Search results for query: *

  1. Spiritual_Nightmare

    H-Hello fellow RPdom'ers...

    Oh, I don't mind Wolf. Call me anything that relates to my username, if you wish. WE CAN BE NAZIS TOGETHER! ONE FOR MOTHER RUSSIA! /horrible I will, thank you.
  2. Spiritual_Nightmare

    Music What are you listening to?

    Me? Oh...
  3. Spiritual_Nightmare

    March on Hearthroot (Systemless Fantasy Thread Roleplay)

    Okie dokie, I'm supremely interested and I'm EDIT: Hee limit Otherwise, I'm 'in'.
  4. Spiritual_Nightmare

    H-Hello fellow RPdom'ers...

    Okie dokie lokie, thank you for helping me out around here! Unpacking my bags is hard, but settling in seems nice owo
  5. Spiritual_Nightmare

    H-Hello fellow RPdom'ers...

    Okie dokie lokie, thanks for the info *hugs* Which reminds me...WHERE IS MY RULES MOM GAWD is there an example form or RP so that if I want to make an RP or efficiently create a form for one, I could know what to look up to?
  6. Spiritual_Nightmare

    H-Hello fellow RPdom'ers...

    Jeez mom, I know this already. Thanks for presenting it! I hope to finally get around here without tripping over someone's boots ^-^ or so they say Anyways, thanks for showing that! *pokes Alex* Is there places here that won't increase your post count? o-o usually there is every forum I've...
  7. Spiritual_Nightmare

    H-Hello fellow RPdom'ers...

    Oh. Well...that's a tough one, cause usually I just look at MLP:FiM in anime o-o I also look at dragon hybrid or whatever, it's usually what I'm trying to do at that specific moment. Horror, realistic and Fantasy, sometimes all at once. I love to get a good scare...from myself....*facepaw*
  8. Spiritual_Nightmare

    H-Hello fellow RPdom'ers...

    W-Well, I love...depends on what you mean on genres. For RPs, I enjoy a grammar-full fictional RP that has a good plot and is enjoyable to do owo For books, I love fiction, long books and fiction/nonfiction books. For music, I enjoy any genre, but I prefer anything like Aviators...
  9. Spiritual_Nightmare

    H-Hello fellow RPdom'ers...

    I'm kind of shy, please excuse me xD Anyways...where to begin, where to begin... Oh yes, with the basic info: Name: Spirit Reilly Age: 13 Hobbies: Playing Pokemon, watching MLP:FiM, being a brony, talking to people on different forums, dying, feeling awkward around new people Likes...