Search results for query: *

  1. e-Liz-A

    Other Because kitties. And puppies.

    Yeah, they're sweeties. ^______^ He's very loyal/clingy (and a total lapdog any chance he can get), she's very protective/eager-to-please ("Am I doing it right? Am I? You love me, right?").
  2. e-Liz-A

    Other Because kitties. And puppies.

    Here are my puppies: That's Maisie looking into the camera, and her brother's bum dangling in from off screen right. And that is "little" brother Danny, studiously applying himself to his second-favorite activity (number one is playing Stick, where he finds the eponymous tree bit, then...
  3. e-Liz-A

    Odd Couple Shipping!!

    John Rambo and Wilfred Teasle
  4. e-Liz-A


    Once upon a time, and very badly, the trumpets blatted a greeting far too soon. ^^ Thankfully, you don't have to sit through that now.
  5. e-Liz-A

    A Journey?

    Actually, Homo floresiensis has only been found in Indonesia, not South America, though that area is rife with jungles and rainforests, among other terrain types. ^______^
  6. e-Liz-A


    Steve Jackson used to be a fairly regular attendee at CONduit until, iirc, we switched hotels around ten-twelve years ago. ^^ He was pretty nice.
  7. e-Liz-A

    Slice of another life style RP

    O.o Hadn't even thought of that, but god no. >.< ^______________________^ I like that idea. More to the point of the original suggestion, though... Maybe... I'd have to talk it over with my SO, but Lisa LOVES that era, so maybe. ^^ Regardless, it sounds like fun, even just to read.
  8. e-Liz-A

    TV & Film Star Wars

    "Only the Sith deal in absolutes." Unless one is a Jedi, in which case one also deals in absolutes, but lies out their ass about it... >.>
  9. e-Liz-A

    Other Because kitties. And puppies.

    Kyoot!! <3 /me wishes she had some vids, or even pickles, of her puppies for to share. ^^
  10. e-Liz-A


    True, in some ways. And Evil Stevie has mostly moved on to other interests the last... crap, quite a few years. :sweat: ... And now I'm realizing that the last time I saw him, he was doing his first push for lego pirates. O.o Damn.
  11. e-Liz-A

    Other Map fun

    ^_______^ Thank you! It's cool to see my home state, Utah, compared with my Lidi's, Victoria (hers is bigger O:) )
  12. e-Liz-A

    Gender Options that are not Male, Female, or Unspecified

    I actually try a slightly different approach: rather than trying to treat each person as an individual, I try to narrow my categories to fit as few people as I can manage—one person per, if possible, or just a handful if not—and try to make the generalizations that I do make about each category...
  13. e-Liz-A


    I would love to. :) Unfortunately for me, I've not had many opportunities to play comp-based games; my boxes simply aren't high enough spec for anything nice released in the past 3-5 years, and by the time I do manage to acquire one able to play whichever game, most of my friends are well and...
  14. e-Liz-A

    Gender Options that are not Male, Female, or Unspecified

    While the discussion of options in this regard is very good to hear, and the efforts that are being made even more so, it is worth pointing out that a lot of "nerd"-dom is not, in fact as "accepting" as they might like to congratulate themselves for. "Tolerating" is more the positive extremis of...
  15. e-Liz-A


    In my cynical attempt to accrue more postage, and because, hey, I might just meet or reconnect with some people here (also not discounting the insomnia due to lack of anti-anxiety meds, fsck you very much Medicaid), voilà, my introduction thread/post thingy... I am an atheist, progressive...
  16. e-Liz-A

    What's your favorite character sheet tool?

    Excel. ^^ I've found Anathema most useful for Exalted, with prior dips into EdExalted, and I've made any number of sheets in various word-processing programs as a step in learning not to use a word-processor to do a layout program's job, but really, when it comes down to just making the...