Hyrion came out of his cover, assessing the situation, his visor gleaming with datas and formulas about the enemy forces and percentages of success of every course of action he might take 6664 Initiative is 10
  12. C0balt0

    [Deathwatch] Watch Fortress Erioch

    Done, apologies for taking so long
  13. C0balt0

    [Deathwatch] Mission 01

    Emerging from behind his cover and knowing well the weak spots on a Chimera armor, Hyrion aimed his second grenade at the rear of the heretic tank
  14. C0balt0

    [Deathwatch] Watch Fortress Erioch

    Edited my older post to roll for the Righteous Fury
  15. C0balt0

    [Deathwatch] Mission 01

    Hyrion throwed the krak grenade in a high arc, aiming at the same heretic Chimera Sevolt attacked.
  16. C0balt0

    [Deathwatch] Watch Fortress Erioch

    Posting it right now, i've been without internet for 2 days straight
  17. C0balt0

    [Deathwatch] Watch Fortress Erioch

    hyrion at 13
  18. C0balt0

    [Deathwatch] Mission 01

    Hyrion stood behind cover on top of the left tower,waiting for the Chimeras to drive nearby, with his trusted bolter and a krakgrenade at hand
  19. C0balt0

    [Deathwatch] Watch Fortress Erioch

    Dafuq happened with the site?
  20. C0balt0

    [Deathwatch] Mission 01

    "Message sent, brother - leader. Confirmed ETA of 25 minutes. With your permission, I shall proceed to fortify our positions, starting with the left tower."